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Everything posted by VinsanityV22

  1. VinsanityV22

    Episode 143 — Normies

    I'm so happy Natasha was here. We need more people to just out-and-out call "fail" on so many of these songs Poor Howard seems to have been doing this for so long, he's starting to genuinely dig such horrible stuff.
  2. VinsanityV22

    Episode 241 — The Stallone Bros.

    Damn - Kroll's Stallone impression had me cracking up! This was hilarious "We're talking to some people about it... we know this Persian guy" - lol
  3. So we all know now that SyFy's Face/Off was far too spooky for our wonderful hosts. Not to mention, it has an incredibly misleading name! But has anyone seen these two shows? As a wrestling fan, I've seen tons of ads for 'em over the past few weeks. I'm gonna put commercials for 'em here: USA Summer Camp. Mondays after WWE Raw (roughly around 11:05pm) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRY_5a3i7y0 (the whole show's on Youtube) * Got hit with the "Sorry, but you have posted more media files than you're allowed to" warning. Gonna finish this in a second post/reply
  4. VinsanityV22

    USA's Summer Camp and E!'s WWE Total Divas

    E! WWE Total Divas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY_hBWotW7s Description: Meet the WWE Divas! Get ready for some intense fighting in and out of the ring, starting this Sunday at 10|9c on E! Do either of these seem like something that, perhaps, Sean & Hayes should check out?
  5. VinsanityV22

    Episode 95 — I Pet A Tiger!

    rofl. As always, there were a lot of scenes that were hilarious. But that one skit about the stoning had me cracking up the most Especially the part at 1:02:15 "Oh shit... that stone... broke loose (laughs) one of his tethers " ... "Oh! I'm free!" *begins beating up the kid* I LOVE THE BEST PODCAST IN THE UNIVERSE!
  6. VinsanityV22

    Submit clips here!

    Bizarre ass commercial Youtube recommended to me... don't ask me why, I have no frickin' clue why this showed up on the right side of the screen with everything else. I was watching something about abandoned cities in China! Something with their algorithm really effed up... anyway; here's the bizarre commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGavVtfiCmg
  7. VinsanityV22

    What scenes belong in I4H Best Of Vol. 3??

    THANK YOU! I thought I missed it and actually started re-listening to stuff in the 80's It would take me forever to find it at this rate! You're the man (or girl?), Tortoisebeats! Again, thanks! Time to listen to it and lock down the timestamp...
  8. VinsanityV22

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    "Why Gun Control is Bullshit" -- have fun with this one, Matt Link:
  9. VinsanityV22

    What scenes belong in I4H Best Of Vol. 3??

    What Rootin_Dubin said: "Apologies in advance for so many picks but this is what happens when you ask for the best of the best podcast in the universe." Thanks for giving me an excuse to go back and listen to some great episodes again though Episode 49: ~29:05 What's the deal with that? Episode 51: ~59:25 Edgar Allan Poe's Ghost Episode 69: ~11:47 Fill my Butt with Air ~47:10 The Legend of Rod Stewart Episode 70: ~24:14 I wanna eat, God-Dammit ~1:08:46 Freaky, the Rasta Clown Episode 74: ~23:40 Thank you, Mississippi (Fat people can't drink sodas) Episode 75: ~26:33 Look at his dick! It has fingers! ~45:35 Please stop ringing your racist wind-chime ~55:12 Chik-Fil-A Scatting Episode 77: ~23:25 Dire Elephants & Gremlins (Blacky black-black) Episode 78: ~29:40 George Lucas, Welcome to Heaven* ~58:20 Goddamn Trolls turned us into terrorists! * Props to Sean on that hilariously spot-on Jim Henson impression, btw. Totally unexpected & Hilarious! Episode 81: ~18:25 Bill Cosby Lamaze ~31:08 Know-It-All Girl Episode 82: ~16:38 Apocalypse Crushes ~54:17 Homeless Married Episode 83: ~27:00 Driving Yellowjackets Episode 88: ~15:30 Mission to Mars Episode 89: ~38:00 Kevin's Radio Show ~1:08:44 Love at first sight Episode 91: ~52:20 How not to defend atheism Episode 92: ~1:04:48 THE FANTASTIC & MESMERIZING PINEAPPLE SHOW! ~1:11:40 Royal Baby Names Also, the one where the guy's kid gets turned into an App and he has to ask Jerry Seinfeld for help - haven't found it yet. Still looking. (again, thanks Tortoisebeats!)
  10. VinsanityV22

