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Posts posted by HipGuide

  1. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would - Kevin really does his research. Wish the quality on some of the shows was better, though - will they be recording in the Earwolf studio?


    Also, now I want to know who the guest who hated CBB was. Can't think of anyone off the top of my head beyond Ben Stiller, who just didn't seem to really get it.


    the guest who didn't get it was Birbiglia. Probably.


    it seems all earwolf is doing is distributing it and shoving a ad in (which should be in the beginning), which is fantastic. kind of like a syndication deal.


    the sound has always been bad especially since they moved to a new, bigger studio. remember earwolf isn't producing it.

  2. How does making the podcast actually work? Is it a doctor's office where you schedule when to do it? Do all the podcasters and engineers have a key? I want to know the logistics.

  3. I enjoyed this podcast a lot! If I may offer one small constructive criticism though: I think there wre too many clips. This is the kind of podcast that centers on what the guests are saying, and this one didn't leave them room to breathe. All the clips were great though--I suspect that Fogelnest just couldn't help himself because he had so much great material to choose from. Totally understandable, but I think if you spread things out more the podcast would be better for it. Also, this seems like the thing that could easily leave you burned out if you feel like every episode needs to be packed with material.


    Other than that though, I love it. Hell, even with that, I love it! Great concept, fantastic material, and very good execution considering it's the first time you've done this. I could easily see this becoming one of my favorites. Hope to see many more!


    A lot of the material speaks for itself. Klausner and Gethard don't have to tell you why it's funny. They almost weren't needed to say anything most of the time.
