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Posts posted by HipGuide

  1. "Comedy is about being funny and that's it" -- "No it's not"


    I can guarantee the people who say this kind of thing, who don't recognize that good comedy comes from life experience, and that comedians should just "be funny", and that they shouldn't be "internet activists", etc... These are people who are fans of Jeff Dunham and Carlos Mencia and Larry the Cable Guy. The biggest fakers who are playing the most cartoonish caricatures and saying the most hollow and lazy shit, y'know? These people are the ones who also watch all the terrible sitcoms on TV like, "Two and a Half Men" and are loving it. LOVING IT. Just. Cracking. Up.


    It's like they have trained themselves to "enjoy" nothing, which is why they can't tell there's no substance there, and why they firmly believe that their brand of "comedy" is the only way to go (they're always about ONE way to do something, aren't they? They're probably the crazy religious zealots who turn other people into atheists because they're so militaristic in dismissing other cultures & religions). They just don't get how shitty their stuff is, and how much more enriching EVERYTHING is when it's pulled from life experiences. Just pure close-mindedness.


    They're the fucking worst.


    Don't know why, exactly, I decided I needed some racism this Thanksgiving racism, but I'm glad I checked in and had a listen now. Ify is a great guest! Good ep.



    2 and half men/multi camera sitcoms because you can turn your brain off.


    Jokes=/= comedy


    I don't think it'd really be an issue, as far as I can tell they have many mutual friends in the comedy world and many that have Earwolf crossover (Tom was on Analize Phish and Fogelnest Files, Paul Scheer shouted out Tom and The Best Show in a recent AVclub interview after the Wolfpop lauch). PFT might be all over Earwolf shows but he has no stake in any of them, if people like Jen Kirkman arn't taking sides I think it would be pretty petty and unprofessional for Scott to. whatever Tom and PFT personal issues they don't seem to be forcing it on other people. as far as the throwing out the cd's thing, anyone who listens to the Best Show understands how thats mostly Tom's on air persona talking



    i thought it was very interesting kirkman went on the best show to plug her book almost a year after being in studio for a whole program.