    Episode 217 — Professional Gaming Slur

    Not only is this 99% referring to video gaming, but oh hell yes is it nerdy to an unbelievable level. I'm IN the gaming industry, as a 3D artist & animator, and I can't drum up enough shits to pretend to care about this stuff. The appeal is baffling to me. I mean, how can you read stuff like this and not just get depressed? Link: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-07-15-league-of-legends-players-recognised-as-pro-athletes-in-the-u-s. Oh and OnReload and Shariq are super right about . Just a sad, misogynistic mess. It's harder to find a girl at those events than it is to find a guy in the crowd for American Idol. "A Boy's Club" is an understatement, but it's certainly not surprising - anyone who's ever dared to put on an Xbox Live Headset should know that girls aren't usually welcome in "hardcore games". The show should try to get Aisha Tyler on sometime, get her views on it. She's a well-known celebrity gamer, and being a girl, seems to get shit constantly from anonymous assholes on the internet. Especially since she puts herself out there so much, doing press for Ubi Soft and hosting their press conferences at E3 and such. This stuff is just taken to an ubelievable level. It's just such a 180 from what games are supposed to be about; entertainment. Sure, these guys seem to enjoy it when they win, but at no other point it seems. They're far too focused; just joyless. It's taken much too seriously. To paraphrase Jason Mantzoukas from the How Did This Get Made Podcast, This is literally next level bonkers. I'd like to say this stuff doesn't count for anything in real-life, but people have put so much value into it that there's just too much crazy money changing hands in this little sub-culture now. How much cash did the Dota 2 Invitational/International drum up this year? 3 million bucks for the winning team or something crazy? But still, if you're going to dive in, out of curiosity or something, you should probably go to Twitch TV. Prepare to be bored out of your mind watching "professional level" League of Legends or Dota 2 play. And yes, Starcraft II. I'd love to hear Andrew & Baron's thoughts on this stuff, should they actually take a peek at this nonsense. Apparently it's actually kind of a big deal. When 2 million or so viewers are checking some of these tournaments out online, that's better ratings than some shows on NBC nowadays.
  11. VinsanityV22

    Episode 39 — Godzilla

    Just had to post this clip. This is what Chris was talking about, from "Godzilla: Final Wars" - supposedly the last Godzilla movie (it wasn't), and a sort of anniversary movie where Godzilla fights EVERY MONSTER from throughout the series' history. Toho added in the stupid '98 American Godzilla - here, just called 'Zilla' - simply so that Godzilla classic could kill him in seconds. Here's the clip: I suppose I should also mention that Hollywood is going to try it again. They hired the director of the excellent (though not as excellent as Cloverfield) 2010 found footage monster movie, "Monsters" (Gareth Edwards) to write and direct a new Godzilla reboot. Toho and Legendary Pictures are co-producing it, so here's hoping it's much, much better than this turd.
  12. VinsanityV22

    Bad Summer Movies!

    I'm relatively sure that "Jersey Shore Shark Attack" will be a new classic summer blockbuster. BEHOLD!
  13. VinsanityV22


    Figured I'd throw the trailer in here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFLA5aNWvg0
  14. VinsanityV22


    I just HAD to suggest this crazy ass movie! It got "internet famous" a few years back when a bunch of scenes from the end of the movie leaked onto Youtube. You can see a trailer for it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCiAPROqip4&feature=fvst The movie is apparently the highest grossing picture in Indian Cinema history. Now, its not Bollywood, it's Tamil - apparently it's like a Mets/Yankee thing over there, so they get peeved when you confuse the types of movies. It's not a musical per se, although there are musical numbers in it. Primarily though, it's an incredibly long (like 3 hours - I don't know if that's typical of Indian movies, it's the first one I've ever seen) movie that plays like a fever dream. Or a 4 year old trying to tell a story, much like Axe Cop. It just sort of moves from scene to scene with no regard for what came before it or after. Some of the highlights include (I am making none of this up): -The English dub of the movie features broken english that frequently goes back to whatever dialect of Indian they're speaking anyway -Horrifying CG and puppet work. The VFX guys here are not masters of motion capture. Not by a long shot -A scene where the titular robot, Chitti, falls in love with a human woman. Of course, this happens during a 6 minute song and dance number...on top of an Aztec Temple, if I remember correctly (keep in mind, they never TRAVEL to South America or anything. They just felt like having this musical number take place there) -Chitti chasing down a mosquito that sucks out some blood from the woman, then SPEAKING IT'S LANGUAGE and demanding it return the blood to her. While she sleeps. -A whole lot of break-dancing on the part of the robot -A scene where the robot saves a naked woman from a burning building, who then dies of shame anyway for being seen naked -A rap number by the female lead, played by Aishwara Rai (Who's STUNNING, by the way. Absolutely gorgeous), done entirely in perfect english. One of the few scenes that pulls it off. -And of course, the crazy fight scenes from the trailer/internet videos involving hundreds of CG doubles of Chitti forming together to create various giant objects. Including a snake, a "Gun Ball", and a large version of Chitti himself. It's absolutely bananas. You're guaranteed to exclaim, "Seriously, how the fuck did this get made!?!" at least 12 times during the movie - remember, it's super long. You simply HAVE to see this someday, but you'll have to import it. I THINK Amazon has it though; I forgot where I got my copy.
  15. VinsanityV22


