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Everything posted by Shannon

  1. Shannon

    Episode 177 — Penises Abounding

    I love Key & Peele SO much and I hope Comedy Central is smart enough to keep it on the air for a long long time
  2. Shannon

    Grease 2 (1982)

    this movie is a traumatic stain on my childhood... When I was 8, like many children, Grease was my favorite thing in the entire universe. I didn't understand any of the adult content, I just loved it. I remember seeing Grease 2 on the shelf at the video store and absolutely freaking out. My mom tried to tell me that it wasn't very good, but I insisted. And even though I've only seen it once, "Cool Rider" and "Do It For Our Country" are forever and ever burned in my brain.
  3. Shannon

    Episode 176 — Out of Bleeps

    Reposting to embed... this is GREAT. Everyone should watch it. Seriously, some of the photo/clip choices are hysterical. Awesome job, bro.
  4. Shannon

    Episode 176 — Out of Bleeps

    This was my first time listening to CBB on the highway, and I was having a hard time keeping a grip on the steering wheel right around "nylons in my butthole" because I was laughing so hard. Definitely going in the top funniest episodes ever
  5. Shannon

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2012!

    IT'S SUMMAH Y'ALL! I thought it would be nice to have a place to talk about how all the chartists are havin' a summah! Post about your summah adventures! Tell us your summah secret! (But you'll have to get a new one) Summah gums and beers! Anything and everything summah is welcome here!
  6. Ohhhh... These are nice shirts. Go get one in the Earwolf Store! Wear it with pride! Take a picture and post it here! Man, those shores sure look calming.
  7. Shannon

    Dirty Love (2005)

    This movie.... ohhhh this movie... I rented it from Blockbuster like 6 years ago and I couldn't get enough of it. Wanted to own it, but couldn't find it. So I decided I would just rent it again from blockbuster and never return it. They'd just charge me like the price of the dvd right? Well, I was very wrong and blockbuster transferred my case to legit debt collectors that called multiple times a day... So I own a copy of Dirty Love that I paid $89.23 for.
  8. Shannon

    Episode 68 — Feminism

    I don't know if David believes those things, but plenty of people do. The devils advocate excuse just makes my blood boil. I'm really glad that David's comments made people uncomfortable, it may help me sleep a little better.
  9. Shannon

    Episode 68 — Feminism

    Sorry, but NO. I HATE when people say douchey, incorrect things because that's clearly how they feel and when you call them out on it they go, "woah, man I'm just playing Devils advocate!" No. Stop.
  10. Shannon

    Lockout (2012)

    You know what made me the ANGRIEST about this movie? Aside from all illogical plot lines, they introduce a HORRIFYING psychopath antagonist character and you just wait and wait and wait to see him die in a satisfying way and NOPE. Just not even gonna bother with that guy, we're parachuting to Earth now! uuuuuuuughghghghhhhh
  11. I'm SO behind on my podcast listening since quitting my job... but I just HAD to let this one skip ahead in line and hear it right away. Best. Episode. Ever. Bring back this dream team a million more times please and thank you. p.s. I still can't accept that BFF is cancelled, and have watched every episode upwards of 10 times now. It was magical, and I refuse to ever let it go
  12. Shannon


    OMG Chuck thank you! I was trying to find that a while back!! ....though I'm sorry I can't answer the actual question...
  13. Thought this might be helpful to post here, since this is a video posting thread... Tips for Embedding videos on the Earwolf Forums - When copying the YouTube link, use the url in the top bar, the one that will include "watch?" somewhere in the link - Any shortcut versions like the one YouTube provides when you hit "share" will only post as links - All you have to do is paste the long "watch?" version somewhere in the comment and the video will embed correctly, no need to use any of the fancy link buttons
  14. Shannon

    Gratitude Lists!

    Okay, I'll give it a try 1. I'm grateful for my coworkers who were so kind to me yesterday on my last day 2. I'm grateful for my hobbies that will keep my busy during funemployment 3. I'm grateful for an old friend from high school who is letting me borrow her sewing machine 4. I'm grateful for air conditioning 5. I'm very grateful for my wonderful partner who supports me even when I do something crazy like quit my job
  15. Shannon

    Episode 88 — Tooth Talk

    just agreeing with any and all love of Richard
  16. Shannon

    Episode 42 — Batman & Robin

    No one mentioned it because that ADORABLE scene is from Batman Forever and the line is "Holy rusted metal Batman!" "What?" "The ground. It's made of metal and all full of holes. Ya know, hole-y?" and how is paying cute homage to the 60's series not being respectful of source material?
  17. Shannon

    Episode 170 — New Scoop

    The Rihanna remix had me on the floor gasping for air. I'm giggling right now thinking about it
  18. Shannon

