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Everything posted by AlexGabor

  1. OR lowest rated for a reverse chart http://instantwatcher.com/titles/lowest_rated
  2. AlexGabor

    Hobo with a Shotgun

    this is a great idea. totally the same vein as Crank.
  3. AlexGabor

    Episode 151 — Fan Fiction

    can there be a CBB fan fic forum? or do I need to go make a geocities?
  4. AlexGabor

    Episode 151 — Fan Fiction

    so glad this ep includes Lonnie Donegan!
  5. AlexGabor

    Episode 69.5 — 3/30/12 TWO CHARTED 8

    Love when Wie and Ku do personal charts!! A friend of mine does the same passing out thing as Howard, especially when high. But whenever she does it, we're usually watching something that is medical-related and it freaks her out. Once, we were watching a 9/11 documentary and a firefigher was talking about smoke filling his lungs, she passed out. The most recent occurance was last season's Big C premiere and Laura Linney was talking about chemo.
  6. AlexGabor

    Episode 69 — Ronna & Beverly

    People seem so offended by Ronna and Bev but that is the point of the character?
  7. AlexGabor

    Episode 69 — Ronna & Beverly

    i wonder what inanimate animated object Wie is....
  8. AlexGabor

    Andy Kindler twitter link fix

    plz 4ward this 2 webmaster Hi on Andy Kindler's page (http://www.earwolf.com/guest/andykindler/) you have the wrong twitter link! He is @AndyKindler
  9. AlexGabor

    Episode 48 — Astrobiology

    Never have I laughed so hard/learned so little from Blastoff. Also, I was more than half expecting to hear a Massachusetts accent do a SWAMP ROCK.
  10. AlexGabor

    Episode 33 — Abduction

    I try to watch (download mostly) all of the HDTGM films. Both of the Lautner joints (this and Twilight) had Swedish subtitles so I am deducing that Swedes loooooooove Taylor Lautner.
  11. AlexGabor

    Austin Stories

    thanks shannon!
  12. AlexGabor

    Austin Stories

    is there any way for a Wie Wie fan to watch Austin Stories?
  13. AlexGabor

    bring back marissa wompler

  14. In your best Rosie O'Donnell impression.