    So Zardoz is a bit of a "classic", for anyone into weird/bad cinema. It stars Sean Connery and Zardoz; a giant stone head who spits guns at primitive tribes people (of which Connery is one). Kinda like Olmec from Legends of the Hidden Temple...except for the "spitting guns" part:) Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbGVIdA3dx0 You guys do a lot of bad movies, some weird movies, some "How did this turn out so bad?" movies, but not enough movies that truly fall into the "How did this GET MADE!?!" category. At least that's my opinion. The fact that this movie exists, frankly, is baffling. Who wanted to see THIS vision onscreen? I think you guys should check it out. Oh, and June - Sean Connery is shirtless for much of the movie. So, y'know....that's something for the ladies;)
  16. VinsanityV22


    Doesn't this star TV's current Doctor Who, Matt Smith? I think I heard about this on io9 or something... I don't know if it'll be bad, but it certainly seems very, very weird. And icky. Good suggestion! EDIT: I really should've read all the way down to the end of your post:) You already mentioned Matt Smith!
  17. I find that very hard to believe. Music and Sklarbro Country go together like....Awesome things and cries of, "Heeeenderrrrsoon!" Well, maybe it is here, and I glanced past it while perusing all 9 pages of threads for Sklarbro Country, and the Search function missed it too. But I think someone should have one here. I mean, I'm sure that there are tons of bands out there that would fit in with Randy & Jason's tastes. As loyal members of the Country, I say it's up to us to make sure that any and all bands/artists get a shout-out! So I'm gonna start things off, and suggest... Wild Flag Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005HG4AIU/ref=s9_hps_bw_g340_ir13?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=10VM3XA0C8YR4HHCW7CH&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1327552242&pf_rd_i=163856011 Who's next?
  18. I like ones that rhyme Wish I could think of a funnier word that ends in "-ing" though.
  19. VinsanityV22

    Episode 20 — Punisher: War Zone

    I wonder if Lexi Alexander knows that the director of Thor 2 right now - well, the frontrunner for the gig - is a female (Patty Jenkins). So she did her part to bust that glass ceiling a bit; she should be proud of that. And man, War Zone is a ridiculously awesome action movie. I genuinely love it:) Although I definitely waited for it to hit dvd. Great, GREAT episode. I hope you guys get more directors on your podcast for this thing; heck, bring back Lexi if she wants to do it (she sounded like she was having a good time here). If Doug Benson can get directors and actors for your podcast, you guys should be able to nab them too.
  20. VinsanityV22

    Episode 2 — Analyze Phish Episode 2

    Well, I don't know about Scott, but I'm 22 minutes in and I'm starting to like Phish:) Thanks Harris! This podcast is awesome. I'm actually kinda surprised at Scott's claim that he finds the lyrics in the songs stupid - can't he just listen to it and hear ...music? Y'know - I don't think I pay attention to the lyrics in, like, half the songs I listen to. That kinda seems like too much work, especially if you're just putting music on at work or while driving. Phish does good music to listen to if you're just chilling.
  21. VinsanityV22

    Episode 19.5 — Minisode 19.5

    This movie is amazing:) My question for Lexi Alexander is - and I mean this 100% truthfully/non ironically -, "Why don't you direct all action movies?".
  22. VinsanityV22

    Episode 22 — Food

    Good episode guys! I was wondering if food was actually going to be a good topic of discussion, but I clicked it because of Myq Kaplan anyway and it got pretty interesting and was really funny:) But man, you guys HAVE to act more professional. You talked over each other, and Myq, too much. You also took way too long to actually introduce him - these are problems that wouldn't float for the "rookie" podcasts on the Earwolf Challenge; I don't think you guys should do that either. Just watch that, okay guys? The show is funny, but it seems you guys still have some polishing/refining to do to get things running 100%.
  23. VinsanityV22

    Episode 124 — Bro-ing Out Pt Deux

    Is anyone else shocked, and a little offended, that Scott cut the "Would you rather?" music off? I listened for 10 minutes before realizing we had moved onto another segment!!!
  24. VinsanityV22

    Episode 19 — The Wicker Man

    When you guys talked about the flashback 25 min. in...about the first 25 mins. worth of scenes, you guys reminded me - you NEED to watch an Uvve Boll movie! That part reminded me of House of the Dead, where there's a flashback, in the middle of the final big battle, of events that JUST happened. You don't have to understand any of the source material (he's made a lot of video game "adaptations") to get stuff out of it; they're just insane and only tangentially related to whatever IP he licensed. By far, House of the Dead is the most entertaining movie of his - with Halloween coming out, you guys should do it in October!
  25. VinsanityV22

    Episode 61 — A Tale of Two Griffins

    Oh man! Thanks you guys for making me aware that the rAdical Outdoor Challenge was something that actually existed! Youtube: lol. "C'mon brother....Stop being so saddical and start being RADICAL!!". You guys should bring that guy onto Sklarbro Country sometime. Couldn't hurt to make the podcast more radical