    Tig Has Friends - Largo, 8/3/2012

    What an awesome experience you got to have. Here's another great article I read about it by Flamelikeme on tumblr: “Tragedy + time = comedy. But I don’t have the benefit of time. So I’m just going to tell you the tragedy and know that everything is going to be okay.” So began Tig Notaro’s set last night at her show “Tig and friends” at the Largo. Actually, that wasn’t the beginning of her set. It began when Ed Helms welcomed her to the stage and she crossed over, took the microphone, and said “Thank you, thank you, I have cancer, thank you, I have cancer, really, thank you.” Applause gave way to reticent laughter as she explained how she had planned a set about bees flying alongside her car on the 405, but that she couldn’t possibly do her “silly jokes” when all this was going on. And that’s when she told us that 3 days ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, in both breasts. But she didn’t just have cancer. She went on to explain that in some manic twist of fate, while her career is at an all-time high — she is moving to New York to work on Amy Schumer’s new television show, she was on This American Life — while concurrently, all these terrible circumstances have befallen her over the past 3 months: pneumonia made way for a debilitating bacterial infection in her digestive tract for which she was hospitalized and lost 30 pounds off of her already small frame, days after being released from the hospital, her young mother died suddenly and tragically (fell, hit her head, died), then she and her girlfriend broke up, and then, now, cancer. In both breasts. (“You have a lump.” “No, doctor, that’s my breast.” — one of her most renowned bits is about ) For the first half of her set, even though she was telling the story in perfect grace and humor, I couldn’t laugh. For the second half, for the first time in my life, as far as I can recall, I genuinely laughed and cried at the exact same time, bewildered at the tragedy and the remarkably calm, clever prism through which she assessed her terrible set of circumstances. While telling us anecdotes from this personal tragedies, all along the way, she assured the audience “it’s okay, I’m going to be okay.” At one part, when she reached a dark place wherein most of the audience could not find the will to laugh, she said “maybe I’ll just go back to telling jokes about bees. Should I do that?” there were several “NOs” and one insistent loud male voice who cried out “NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE.” She looked genuinely taken aback, and relieved. She’d managed to make the tragic not only palatable but overwhelmingly engaging. She’d done it. Tig’s been one of my favorite comedians for a couple of years now. I told her how much I loved her work after a set at UCB one night, and she received my words so kindly that she came towards me and gave me a hug. I’ve gone downtown to bars by myself and sat for hours alone, just waiting to see her headlining set. At the end of her routine last night, everyone in the audience gave her a standing ovation, for me her wowed, grateful, happy face blurry with my own salty eyes. She’d released her horrific story into the hearts of her fans. I’m sure we all felt like I did; we were made witness to a truly historical moment in comedy, by one of the industry’s of comedy’s absolute greatest. Bill Burr followed her set, inexplicably able to make the whole audience uproarious with laughter by the end. Bill Burr then brought on Louis C.K., the surprise guest of the night, which was a shock - it was my first time ever seeing him live - but it was very difficult to give him my enrapt attention after Tig’s on-stage confessions. My head is still swimming around what happened last night. We all saw the ultimate embodiment of what comedy is supposed to do: deeply personal tragedies somehow transformed, with the enormous, necessary power of an open-hearted audience, into brilliantly-written truths that we’ll all take home with us and keep with us as long as we’ll have a sound-enough mind to remember that show. If schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortune of others, we all shuffled into another corner last night, schedenfreude’s cousin; we’re not laughing at you, we’re crying with you but trying very hard to accept this avalanche of misfortune through the more edible prism of humor. I’m so grateful I could bear witness to what happened last night, and more than that I’m grateful to comedy and to Tig Notaro for being not only bold enough and not only spirited enough but for being so endlessly, achingly HONEST with all of us, the stunned, mouth-breathing strangers in the dark.
  19. If you don't have time for the whole scene, I at least need the one line from the Humanzee scene in ep. 24 where Tim Meadows says "We have to keep her busy. Or else she's going to start playing with her vagina" at 16:30 The way he says it makes me laugh til I cry every single time.
  20. I just want to make it known that I won't be tolerating any Batman Forever hate. Batman Forever is NOT the bad Batman movie and I will fight anyone who says otherwise I already watched B&R last week because I thought this ep had already dropped for whatever reason and it is so terribly terrible. It only further cemented the point I made above, Batman Forever ISN'T the bad one.
  21. Here's Seth's Apple commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRveuk_4Or0&feature=player_embedded and yes, Brett was the one in the leotard next to Matthew Perry, haha
  22. YES! And Seth Morris AND Brett Gelman!!! It was Earwolf on NBC night!
  23. AHHH I was about to mention the Punky Brewster episode! As well as the one where they found an abused/homeless(??) kid hiding in a refrigerator on the roof?