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Posts posted by Shannon


    Does exhibit B feature the other guys as the construction worker, Indian, and...boat captain? Doorman? Plumber? Who WERE the other Village People?



    Village People would have been better... instead we have a "behind the scenes" look at the film's unbearably over the top stylists


    Enjoy... or something.

  2. I only had time to post the video this morning, but now I want to share with you guys all you need to know about this movie from a former 13 year old girl who owned it on VHS.


    - They advertised the shit out of this movie on the Family channel (abcfamily now I believe) as the first ever *NSYNC movie, with a million behind the scenes special. The soundtrack had never before heard b-sides that were supposed to get us all riled up. But Justin and Chris are only in the weird ass end credit scene (see exhibit A) and JC wasn't in the movie AT ALL. Which was a HUGE problem seeing as most *NSYNCers were split on a Justin/JC level, which I believe is a big reason it tanked so hard. The fact that the band was only a year away from breaking up is very obvious in retrospect.


    - SOUND EFFECTS. So many sound effects.


    - This movie clearly had a R-rated script that was severely dumbed down for tweens. There's a lot of weird non-swearing. Lot's of "what the heck?" and "stuff" where "shit"s should be. And Lance's character was obviously supposed to be a virgin, because nearly EVERY scene with the friends they use the phrase, "never sealed the deal" or "can't close the deal"


    - Everything in this movie SCREAMS year 2000. Lance wears the most awful suits ever.


    - Al Green is in this film and serves as a main plot point. (Richie Sambora is also in it, but not as himself)


    - The movie has a very drawn out, missed connection, "Serendipity" type plot that I found frustrating. I feel like I only watched this movie 2 or 3 times before selling it at a garage sale. (I only got it for Joey anyway...he was so funny to me then)



    Overall, it's an extremely cheesy movie but it moves quickly so it isn't boring, you just roll your eyes a lot. I think it's definitely a step above From Justin to Kelly, if that means anything. I also think it might be fun to watch if you imagine that Lance's character is also in the closet, and this is a movie about a sad gay kid whose friends won't butt out of his life and trying to get him laid. Deep shit yo.




    A) tumblr_ly27p9jwz91r47t7to8_400.gif

  3. :( Now my heart hurts because I hurt your heart. You know I've been one of your biggest fans since so early on and I really love and respect you.


    I have a whole lot of strong feelings about this, and I'm not sorry for them. But I should have kept them to myself. I don't like too much negativity on these boards, and I don't want to contribute to it.




    Forget I said anything, and let's all look at this Oprah gif that always makes me laugh.



  4. As I said in another thread, I couldn't bear to watch this movie even after I saw it for $2 at a record store closing, but I did watch the two youtube videos of just Peter Dinklage's scenes and it...was...BAFFLING


    I'm really glad they brought up his awful accent because it really is awful.


    As one of the comments points out, the video makes it seem like it's just a movie about two little people who hate each other going on a road trip and picking up a weird hippy hitchhiker. Which would be a way better movie, honestly.



    here it is if anyone is interested...

  5. this is how I've felt all day





    Are the planets out of whack or something?! I've been watching multiple threads in multiple shows all day just waiting for the shit to hit the fan for realsies.


    I feel like I should remain impartial on things and not contribute but there's so much going on and just... serious heart palpitations.


    I need to go lie down.



  6. This episode felt, I don't know what word I'm looking for... heartwarming?


    I discovered CBB (then CDR) back in late 2008 because I was looking for more Chupacabra after he was on WTF, and seeing his name in the episode description just made me smile. Then we were treated to so many more favorites and I was just a giggly mess the whole time.


    Congrats on 3 years Scott! Keep on keepin' on! We love you.

    • Like 1

  7. Oh man the service at the Town Lake TGI Fridays is always appalling. A year or two ago they failed their restaurant inspection for storing bread on a shelf underneath chemicals or a sink or some nasty shit <_>


    It amuses me to no end to now know that Howard Kremer isn't the only Austin comedian that was a shitty waiter at that awful TGI Friday's.


    Now I want to know if there are more...
