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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Furious 7

    Well, the "Saw" and "Fast" franchises both don't seem to understand how time works at all, so he'll be right at home with that. Remember when Vin said "I only live my life a quarter mile at a time" and then it somehow took them like 5 minutes of screen time to go that distance? Same goes with the traps in the "Saw" movies, where you could often take a nap or die of old age before the time ran out on some of those traps.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Jonah Hex (2010)

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA...whoa. I wouldn't go that far. Not a cardboard cut-out, no, but I haven't ruled him out as possibly being a robot. I worked on that film before anything else I'd worked on had been released, so I thought to myself "With all the music and sound effects and stuff mixed in, he'll sound less like a sheet of plywood or perhaps a two by four that was granted the gift of speech, right?". I was incorrect.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)

    For the price we pay though, it's completely understandable and still worth it, and at the end of the day, the studios licensing their stuff out would still like you to give your money DIRECTLY to them, so they've left you a reason to want to buy the thing if you're into that stuff, and I actually have purchased a lot of things that I first saw on Netflix, so it must be working. Even many of the more recent (like within the last couple of years) physical discs that Netflix sends out nowadays don't have the extras on them, like you'll click on special features or whatever, and it basically says "How about you just buy the damn thing if you're gonna be such a geek about it?". Well, not in those exact words, but if you're renting the movie, that's all they're going to give you.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Highlander II: The Quickening (1991)

    Holy shit, this reminds me, I caught most of "Highlander: The Source" (or it could be "The Sauce", the accents are fucking all over the place) on SyFy, which was the first made-for-TV installment, and it has someone doing bad COVERS of "Princes of the Universe" and at least "Who Wants to Live Forever". Balls, man. Balls. Here's a Breaking Benjamin cover of "Who Wants to Live Forever" that's pretty decent though... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSO-0-R0d5E
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD (1998)

    Huh, I don't know why the picture of Nick Fury punching somebody right in the cock from the game didn't show. Is that Sonic scolding me for taking a picture from a site, a fucking screen cap from a video game?!?!? Whatever, dude...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD (1998)

    Anyone remember the old Punisher arcade game, where Nick fury was the Player 2 character? Fun fact: Punisher killed Nick Fury in the comics once, but he got better, and he and Frank Castle have been total bros ever since. Dick punch!!!
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    It's not a HDTGM-worthy film at ALL. If you're going to pick anything from that era, you can't go wrong with "The Running Man" (talk about a movie that was ahead of it's time AND completely ridiculous) or "Commando".
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

    Or both! They could do it twice! I mean, there ARE 2 copies...
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Miami Connection (1987)

    There DID look to be at least like 9 guys playing guitar at any time, even if we only ever HEARD 2 or 3. I can't really grow much of a 'stache. I get a pretty wicked Don Johnson stubble going though, so I think what I need is THAT, and maybe the hair back that I had here in "Promised Land". I'm directly to the left of Titus Welliver...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Miami Connection (1987)

    If I would have thought of it, I would have grabbed my bass guitar and held it incorrectly. It's funny though that this was the Asian guy's brainchild, but he clearly looks like he's never held a musical instrument in his life. That would be like if I wrote a movie where I was supposed to be one of the greatest basketball players in the world, but then you'd see that I couldn't really even dribble worth a damn.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Miami Connection (1987)

    I used to consider myself very pro-ninja until a certain band opened my eyes, through my ears...
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven (2011)

    This looks a late night Cinemax flick, minus the expert direction of a Jim Wynorski or porn-level acting, which would be a step UP. That reminds me, check out "Popatopolis" on Netflix streaming, a documentary about Jim Wynorski and a bunch of porn stars as they make "The Witches of Breastwick" on a budget of like 8 dollars.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I lived in the northwest for a while, and his wife was from around where I lived, so if they were to make a biopic called "Malone", I think I'd really like for it to be about The Mailman...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Shocker (1989)

    Oh wow, literally EVERYTHING in the trailer is in the second half of the movie. If you were expecting all that, you'd wonder what the hell you were seeing in that first hour, which as I said before IS pretty great. It's a lot like "From Dusk Til Dawn" where there's a very specific point where it decides in a split-second that it doesn't want to be whatever kind of movie it was anymore. There's something else I saw very recently that was like that too, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was. I don't think it was "World's End", because it didn't do a COMPLETE 180 when all the sci-fi stuff was introduced mid-film. I'm sure I'll think of it at some point...
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Favorite Character Name

    That is a good one, but he WAS playing a porn director. It might seem a bit more ridiculous if he was a mailman or something.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 71.5 — Minisode 71.5

    So LL was like "Be cool, new guy, and maybe we can straighten things out later", but Canibus talked out of school, and now he's a footnote when he could have really been something? You know the old saying: "You mess with the shark, and you get the fin, which LL's head is like". It didn't make sense when Grandma B first said that to me, but around '99 or so, it became so, so clear...
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 71.5 — Minisode 71.5

    Did LL admit to being all huffy, or was that just this Canibus person's story? Was it possible that it wasn't recorded well, or maybe it just didn't fit the song in some other way, and Canibus, being a hot-headed newcomer just took it as a personal dis? All over a single line in a verse? That'd be like if I made a movie and wiped my ass with a VHS copy of "Boys N The Hood" because John Singleton cut a scene out of "Abduction" where I was an extra. If I keep my mouth shut, he never knows I'm upset, doesn't even know who I am, and doesn't make a movie called "PlanBFromOuterSpace Can Go Fuck Himself" in retaliation that kills any chances of me having a film career. I have to admit though, I think I'd get off on the attention, and my parents would be so proud...
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    How Did These Get Made?

    Yeah, those "Resident Evil" movies never do more than barely above-average business in the States, but have really cleaned up internationally. Whenever anyone starts the "American audiences have no taste and don't like good movies" debate, I like to throw that argument at them. I understand that explosions are the universal language, but there is some truly stupid shit that the rest of the world likes a lot more than we do.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 71.5 — Minisode 71.5

    Oh, and that also reminds me, there was some hair metal guitarist that put out an album years and years ago where the cover featured him pissing in front of headstones with the names of Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and Yngwie Malmsteen on them. The review I read for it said something like "(Guitarist whose name i can't remember) claims that he'll piss on the graves of these guys, and that's fine, as long as it keeps him from making music". I love that kind of stuff.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 71.5 — Minisode 71.5

    I have no idea who that is. That reminds, there must be SO many tracks from like a decade or so ago, when attacking your rival in song was a sign how tough you were, that must make absolutely no sense whatsoever anymore because the person being attacked in them or even the attacker themselves ceased being relevant within months of it being recorded.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Disorderlies (1987)

  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Disorderlies (1987)

    Was that "Kokomo"-era Beach Boys with John Stamos on drums?
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 71.5 — Minisode 71.5

    This holiday season, 20th Century Fox hates you. They really, really fucking hate you...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Miami Connection (1987)

    Yeah, people might get a little upset when you start opening all their mail. Oh wait, the OTHER thing...