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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Actors who are underrepresented on the show

    I think I'd still sooner re-watch the ACTUAL Hellraiser in Space (co-starring adam Scott!) than I would Paul WS Anderson's Hellraiser in Space. I don't think that's even the most discussion-worthy of his films though, as I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of talking about how ridiculous the last couple of installments of that shit farm that is the "Resident Evil" franchise.have been. Also, speaking of Anderson, there was a display of movies up at Wal Mart a couple months back, for either Memorial Day or Father's Day or something, and they all seemed millitary-themed. You had your obvious ones, like "Great Escape" and "Dirty Dozen", some comedies like "Biloxi Blues" and "Stripes", but THEN you had the ones where whoever had chosen the selection of movies were clearly asleep at the wheel, as then you had the Paul WS Anderson classic "Soldier", starring Kurt Russell. The logic was probably something like this: "Huh, what's this? I don't know, but it says 'Soldier', so what the hell. Stick this between 'Bridge on the River Kwai' and 'Guns of Navarone'". It's too bad that Mario Van Peebles's "Solo" is too subtle of a title...
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Radio (2003) - Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Ed Harris

    Oh wow, I just looked that up and I need to give that podcast a listen. I think just about any episode of "Saved By the Bell" could have turned out pretty horrifically if there were any kind of real-life consequences to the gang's shenanigans. Just think of all the problems that Bayside DIDN'T have that plague high schools everywhere! It would be comedy gold! Dark dark DARK darrrrrrrrrkkkkk comedy gold....
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Radio (2003) - Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Ed Harris

    I'd like to see a movie that has the same plot as all of those scrappy underdog sports films that would play out more like it should. Undersized inexperienced kid gets bullied, wants to prove himself, no one believes in him, and by some miracle he gets on the team and in the game. He's in for a couple of plays and then BAM, it turns into the second half of "Million Dollar Baby". I never watched "Friday Night Lights", so maybe that kind of story has already been tackled (HA!) there, but I think my vision is more along the lines of if someone like David Cronenberg decided to do a very special episode of "Saved By The Bell".
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    This one was actually pretty great and probably the best in the series. It was the FOURTH one that felt totally straight-to-video, the one with the crash at the NASCAR race. I forget which thread it was on here, but I remember a couple of us went waaaaaayyy off topic and talked about the "Final Destination" flicks for a while.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Favorite Character Name

    That made me think of the ULTIMATE Hawke, which would be Jan-Michael Vincent's Stringfellow Hawke, from TV's "Airwolf" (sounds familiar...). If this was a contest, it would now be over.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Running Man (1987)

    And it's directed by Paul Michael "Starsky" Glaser, who would be an awesome guest!
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 2 — Minisode: Comedy

    I've always found the first half of "Stripes" to be pretty great, while the post-boot camp stuff kind of lost my interest, which is sort of like "Full Metal Jacket". ALSO hilarious.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Generation Gaps

    I like that we've SORT OF had a return of this with Netflix. I mean, there's nothing at stake, like you're not out 5 bucks for picking a shitty movie, but it's fun to see some of those EXACT same early 80's barbarian or post-apocalyptic movies with that awesome cover art to pop up, because I'll still check them out, at least for a few minutes.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I'm not sure how much of a decision they have in picking their projects or what projects are picked FOR them, but it's gotta drive some of those younger actors crazy when whey keep doing movies aimed at an audience that they've outgrown (or that's outgrown THEM). I mean, when you're talking about someone like Lohan, if you look at her work, she had a period of maybe a year or two where she was a really big deal, but then she kept doing the same bullshit, and it got really old. Meanwhile, you've got actresses like Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin who were doing movies early on that WEREN'T necessarily aimed at people their own age, and they've gone on to be perfectly sane people with no problems and careers that are likely to continue for quite some time. It might be a combination of people looking out for them and having parents that AREN'T sociopaths that does the trick. Jesus, Lohan's parents have probably had more screen time in recent years than she has, and they are terrible, terrible people...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Elektra (2005)

    I think I remember the final fight being pretty decent too. Or maybe it was just good compared to the fight at the end of the first FF, where Doom pretty much just got gang banged once everyone else hit the scene.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Conan the Barbarian

