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Scooby Donkers

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Posts posted by Scooby Donkers

  1. @Freja if you ever change your mind about bull penis as a viable dog treat (you should bc it's great) then try http://www.bestbullysticks.com/, which is where my m & d get bully sticks for their d.


    Just to be clear, you get that there's no pee in there anymore right? Or semens? It's just meat now so u don't have to worry about gross stuff. I know ur a medical pro but maybe they don't teach you about this stuff in nurse class bc ur acting very scared like a baby almost

    • Like 10


    I've got something special coming your way Mean Detective, don't you worry!


    What? OMG really?? You totally did not have to, I mean I was just goofing around but if you really want to, I mean no big deal either way, it's whatever, but I would just be thrilled to pieces!


    But don't feel like you have to or anything, I'm not so desperate for the faintest glimmer of affection, that's not even why I wrote that, that would be so weird omg who would even do that? That's so cool of you to even offer and of course I would love to see anything you made if you find the time or whatever.


    And you can totally call me Josh, like if you wanted to make something seem more personal or whatever, or even just hit me up sometime maybe we can hang out but only if you really want to bc I'm so busy anyway with social obligations and stuff it's like I would have to schedule you in. Which I totally would though, so

    • Like 13

  3. Dear Ms. Golden,


    Were Rowan and Martin equally funny and cool, or was one way funnier and cooler?


    Also, was either of those guys actually funny or cool in real life? Like, actually? I mean, no, right? Because those jokes are not good. It's cool, you can say no.


    But wasn't it funny when Richard Nixon said "sock it to me?" Like a question.




    • Like 4

  4. ***TEST POST***

    ***TEST POST***


    [Please ignore the contents of this post. It's a test of the theory that you get "likes" just for posting. I, for one, think that we're more discerning that that, so I'm gathering evidence. When this post gets zero "likes," I can show the world that the HH forums aren't just a walk in the park, where "likes" are handed out like so many . . . flyers? So it's important that you consider this an empty post and proceed normally.]


    ***TEST POST***

    ***TEST POST***

    • Like 15

  5. What up what up, I haven't listened to this ep yet but I won't let that stop me from speaking my mind.


    HUGE NEWS: I managed to get my roommate hooked on hollywood handbook! A regular scoop troop member even! Take that wolf den (bend right down and suck on these)!


    Now that I have your attention, Sean and Hayes, where's my goddamn pro-version? I donated $100 ($117 Canadian) to this dang show and all I want is for a pseudo-celebrity to say "Spenny". Is that so much to ask? Please and thanks.


    Tough but fair.




    (I write this because I've been wanting to "jump" into these forums for a while now, but wasn't exactly sure of how to make a big "splash" with my first "comment.")


    Rudy's all grown up.

    • Like 11


    josh: liked the drawings. did not like that you seem to have a bullet hanging around your neck at all times. i would have liked to have shown this video to my family.



    mmmm yes, bullet, well I'm afraid this an <EHHH> WRONG situation, since it actually is not bullet and actually is nice pendant. Still I've taken the liberty of asking Andrew for help positioning digital eyebrow markers over the offensive amulet so as to render my appearance safe for the eyes of Carrie-Anne and the kiddies.









    Christ with some people you just can't win. I mean you can give and give and give and it's just slurped right up. Ooh I'm Hayes yummy yummy I'm so hungry for birthday love gimme gimme gimme chomp chomp chomp. That's Hayes. That's what Hayes sounds like.

    • Like 5

  7. Biggest takeaway is that White People really like Hayes.


    For your information, Anastasia and I are both mixed ethnicity, making this BY FAR the most ethnically diverse birthday video for an internet radio program host. That's not even counting the TWO exotic foreign accents in the video.


    But for real, setting aside the inescapable demographic homogeneity so pervasive in alt comedy AND podcasting--needless to say alt comedy podcasting--let's all be proud and grateful that a very cool female fan (Anastasia) put the video together.


    BIG shoutout to Staz for a) making this happen and B), far more importantly, for being a woman, allowing us to tick the relevant diversity boxes when we file for 501©3 status.


    EDIT: "b" + ")" turns into smiley-shades, but I think it's actually a very cool accident and so I'll choose to leave it as is

    • Like 17

  8. I really liked when Kumail said "It's a guy?" about Hayes's† favorite (2nd favorite?) character, X-Man.






    † In the face of overwhelming opposition, I've abandoned my halfhearted insistence on using -s + apostrophe for possessive proper nouns.‡





    ‡ Now I'm doing footnotes too suck on that PEACE

    • Like 10

  9. "Oh, crap, you OK? Really stubbed your toe there. Ya, who knew it got this dark with all the lights off, right? What? Oh, it's for a thing with my internet friends. So they wont see my face. Ya, that's why I'm wearing your tights over my head too. Weird, right? A pencil haha. You've seen a pencil before right, [redacted]? I mean I know this the 21st century and all, but cmon, that's a pencil. Ohhh, those are googly eyes. I hot glued them on. Well they think that's me. What do you mean? My internet friends think I'm actually a pencil. I know! So ya, gotta keep up that charade haha.


    Ok, goodnight, be there once this thing winds down."


    OH also this ^ is very good and really much better than any flashy glorified flipbook but WHO RESPECTS THE WRITTEN WORD ANYMORE NOBODY & YOU JUST NEVER SEE PROSE HUMOR BC IT'S DEAD THAT'S WHY

    • Like 3

  10. "You know...I make podcasts so...what is better for seeing live podcast than for doing the earphones?...and you have to think...ok, the people is here." - Sean is a genius!

    I liked when Sean was talking to us in the audience and he said to ask a question if we were "feeling froggy"


    mmmm yes, I've always said talking funny one of his strongest attributes

    • Like 5