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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    The Jackal (1997)

    The original movie, Day of the Jackal is a fantastic cat-and-mouse movie where the antagonist uses his brains to accomplish his task. I would say that it is probably the most believable portrayal of an assassin in film. What I remember of the remake was that Bruce Willis' character had some auto-targeting minigun to assassinate his target. The antithesis of the original.
  2. Lando


    Ahem: http://www.amazon.com/Speak-Lindsay-Lohan/dp/B00065JTB0
  3. Lando


    I'll judge the hell out of Biebs as well.
  4. Lando

    Spawn (1997)

    I thought that Clownie was one of the less scary clowns I have seen.
  5. Lando


    It sounds like there will be enough to talk about in this movie and never utter "twerking."
  6. Point Break. I think that this is a genuinely enjoyable action movie, but it is riddled with dated cliches and it would be fun to hear them riff on things like "You're a real blue flame special, aren't you, son? Young, dumb and full of cum, I know. What I don't know is how you got assigned here. Guess we must just have ourselves an asshole shortage, huh?"
  7. Lando


    If you're a fan of the post-apocalyptic genre (which I am) then it's a decent film. There are some beautiful scenes, some well done special effects and cool soundtrack (kind of reminded me of Metroid)
  8. Lando


    I think he was asking why would Worker 49 think it was safe to goof off in the cabin if the world was uninhabitable, to the clone he was in a safe zone. Or maybe he didn't pick up that the original narrative laid out by 49 was a lie from the Melissa Leo hologram.
  9. Lando


    He has been in a movie called "Knight and Day" where nobody was named Knight and nobody was named Day. Yeah, I have certainly seen better from her, I didn't think it was terrible, but I thought it was passable. But I know where you are coming from. I grew up in New England and am particularly sensitive to a bad Boston accent. They framed it as if there were habitable zones on earth and he was patrolling one, the rest of the planet had pockets of radiation that made it on whole uninhabitable (remember his helicopter-esque plane warned him when he got too close to a supposed irradiated zone and told him that it was fatal). For all we know the cabin could have been some doomsday prepper's bug out location that he just happened to stumble across in one of his runs. It did have a wind generator and solar panels after all. I'm a big nerd who watches a lot of sci-fi and likes to contemplate extraterrestrial life when I watch those kinds of movies. I am partial to the approach to extraterrestrial life that essentially we would have developed in a different environment and had to evolve in a completely different manner and thus a humanoid creature of roughly our size is far less realistic than something like the sentient planet of Solyaris, which is the approach that this movie took. I will say though that The World's End handles the same issue in a much more coherent and entertaining manner.
  10. Lando

    The Number 23 (2007)

    Fuck this movie. I would re-watch it if they did it though.
  11. Lando


    I just wanted to bump this in light of the VMAs, unfortunately though they probably wouldn't be able to get to it while it was topical.
  12. Lando

    Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)

    It has been a long time since I saw this, for some reason I thought it was like Touch of Evil where Charlton Heston was a Mexican. I really want to revisit the Mariachi trilogy.
  13. Lando

    Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)

    The Eva Mendez thing is more suspect (which reminds me of Gymkata where a white guy has a fully Filipino daughter all because "her mother is from Indonesia"), but having a Spanish last name isn't really that big of a deal because there are some cracka ass lookin Spanish people out there. I submit to you Angela Vargas from Spain:
  14. Lando

    Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)

    This really isn't a huge stretch as not everyone in Latin America is of Native American heritage, there were a lot of European emigres who resettled in Mexico.
  15. Lando

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    They're doing terrible jobs of ghosting.
  16. Lando


    I was glad that it wasn't little green men, the greys or some other humanoid form of life. Of course I could have done without the HAL 9000 eye.
  17. Lando


    Ok, it isn't even Judge Dredd. IMO it's not the worst or craziest Tom Cruise movie of the past decade, it's not even the worst or craziest recent Tom Cruise movie where he plays a character named Jack. I wonder if some of the divide isn't that some of us were able to come up with internal explanations of some things that made it more coherent for us. I am a little confused as to what you found confusing about Melilssa Leo, is it her as an actress of her character? Also What was it about the cabin that you found puzzling?
  18. Lando

    Episode 69.5 — Minisode 69.5

    I'm so confused by this movie. Was he already a secret agent when he was pulled aside by whatever agency sent him into Parmistan? And when he is in the streets of Parmistan being chased and is swinging around on that pole between the two buildings, did I miss the scene where he chalked his hands up?
  19. Lando

    Spawn (1997)

    Hah, this movie is like Ghost meets the PS3 game God of War.
  20. Lando

    Aeon Flux

    Honestly, I think that this movie isn't really intended to be anything more than a psychedelic experience or lucid dream.
  21. Lando

    Stephen King's The Langoliers

    If they're going to do a 3 hour movie it better be directed by Michael Bay and it better have either racial stereotype robots or Ben Affleck.
  22. Lando


    This movie was certainly no 2001, but it also is by no means Battlefield Earth either. The worst thing you could say about this movie is that it was dull and predictable and I don't see much coming from discussing either of these issues.
  23. Lando

    Spawn (1997)

    I'm watching this now and any enjoyment I am getting from this movie is from Leguizamo. I remember seeing this movie in the theater and loving it. Of course I would have been 17 and have revisited several movies I loved at that age and have come to the conclusion that my dad really loved me because he sat through some terrible movies all because we wanted to see them.
  24. Lando

    Episode 69.5 — Minisode 69.5

    I just want to point out that being married does not definitively prove that he is straight.
  25. Lando

    Favorite Character Name

    I'm having a hard time thinking of a better one than Chev Chelios