    I don't know how big of a deal it was back then, because people lose their minds nowadays when R-rated franchises soften up and go PG-13, but "Destroyer" had to be a pretty early example of that happening. I remember it being pretty silly, but as far as specifics, I keep getting it mixed up with "Red Sonja", which was basically the same movie.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    I've been Team Thorg since the beginning. I don't know about you, but those Team Zamir guys are insufferable assholes. Team Gomez is surprisingly laid back, believe it or not.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    I also saw it literally 18,000 times growing up, but barely remembered anything outside of the pommel horse scene before re-watching it the other night. Had Sylvester Stallone not saved the world from communism TWICE in 1985, I think this would have been remembered more as a Cold War-era action gem.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Generation Gaps

    As far as the 80's movie stuff goes, does anyone else remember the early days of video stores, like how zero thought was put it into designing the packaging whatsoever? It was like "Fuck it! It's a movie, and there are only several dozen available right now, it doesn't matter what's on the box! They'll rent it!". Sometimes you'd be lucky to have ANYthing on the front of the box that gave you any clue what the movie was about or who was in it. There was one company in particular that I remember having a mostly blank cover with a tiny picture in the middle that would be a screen cap from the movie of like the 8th-billed female or an extra screaming, and then it would turn out that it was in fact a comedy. Also, the back of the box would have less of a synopsis on the back and more of a full-blown dissertation of the movie that would read like a Wikipedia entry. "And then the hero does this, and then the hero does that, and then he discovers that the killer was this guy, and he fights this guy and kills this guy, but he's not dead and comes back in the last five minutes for one final fight....". Something like that.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Generation Gaps

    How did Bowie and Jagger not come up in the "scientifically impossible amount of jizz" discussion? That had to be from around the time of the "Dancing in the Streets" video. It could be that it wasn't mentioned because THAT was the one that was true...right?
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    I thought he looked like Mr. Blue from "Reservoir Dogs" myself.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    The Room made me realize that I like wearing a tuxedo in situations where I would have never thought of wearing a tuxedo.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    I'd never realized that "Team America: World Police" took so much from "Gymkata"! They recruit the guy because he's good at ONE thing, and that is the world's greatest gymnast, but he's apparently terrible at everything else, as evidenced by the training sequence. Is it easier to take a master gymnast and turn him into a supreme fighter, or would it be easier to turn a supreme fighter into a master gymnast? And why is the gymnastics aspect of it so fucking important? Did he say that The Game is different every time? Why do we see them do the SAME things then later? Oh, how about when the guy blindfolds himself and does the flippy spinny stuff with the knives? The blindfold did NOTHING! He wasn't doing anything that really required use of his eyes! "Those men among others out there will train you!"
  19. It sounds like an idea that comes and goes during Murphy's brief bankable periods. If we're going to suggest movies that'll probably never get made, we may as well suggest "Ghostbusters 3" while we're at it...
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 69.5 — Minisode 69.5

    It's also good to have other people around for some of these movies because sometimes I can't believe what I'm seeing, and I want to make sure that I'm not hallucinating and that everyone else can see the same crazy shit that I just saw.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 69.5 — Minisode 69.5

    It sounds like the "Act of Valor" of it's day. If you don't think it's a good movie, you simply hate America.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 69.5 — Minisode 69.5

    "The self defense of karate" just doesn't have the same kind of ring to it. Ironically, it lacks that certain punch...
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 69.5 — Minisode 69.5

    And then, of course, the character's name would have also been Jim Karate. It works on ALL levels! Annnnnnd I just saw someone's Jim Kata remark. Dammit, I really should have read through everything before commenting. I am SO late to the party this week...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    In the Spring of 1997, I was going to tech school at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi, and there was this huge patio area in the middle of the squadron built around this enormous tree, which was where everyone hung out and smoked. There were squirrels somehow living in this thing that survived purely on cigarette smoke and McDonald's fries, and they were the friendliest things ever. They were awfully slow though, not to mention terrible climbers. To this day, I don't think I've ever seen another squirrel get winded...