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Everything posted by pongo

  1. pongo

    Episode 9 — Divorced Dads

    This is best Mike Detective episode I have ever listened to. They took a long break to think of were the show should go and realy enjoy this new approach I give Mike Detective season 2 a thumbs up so far.
  2. pongo

    Dan Van Kirk

    Seeing as Aaron Burrell, who is great, is now on the host page as one of the host of Professor Blastoff why isn't Dan Van Kirk on the host page for Sklarbro Country. Does any one else agree?
  3. branches are trees dicks
  4. pongo

    Episode 4 — Attention

    I agree in having longer episodes, just go until you feel done with the episodes and not feel rushed to finish them in half an hour.
  5. pongo

    What is it wearing

    I think its time to bring back the classic game what is it wearing from episode 21.