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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Dreamcatcher (2003)

    There's already a thread about a million miles long on this one.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    Yeah, and he was nowhere near as torn up when his ENTIRE FAMILY was annihilated in "The Punisher". As not-good as that version was, they somehow made his origin even more cold-blooded by having a mob hit on the Castle family reunion. I want to watch "The Mist" again, I have it sitting right here, but it's really late, and I don't think I can endure the cinematic cockpunch that is the last two minutes right now...
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    From what I've seen of the show so far (I'm only four episodes in), am I wrong in thinking that "Mr. Robot" COULD be a sequel to "Pump Up The Volume"?
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    I think "Dogtown" sounds more at home in the "Air Bud" franchise. Anyone? *crickets*
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Yeah, this definitely sounds like a version of the trailer that would play at trade shows for marketing people and video store owners or something.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    As far as animal actors are concerned, can they get an Alan Smithee credit if they want their names taken off of a project?
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    From the people that brought us MOTHERFUCKING MONKEY TROUBLE, guys! I am seriously interested in that "Rumble in the Bronx" merch though.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Theodore Rex (1995)

    Well, maybe as far as her movie work is concerned, but she's kept busy in some way or another pretty much the whole time. As much as I don't think that the Oscars should be a popularity contest, I REALLY hate when someone swoops in, has A good year, wins in an upset in a year with a lot of good performances, and then seemingly drops off the face of the Earth, never to be seen again. At least she's not guilty of that.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    You're thinking of "The Mist". "The Fog" had Tom Welling from "Smallville" in it and was kind of a shit sandwich. I think "The Mist" is great, and you're right, the ending is a total kick in the balls. If only they'd waited about 30 more seconds...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Jackal (1997)

    The sad thing is that he still only placed second in the Steven Seagal cosplay contest...
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Last Boy Scout (1991)

    I stand corrected! Still, even though the day is saved, things are SUPER fucked for this faux NFL with all this chaos happening out in the open at their games. I mean, I manage a movie theater, and there are hundreds of these places, and when one bad thing happens at one, allllllllllll of us are told to start taking ridiculous security measures. I can only imagine what stadiums must be like when the league all of a sudden starts getting all murdery.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Last Boy Scout (1991)

    Oh, and how about there's a murder-suicide right on the field during a game and we don't really get any sort of indication that it disrupted the season any. How are things not totally on lockdown for even just a week or something? And then in the finale, it gets even crazier with snipers and people falling into helicopter blades and stuff? At the same stadium, I think!
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Best of the Best (1989)

    To be fair, there really wasn't a Julia Roberts yet in 1989, as she'd REALLY hit big the next year, but Penn definitely falls into the lesser known sibling category.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I think that it would be a fine episode to do around the time of the "Point Break" remake's release, as the two look pretty similar, and I don't think we're EVER going to get another "xXx".
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Flight World War II

    I saw the title and wondered if this movie was some sort of prequel to another film, like where Denzel Washington's father lands a B-17 upside down on a battlefield while drunk and high or something...
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    I keep forgetting to check that show out. My dad worked on "Speed" as well, as he was sort of a liaison between the production people and the California highway something or other, maybe Department of Transportation, I don't know, and he said that everyone was super cool to do deal with. Apparently, they had a couple miles blocked off to do all the bus stuff, which was done first, and he still has some paperwork from before they cast Dennis Hopper, as Jeff Motherfucking Goldblum was originally slated to be the villain. He managed to take a couple of really good pictures of Keanu that he later signed for my sister. I was mildly disappointed that he didn't do the same for me with Sandra Bullock, who was just about to become a somebody with "Demolition Man". *sigh*
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Ass Backwards

    Well, some are able to move the story forward with the musical performances, but in some musicals, it seems like the story stops dead in its tracks so that they can go into a ten-minute song that's all about what they JUST told you.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Ass Backwards

    "Chicago" totally is about 15 minutes of story stretched out into two hours.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    God's Not Dead

    "God's STILL Not Dead", maybe?
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Specialist

    I think I have it combined with "Assassins" in my heart.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Ass Backwards

    I think EVERYONE remembers the year that "Easy Rider 2" was supposed to be the big summer tentpole movie. If I saw ONE more fast food tie-in for that thing...
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Fantastic Four (2015)

    On one hand, I can see Fox being like "You know what, FUCK that guy" and just never acknowledging any of this other stuff ever existing, but on the other hand, I can see them doing some sort of alternate/editor's cut for the Blu-Ray just to get SOME interest in it and make some extra money on it before the movie just disappears into obscurity forever.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Fantastic Four (2015)

    With the poor weekend box office came the expected Monday morning articles comparing this to other comic "bombs", which again shows that some of these writers just like to bring up their hate for things and don't actually know what a "bomb" is. I mean, this movie certainly appears to be one, but I've seen several mentions again of "Daredevil", which grossed 9 figures domestically, and outdid its production budget by quite a bit, which doesn't make it a runaway hit, but certainly doesn't make it a bomb. I mean, it got mentioned in the same conversation as "Steel", for fuck's sake...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Fantastic Four (2015)

    This too, I think, is where other studios are trying to copy the Marvel Studios formula and sometimes coming up short, as they've had a very successful track record so far of making unconventional choices, whether it's people that are known more for indy or TV work or hungry newcomers, but they've lucked out, there have been some real success stories, and they have a much more efficient machine in place behind it all that's running everything. Whether or not the stories about Trank being difficult are true or not, it didn't seem like the higher-ups at Fox were on the same page with each OTHER, much less the poor bastard that actually had the job of making the thing.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Fantastic Four (2015)

    Before even reading that, I wondered if this was a smaller scale version of WB's "If it worked for Batman..." policy, and it seems to be exactly that, down to the Batman part. It's not even "If it worked for the X-Men...", which Fox has been doing a fine job of running after recovering from the "Origins" incident. I kind of like that even within Marvel properties, there's this competition to actually TRY to keep audiences engaged, because Fox and Sony know that if the rights revert to Marvel, Marvel will be the ONLY ones making money, though with the failure of F4 and Sony's mishandling of Spidey, it looks like they're having a harder time of things. However, I wonder if it's gotten to the point of these other studios knowing they're losing the battle, intentionally running the lesser-performing franchises into the ground with full knowledge that Marvel will have an uphill battle after being given damaged goods. Hmmmm.