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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Reign of Fire (2002)

    In the grand Asylum tradition, I don't think it would be a "Vs." movie so much as a mash-up. "Helidragons" maybe! You see, they're dragons, but they've also got propellers, and they're even deadlier because they're on fire or something! Not one of the better ones, but it's hardly like Asylum to throw out a bad idea.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Futuresport (1998)

    I remember this being one of the first movies that I saw on a Blockbuster shelf or on cable or whatever where I though "But that's Wesley fuckin' Snipes! How was he in something that never made it into theaters?". We were so naive and easily confused back in the 20th century...
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    House of Versace (Lifetime Movie)

    I still think Gershon's pretty hot for her age. I guess Lohan still looks OK for Gershon's age too.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    Eh, not really though. I remember checking it out, and it was mostly footage from THIS movie cut with 70's crime flicks and put together in such a way as to look pretty exciting. I know Carnahan's directed good stuff, and I would have been curious to see what kind of pre-production materials may have been out there, but this reel contains no new footage or anything and was really just an exercise in editing. It was just done a bit better than the usual mash-ups that pop up on YouTube.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74 — Halloween III: Season of the Witch

    Crap, I had posted a picture here, but it didn't take. Eh, I'll try it again later...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Shocker (1989)

    To be fair (at least in this film), he DOES play a football player, and we do see him run face-first into a goal post at the beginning, so there's some possible reasoning for the way he talks. It might be a stretch, but it is a somewhat reasonable explanation for possible bad acting being disguised as a character trait! Do I get a No-Prize?
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Father's Day (1997)

    You've said more about this film than anyone else has since 1997. Billy Crystal himself probably hasn't dedicated that much thought to it. I mean, it's no "My Giant", that's for sure...
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Father's Day (1997)

    And that was JUST before we were subjected to hearing about how much Mark McGrath wanted to fly, for the rest of the year and the remainder of the decade. Jesus, that song just wouldn't go away...
  9. What the fuck? This site's been acting weird for me lately, like taking really long to post, which probably plays into why my last post showed up THREE times. Sorry about that.
  10. I think his only high profile gig in like the last decade was version 2.0 of the "Exorcist" prequel, and the story behind that is more interesting than either of the films themselves. "Mindhunters" had about the smallest wide release you could have the following year, but that doesn't really count, because we were the last ones to get it after it had already been released in every other country on the planet, and even before that, the film had been completed and sitting on the shelf since (and I'm just guessing here) about 1947 or so. Oh wow, I was just looking at Harlin's filmography again, and I'd forgotten that he'd done the John Cena-starring WWE-produced "12 Rounds", as well as the truly HDTGM-worthy "The Covenant". If I didn't get to see everything for free, I would have skipped that, but I'm glad I didn't, because it ranked right up there with "88 Minutes" in terms of great after hours movie watching with the other theater employees. "The Covenant" is an unintentional comedy classic...from what I remember of it...
  11. I think his only high profile gig in like the last decade was version 2.0 of the "Exorcist" prequel, and the story behind that is more interesting than either of the films themselves. "Mindhunters" had about the smallest wide release you could have the following year, but that doesn't really count, because we were the last ones to get it after it had already been released in every other country on the planet, and even before that, the film had been completed and sitting on the shelf since (and I'm just guessing here) about 1947 or so. Oh wow, I was just looking at Harlin's filmography again, and I'd forgotten that he'd done the John Cena-starring WWE-produced "12 Rounds", as well as the truly HDTGM-worthy "The Covenant". If I didn't get to see everything for free, I would have skipped that, but I'm glad I didn't, because it ranked right up there with "88 Minutes" in terms of great after hours movie watching with the other theater employees. "The Covenant" is an unintentional comedy classic...from what I remember of it...
  12. I think his only high profile gig in like the last decade was version 2.0 of the "Exorcist" prequel, and the story behind that is more interesting than either of the films themselves. "Mindhunters" had about the smallest wide release you could have the following year, but that doesn't really count, because we were the last ones to get it after it had already been released in every other country on the planet, and even before that, the film had been completed and sitting on the shelf since (and I'm just guessing here) about 1947 or so. Oh wow, I was just looking at Harlin's filmography again, and I'd forgotten that he'd done the John Cena-starring WWE-produced "12 Rounds", as well as the truly HDTGM-worthy "The Covenant". If I didn't get to see everything for free, I would have skipped that, but I'm glad I didn't, because it ranked right up there with "88 Minutes" in terms of great after hours movie watching with the other theater employees. "The Covenant" is an unintentional comedy classic...from what I remember of it...
  13. A guy in a European brown bear/grizzly bear/they can't fucking decide what kind of bear suit (moving suspiciously like a guy in a gorilla suit) gets repeatedly punched in the face after escaping from Central Park Zoo and interrupting Hercules's carriage ride right as he was about to score some hot 1970's tail. This is still a more believable Hercules film...
  14. A guy in a European brown bear/grizzly bear/they can't fucking decide what kind of bear suit (moving suspiciously like a guy in a gorilla suit) gets repeatedly punched in the face after escaping from Central Park Zoo and interrupting Hercules's carriage ride right as he was about to score some hot 1970's tail. This is still a more believable Hercules film...
  15. I think I know what you mean. If you're deciding to make a Hercules flick, you can probably just think up a story right off the top of your head and come up with something that actually makes sense or falls in line with the character or mythology, even if it's by complete accident, but THIS looks like they're actively going out of their way to make NOT Hercules.
  16. I'm sorry, but there's already a movie about the early days of Hercules... That Renny Harlin thing looks like a fucking hate crime.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 73 — Congo

