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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    Which movies have you seen/own?

    Since I am a nerd I created a list on IMDB fairly early on in the podcast and have taken the time to maintain it. If you use IMDB to rate movies it will even tell you how many of them you've seen. I recently started adding links to the movies on canistream.it so people can find the movie easily if they so choose Here's the list: http://www.imdb.com/list/46NeYag8T9s/
  2. Lando

    Episode 33 — Abduction

    I think had they chosen a decent young actor, it would have been an enjoyable, but forgettable action movie. I remember the scene where they sleep in the forest and Lautner's character is supposed to be crying from a bad dream, I honestly thought he was waking up with allergies.
  3. So they said that the Jere Burns crew goes to Romania to make bad movies right? Isn't that where Uwe Boll makes most of his films?
  4. Lando

    Munchie (1992)

    I saw that this was added to Netflix Instant recently, looks like it would be in the vein of Mac & Me.
  5. Lando

    The Rum Diary

    I would also suggest watching Gozno: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson, highly entertaining take on the man.
  6. Lando

    Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)

    You liked your own post?
  7. Lando

    No Holds Barred (1989)

    Oh my god this movie is insane and terrible in all of the best ways possible.
  8. Lando

    The Smurfs 2

    If I could trade the addition to MLA to my vocabulary for a Smurfs 2 episode I'd have to think long and hard about it.
  9. I want to know if Jesus wins, what is he going to do with the money and truck? Set up his own trucking company named "Son, Father and Holy Ghost" maybe?
  10. That's because he is busy arm wrestling Satan.
  11. Just sharing this image from a heavy metal sampler that someone showed me:
  12. Lando

    Snakes on a Plane

    Skanks on a Chain
  13. Lando


    I think that Hook is only popular among people who are in their late 20s to 30s who saw it for the first time as children and the nostalgia allows you to get around sillyness that you wouldn't be able to get around had you seen it for the first time as an adult.
  14. Lando

    Iron Sky (2012)

    And just to be clear, I don't have sophisticated taste in movies by any means. I am the guy who defended Rocky 5 as being watchable.
  15. Lando

    Iron Sky (2012)

    Yeah, I wasn't big on Antichrist, beautifully shot, but it just didn't come together. However, I really enjoyed Europa, Dogville and The Five Obstructions. I was thinking that he did The Conversation, but that was Vinterberg taking up the Dogme 95 challenge (and probably producing the only good Dogme 95 movie)
  16. Lando

    Iron Sky (2012)

    I'd say the number is probably more like 5 crappy films to 1 good one (or legit one), but I think that it takes a lot less time to make a crappy film than a good one. He is the quintessential German guy, so he will always have a role when a story calls for "a German guy." I like Von Trier. His films aren't always good, but when they are they're great. I also enjoyed My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done? quite a bit, but then again I am kinda gay for Herzog.
  17. Lando

    Iron Sky (2012)

    Udo Kier is the only actor that I can think of that has made a career out of being in really good and really bad movies at the same time. Usually actors either start off in bit parts in bad movies and work their way up or after their career fizzles out they can only get roles in really bad movies. Kier somehow seems to be able to do both, he's somehow a regular in both Lars Von Trier and Uwe Boll movies.
  18. Lando


    The producers must have been Matt Damon fans.
  19. Lando

    Tank Girl (1995)

    You are correct. I would like for them to do this movie and get Ice T for it.
  20. Lando

    Revolver or Jumper

    So to me, Revolver is simultaneously about the long con and is a long con and it's also about how the brain tricks you into not seeing what's right in front of your face. It's a total mindfuck.
  21. Lando


    I get the impression that most movie posters are made with scenes from the film and not from photoshoots. I bet his absence has more to do with the success of Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer than anything and decided to show young attractive people. They weren't exactly aiming this one at the Lion In Winter fans.
  22. Lando


    Inside my head I was like "Wasn't this one directed by Guillermo Del Toro?" so I went to IMDB to look it up, nope, I had it confused with Mimic. I wonder why: How could I be so stupid? Mimic has three people with tense faces around an off-center green light and a purple banner at the top on a black background, where as Phantoms has four people (none are minorities) with tense faces around a centered green light with a purple banner at the top on a black background.
  23. Lando

    Men at Work (1990)

    To this day every time I hear about phrenology I think "the size of Walt's asshole"
  24. Lando


    I wonder if another xXx movie would do well. Babylon AD and Chronicles of Riddick's problems were bigger than Diesel and with a decent script (decent in the dumb action sense that xXx was) I could see it doing well. Then again at the time xXx came out Bond was in a bit of a slump (they expected us to believe that Denise Richards was a nuclear physicist named Dr. Christmas Jones for fucks sake!). I'm sure if Riddick does well it will get greenlit, if not we may never know.
  25. Lando


    I remember back in what must have been 1997 or 1998 I caught an episode of 48 hours where they were profiling three hopefuls trying to break into hollywood. The three they profiled were Darren Aronofsky, Nicholas Sparks and Vin Diesel, who had not broken through. Aronofsky was putting Pi together and trying to get people to care about that, Sparks had just one of his books optioned by Kevin Costner (now it seems like he's somehow figured out how to churn out the same movie over and over and have it sell) and Diesel was trying to sell the film he wrote, directed and starred in; Strays. At the end they gave a "where are they now" update and said that he had landed a part in Saving Private Ryan and since then I have never forgotten his role. I really wish it was up on youtube because it was interesting back then and I imagine it would be cool to watch it now that all of their careers have taken off. And a young Vin Diesel in his first role: