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Everything posted by Skeevins

  1. Skeevins

    Episode 23 — Anybody's Game

    Sparklett died for your sins, assholes.
  2. Schaal in Schaal, it was an amazing podcast.
  3. Also, The Last Action Hero features an alternate dimension where Stallone starred in the Terminator series. That and a cartoon fucking cat.
  4. Skeevins

    Episode 215 — Time Bobby 2

    Fryvault sounds a lot like Caiaphas from Jesus Christ Superstar. I'd be very disappointed if D/S A.L.W. used time travel to go back in time and give himself the inspiration for that character. That behavior would be most unbecoming of a lady knight of the realm.
  5. Skeevins

    Episode 215 — Time Bobby 2

    Huge Bioshock spoilers aside, this was my favorite episode of 2013.
  6. Jen Kirkman is awesome. I love the way Scott says scandalizing things that she barely reacts to, and yet she is FURIOUS at the thought of wearing skies for the rest of her life. I also wonder if she ever thinks about how many times "I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales From a Happy Life Without Kids" will be given as a birthday gift from well-meaning mothers.
  7. Skeevins

    John Carter (2012)

    John Carter was fine. Well, except for the unnecessary framing mechanism.
  8. How could you invoke Alan Arkin without playing clips of The Return of Captain Invincible, Jake? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTy7GGJ4vm8
  9. Skeevins

    Episode 3 — Toilet Wine

    I marked out when Owen plugged the Redwall series. I have no idea why. He should send TJ a few of the books to read in between newspapers. They seem more up his alley.
  10. Skeevins

    Episode 20 — Burst Through and Kill

    Maybe Amarth was raised "Good" and identifies as "Good," but just never practices any of the formal traditions of being "Good," such as not killing people at the earliest opportunity. Kind of like a lapsed Catholic.
  11. Skeevins

    Episode 20 — Burst Through and Kill

    Amarth should really get one of those alignment penalties I hear so much about.
  12. Skeevins

    Episode 59.5 — Minisode 59.5

    Required viewing:
  13. Skeevins

    They Live (1988)

    People crap on Piper because he's a wrestler, but he actually turns in a fairly decent performance in this movie. I think what I was most impressed with was the fact that he could stay in character and stay in the scene even when he wasn't doing or saying anything. And this movie would have fallen apart if he couldn't do that, since They Live! had way more quiet moments and reaction shots than most people remember. In fact, Piper was probably better at the more low-key part of the performance than he was at the large, over-the-top stuff, which is where I think a lot of the criticism comes from.
  14. Skeevins

    Questions for Sark

    I love that this is essentially the plot of Grumpy Old Men.
  15. Also, the shoulders of various other minorities. And orphaned children, too, don't forget!
  16. Skeevins

    Episode 19 — Enter The Water Realm

    I hope Sark has all the NPCs swooning over Sir Richard at every opportunity.
  17. Skeevins

    Character Drawings

    Blackie looks like he wants to talk about his wife Mavis and his extensive collection of vintage cars.
  18. Actually, that was a different and unrelated animated Titanic movie with talking mice. I'm being serious. Nostalsia Critic has reviewed them both.
  19. Skeevins

    Lockout (2012)

    I tried to watch it 2 times, but if they review it I guess I can try for a third.
  20. Skeevins

    Questions for Sark

    What was the worst act of betrayal a player ever committed against his or her own party?
  21. Skeevins

    Episode 211 — April Fools!

    Can't fool me, CBB. That sounds like Super Dave Osbourne, not John Hamm.
  22. Skeevins

    Condorman (1981)

    I think there's a difference between a superhero comedy and a superhero parody. I wouldn't even call Condorman a "comedy," really, since it's more of a family action flick and the action scenes are played straight. It's about a comic book fan/writer trying to be a superhero, yes, but so's KickAss, and that's definitely not a parody. This isn't Scary Movie territory here.