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Posts posted by allenpwilliams

  1. Chase, I was, as Bucho mentioned, kidding around (joking around) to lighten the mood. And, as Bucho mentioned, if you were also joking around (kidding around), well played. But, if Bucho was joking kidding (around around), then I need to lay down, for I am mindblown.

    Dustin, thank you for your thorough response. I sincerely appreciate the feedback. Maybe the downloadable high-quality songs, as Bucho mentioned, would be a great addition, especially around Chrimbustime, as they could be donated to the LA food bank.

    as Bucho mentioned,

  2. This is my biggest issue with Comedy Bang Bang. The sound quality is TERRIBLE. I mean, I can let it slide if it's just going to be talking the whole time but when you have in-studio musical guests (especially the last month or so), the sound quality is so bad that it's not even worth listening to that part. Here are a couple different ways to fix this: make the quality of the mp3s AT LEAST 128/kbps or release the best possible quality recordings of the in-studio performances on compact disc (cd for short) and sell it in the store. I'd buy them. Especially the comedy performances (Garfunkel & Oates, Don't Stop Or We'll Die, Sarah Silverman, etc.) I'm assuming the reason why they are at such a low quality is file size but I'd be willing to sacrifice a couple more GBs (gigabytes for long) on my hard-drive for better sound quality.

    Sorry to be such a dick,

  3. I think it would be fine with live comedy music. Like if Weird Al just sang songs and played his accordion, or Garfunkel & Oates, or Sarah Silverman, or Jon Lajoie, or Tenacious D, or Hard N Phirm, or etc., or Flight Of The Conchords.

    No comedy=not funny=wrong show. It's still called Comedy Deat-... er, Comedy Bang Bang, right? It's not called Comedy And Also Indie Bands Deat-... er, Comedy And Also Indie Bands Bang Bang.

    "I think I made my point" - anonymous