    I'm actually surprised at my theater that we haven't had more comments about the motion, especially with as many seniors and people that don't go to movies all the time that it's been pulling in, because they're always the ones complaining to us (like we make the damn things) about shaky handheld stuff. The difference I guess with "Gravity" though is that while there's a LOT of motion and spinning out of control, it's pretty steady and smooth camera movements, not someone shaking the shit out of the camera. I liked "Gravity" quite a lot, and it's interesting that it almost seems to play out in real time. I mean, it doesn't, there's a little bit of jumping forward here and there, but for the most part (like the camera), the movie is ALWAYS moving and it's a constant race against time. OK, let's get back to shitting on "Congo"...
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Deep Blue Sea

    *slow clap* Well played, sir. Well. Played.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Favorite Bad Movie Quote

  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nurse 3D (2013)

    Weren't they doing that to coincide with the release of some of the "Saw" sequels? Is it the same guy that worked on the posters or those? They always had a lot of weird imagery that had nothing to do with the film itself really (a lot of it just used body parts to form numbers and stuff), and this looks like it could have been one of them.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Upside Down

    Would you say you were let UPSIDE down? *crickets*
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 73 — Congo

    Holy shit, "Gravity" is the sequel to "Congo". Laura Linney is the reason why space hates Sandra Bullock so fucking much.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The In Crowd (2000)

    It's FILTHY Sexy Teen$. Have some respect, man! I mean, you had the dollar sign in the wrong place!
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    The Now Playing podcast just started their retrospective series on Stephen King that's going to run on and off for approximately ETERNITY. They're covering the different films, franchises, TV movies, mini series, etc. in the order that the books/films were written, beginning with the "Carrie" series, which in only 4 films contains nearly EVERY franchise cliche you can have. There was of course the original, which is considered a classic, the decades-late barely connected sequel that no one asked for, the made-for-TV adaptation, and finally the cinematic remake. There's even mention of the short-lived (it only ran for 3 days) "Carrie" musical. It's a pretty good podcast that I've been listening to for a few years now. Check 'em out!
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 73 — Congo

    What I don't think ANYONE has pointed out at all is that the idea having the gorilla that "talks" through using sign language is COMPLETELY unimpressive when we know it's just a person in a suit. If it was never going to be a real gorilla, they should have just gone for all the bonkers with it and had the damn thing actually speak. And did Paul say X-BOX Power Glove at one point? That's ridiculous. I mean, it would have had a red ring of death the second they hit that humid jungle air! (also, it was a Nintendo product.)