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Everything posted by MatManz

  1. MatManz

    Episode 441 - Your Cousin Marvin

    I thought the Marvin character got really good after the back story. Joyee's call helped. Larry the Loner cracked me up. Zouks was Zouks. Great show!
  2. Winnie the Pooh scene had me dying So good.
  3. Was hoping this show would be getting more love. Great job, you guys! Fugelsang always finds the perfect way to sum up political hypocrisy.
  4. MatManz

    Episode 425 - Sunday Afternoon Taped

    Was probably my favorite ep this year. As far as laughs per minute. ~~ This show was an absolute mess, but still very funny. Love Claudia, the many masks of Nick Kroll, and Andy was very Andy.
  5. MatManz

    Episode 424 - Almost Parasites

    Anyone else feel the disdain in Scott's voice about the 4th time he had to say "Shave Butter" during the DSC read? Probably one of my favorite Al appearances, he and Scott's chemistry just keeps getting better.
  6. MatManz

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    Always found Cameron funny, as she was on this episode. People don't like the fact that she's an unapologetic feminist and unafraid to voice her political views, which is fine, but that doesn't mean she's "not funny." I'm not a HH fan but you don't see me on their forums bitching about it, I just don't listen. If you don't like the guest, don't listen. Simple enough.
  7. So glad they did a part 2, hope this becomes a tradition. Hilarious chemistry.
  8. MatManz

    Episode 31 - The AK-47 Percent

    Awesome hearing John Fugelsang on Earwolf. Negin and Lizz are awesome too. Please invite them back for other shows!
  9. I hope The North Pod becomes a semi-regular thing.
  10. Thanks so much for posting this, Scott. I was literally crying laughing and the closing Harris tribute was perfect. Loved the scheduling talk. There's no such thing as boring when personalities like that are in the room together. You did the right thing, it was good to hear him and laugh with him one more time.
  11. MatManz

    Episode 285 — Solo Bolo

    Cranky guy was right about the $80 pants. But this show was amazing. Just nonstop bits from two hilarious dudes. I would listen to a monthly show with these two.
  12. MatManz

    Episode 87 — Curling Slam!

    Love Ellie Kemps, so funny, so cute. Great show guys!
  13. MatManz

    Episode 48 — Astrobiology

    Another hilarious show guys, and I learned something too!
  14. MatManz

    Episode 20 — Sexual Attraction

    Excellent show guys, Sarah was hilarious as always.
  15. MatManz

    Episode 20 — Sexual Attraction

    Excellent show guys, Sarah was hilarious as always.
  16. MatManz

    Episode 15.5 — Minisode 16

    A man was arrested Friday after smurfing young boys' smurfs at the local elementary school. Upon his arrest, the man smurfed ropes of hot smurf all over local officers whilst yelling "smurf the police!"
  17. MatManz

    Episode 12 — Ghosts

    What Jamey said. You guys have found your groove. Loved this week's show. Love this podcast! I've had a few paranormal experiences, mostly when I was younger and in my late teens. I think you have to either be really into it and sensitive to have an experience. Or that the entity, or collective entities have to be strong enough to break through.
  18. MatManz

    Episode 31 — Dragon Boy Suede and Oates

    Love Kate, can't wait to listen!