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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 196 — A Different Huelliverse

    God that was perfect. So touching of James and wonderful of Scott to give him a platform to execute that on. This is why EARWOLF is the freaking best.
  2. This was BY FAR my favorite episode yet. The clips being so audio really made it stand out. I was standing in my kitchen washing dishes when the 'ident' portion came on and I had to stop and just enjoy it. Then the Dr. Who portion just boggled my mind. So well done guys, seriously, kudos. The entire thing, from start to finish, was just great.
  3. The sex commercial made me sterile.
  4. Seriously, they really did a great job on this one. Very even handed and some great conversation. I found the video of the kids being upset at the ending, very upsetting myself.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 195 — Making the Snow Angel

    LOVED THIS! "This is Spock, do you care???" That sounds terrific. The best part of Besser being on CBB is that you know 'IT'S' coming and you just don't know how or when. When he started talking about the 'sex' I couldn't stop laughing at how uncomfortable Scott and Billy clearly sounded. I love when Besser comes on this show because you can just picture him sitting there, smiling manically, knowing he's going to do something that just makes everyone have to adjust their entire act. Wonderful.
  6. Lukas Holmes

    Jeff Q&A

    I am curious if Jeff has heard about the patent lawsuit filed against Adam Carolla and what that means for all podcasting?
  7. The example of the PERFUME guy is exactly why I like Jake. He didn't go into that video mean spirited and going for the low hanging fruit of mocking, but instead he and the guest spoke of how they wished they loved something this much. What makes this show so much better than say a Tosh.O, is that Jake goes in only to attack people (when he does) that can take it and have set themselves up for it. When it's something or someone like Perfume444, he looks at the other side of it. Much respect.
  8. I'm not talking about gun rights, I'm talking about the people saying the parents aren't real, that it didn't happen, that the man who hid the kids in his house is a paid actor, that some of the kids have shown up in pictures and aren't dead. That isn't gun rights, that's just madness. I've had SEVEN friends share the video below, and that scares me beyond words. http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2013/01/16/ac-kth-newtown-conspiracies.cnn#/video/bestoftv/2013/01/16/ac-kth-newtown-conspiracies.cnn http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/15/gene-rosen-sandy-hook-conspiracy-theory_n_2481912.html?utm_hp_ref=crime&icid=maing-grid7
  9. I really want you guys to talk about those Sandy Hook videos. The fights I have gotten in with some of these people that have posted those and that support the ideas are insane. I have never felt this level of rage on made up crap on the internet as I have at these.
  10. Lukas Holmes

    Jeff Q&A

    ANNNNNNNDDDDDD this idea goes off the rails.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 5 — Analyze Fish

  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 8 — The Survivors

    The story about the long lost RPG was amazing.
  13. This is the first time one of these suggestions made me laugh.
  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 111 — You Wanna Ocean Tonight?

    Great ep, and since I'm sure everyone is going to say this I apologize, but Jennifer G was indeed in Pearl Harbor.
  15. This. Is. Brilliant.
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 87 — Sexual Attraction Pt 2

    WOW! This is one of the best episodes in the history of this show. Kyle's story made me hate Bill Mahr while admiring Kyle for just how honest he is (not having money for the food). My favorite moment had to be when Sasha talked about her homeless ex 'God bless her, just in case she's listening.' Picturing this homeless woman downloading and listening to the podcast made me laugh so hard. Or Goddess.
  17. I forgot it was Tuesday! My favorite show it out today! I would love to hear what Engineer Cody has to say about these recordings. I feel like this one has to be one he's laughing from start to finish while making. "Now it makes more sense as to why she organizes those closets...maybe at least one family kept her in one?" "Oh you...you had that arm behind your...oh....what????" I think I finally figured out why this show makes me grin so much. You can hear that the Sean and Sean are smiling. And just by the way, the tazer incident really reminds me of that famous study that had the people being told to shock someone they couldn't see (an actor) again and again and how people did even after they stopped begging for them to stop (either passed out or dead). I think we need to be less worried about this guy figuring out that the people on Joe Schmo are actors, and more worried that this man is probably walking the streets right now. This is a man who has at least once warned someone in a pit to put lotion in a basket.
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 194 — Me Gusta Characters!

    Why can't every week start like this? God I love that airplane story. So horrifying.
  19. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 193 — What Else? What Else?

    Little late...what did I miss? Oh....
  20. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 86 — Conspiracies

    I'm not a Janeane fan (historically) but I thought this was great. I agree that it might have gone more smoothly had she understood the format a little more (can't blame her for that since she has sworn off technology) but I thought her point of separating the two aspects of conspiracy theories, free and critical thinking versus crazy, was interesting. I think the problem is you can't specify that without invalidating the idea of it.
  21. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 129 — Playing Dirty

    Such a great statement about our current society. I would probably be all for less gun control, if the people that were pro gun rights weren't screaming in my face. Even those I know personally start getting very threatening when facts are presented. By on the flip side, I see the anti-religious, or anti-gun, losing their high ground by screaming back or not acknowledging facts. Everyone is just so afraid of being wrong. Everyone is just so scared. Bummer.
  22. Are you sure? I mean it seems REALLY important, or why else would someone keep using the n-word again and again to try and make a point?
  23. I demand that Jake create an Audible ad that combines Whisper-sync and the Whisper 2000. "Is that guy reading GOODNIGHT MOON to his children in the apartment above yours, but you want to join in? Did a woman just knock her husband's MP3 player off his head because he admitted adultery? Did he happen to be listening to the latest WHEEL OF TIME book by the long dead Robert Jordan? Is the MP3 player still rolling? Well don't let that go to waste! Tune in to all these thing with Whisper-Sync-3000! Thanks Patriot Act!"
  24. My favorite part was Matt's proposal story. "I need some tums." 'Really setting the mood there, yeah honey, I gotta go shit my brains out.' Priceless.
  25. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 7 — Follow the Whispers

    Yeah, not on iTunes either.