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Posts posted by Haze

  1. I'm also going to say that the idea that the medical industry is only out to make money is very much an American concept and a symptom of the American health care system. Irelands health care system has its issues but never once have I gone to a doctor chemist or hospital and thought "well these people are clearly out to fleece me!"


    Also, what exactly is this energy field the body is meant to have? Like all objects on this earth the human body has potential energy, the food we eat has chemical energy which our body converts into electrical energy, kinetic energy and heat. What is chi? How is it generated? Why can't it be measured and observed?


    The scientific method requires evidence and starts from a place of scepticism.


    Sorry to go on like this, I'm generally of the opinion everyone is entitled to there own opinion but eastern and alternative medicine is the worst kind of bunk, the kind that gets people killed. By all means eat healthy and take care of yourself, but if you have something seriously wrong with you for Zods sake go see a doctor and not some guy chanting in a room full of candles.

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  2. Don't get me wrong I would never call Repo a "good" movie. As I say it features some ropey lyrics for one thing, some of which aren't just bad they actually contradict whats happening in the movie. For instance Anthony Heads character is constantly singing about how surgical and precise he is but when we see him taking organs he is about one step shy of sticking his head in the wound and shaking his face around.


    Alexa Vegas pronunciation of "daad" drives me nuts, Tony Head should never have been made to sing in an American accent, I don't like Paris Hilton I can't stand SAW, I'm not a fan of gore in general and in everyday life I am the worst kind of Dublin musical snob but still, I love Repo. Its like this silly little ball of Goth joy that always leaves me with a smile on my face.


    And I still think Night Surgeon and Chase the Morning are great songs ;)

  3. This is a difficult recommendation for me as I genuinely love Repo but if there where two things that would ever put me (and others) off a movie they are the words "from the director of three of the Saw movies" and "starring Paris Hilton".


    While the movie isn't to everyones taste there is no denying it's an experience. Anthony Head and Sarah Brightman are fantastic in it and while some lyrics make me cringe ("Now I am sequestered part of the collection, thats what is expected when you are infected") some songs like Night Surgeon and Chase the Morning are honestly fantastic.


    Also the movie has an interesting backstory from Darren Lynn Bousman requesting sets in Saw IV that he new he could reuse in Repo (since Repo had no money) to all of the movies visual effects being done for free because the effects studio believed in the project.


    It would be very interesting to hear the movie discussed on the show.

  4. I recommended this one to June on twitter, and really how can you say no to Irelands only Kung-Fu movie!


    I think it handily meets the criteria for the show James Bennett really did try his best with this one and it has a genuine cult following on the internet. Finding the DVD can be nightmarish as the company who made it has disowned it but the whole movie is on youtube and no one will be taking it down. Honestly its worth watching for the final scene alone!

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