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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 69 — Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles

    "Gremlins 4" spec script? Did he skip right past 3, or did he get a hold of MY "Gremlins 3" spec script?
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    X-Men: First Class

    I thought Ryan Reynolds was a pretty excellent Wade Wilson, and it's a damn shame that he didn't even GET to play Deadpool. Man, did they ever fuck that up, and I hope we still get a proper Deapool film, Reynolds or not, because I refuse to believe that that...thing in that first Wolverine flick was Deadpool. Reynolds can actually safely say that he wasn't THAT either, because it was another actor or a stuntman or something.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Core (2003)

    It's "Armageddon" ON Earth! I remember that this movie got bumped back because of the NASA shuttle that got destroyed re-entering Earth's atmosphere shortly before it was supposed to come out, which sort of mirrored a scene in the film, and strangely enough I don't even see that mentioned on it's Wikipedia page. It was one of those things, when working at a theater, where you know to yank the trailers and posters before you even get the e-mails from higher up to do so. I think when the movie tanked though, they actually let it fail on it's own merits and not because "Moviegoers weren't ready to see something that so closely resembled real life tragedy" or whatever bullshit line they use to defend movies that were doomed anyway.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I don't think 3DD would be all that interesting to talk about. It's just a shitty, shitty movie that's more stupid than crazy and falls under the category of so bad it's bad because they were trying to be clever and failed horribly. That movie is LITERALLY made out of garbage. The first one was a hell of a lot of fun and very well done though.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 68.5 — Minisode 68.5

    Because you're a terrible parent. A terrible, terrible parent. OK, not really. But seriously, how does he have such easy access to "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles"? You may as well let him play in traffic and keep a gun in the house while you're at it, because they're all equally destructive!
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Quigley (2003)

    On occasion, they tackle SOME straight-to-video stuff, or at least stuff that had little to nothing in the way of a theatrical release, like Nic Cage's "Trespass" or "Tiptoes", or cult movies like "The Room" or "Birdemic". They've also delved into some high profile TV badness with "Liz and Dick" and "Sharknado", but they do seem to strictly stay away from things like this movie that never had any chance of seeing the inside of a theater at all.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Cocktail (1988)

    I'm sure the reviews weren't AS bad as the RT score suggests. I'd have to think that any pre-internet movie ratings have to be tainted a bit one way or the other, as a lot of older reviews probably didn't make the jump to the web sites, and I'll bet no one's doing any sort of retro reviews on how perfectly mediocre "Cocktail" was, y'know? Remember, according to internet law, everything is either the BEST ever or the WORST ever.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Blade Trinity (2004)

    "Just Friends" is pretty fantastic though. I mean it!
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Blade Trinity (2004)

    I don't get all the love for the second one either. I thought it was perfectly mediocre, and it felt really long with double-crosses on top of double-crosses, but the Internet seems to have such a del Toro boner, so it gets a pass and gets talked up way more than it deserves.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Masked and Anonymous

    Male, female, whatever, Gene Simmons is just one of the most unattractive HUMAN BEINGS to ever get as popular in his line of work as he is. I'm thinking that wearing all the makeup for the first decade of his career was less a gimmick and more of a defense mechanism...
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Stealth (2005)

    From what I understand, this thing either sat on the shelf for a while or the release date kept getting bumped around. I remember reading or watching something that pointed out that at the time the movie was being made, Josh Lucas was the biggest name in it, which really says something. I don't remember a time where the guy was EVER a big deal. I mean, he was a pretty solid "that guy" for quite a few years, but I can't recall anything ever making money because he was in it.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991)

    Based on the poster, Rourke doesn't look like a Harley guy at all. It looks like he's dressed to race some fast little street bike. Hell, Johnson looks more like he should be on that thing.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Santa's Slay (2005)

    Well, sure, at least until I finally get my Anna Le Moine biopic off the ground. I'm just waiting for Cate Blanchett's schedule to open up...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Hercules in New York

    Listening to people talking to Arnold in the undubbed version is like listening to Han Solo converse with his co-pilot. "You said it, Chewie."
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Number 23 (2007)

    I'm pretty sure this suggestion is already buried deep, deep in the forum, as I think I mentioned that it's such a crazy coincidence that 23 is the exact number of shits that I don't give about this movie! Hi-yo! But still, yeah, good one for this podcast.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Spawn (1997)

    The animated series is pretty hilarious too, and I'm pretty sure it's coming back for a second season. It's very satirical and a lot of the humor is based in knowing what happened to the various "guest stars", such as OJ Simpson, Richard Pryor, and Michael Jackson.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Masked and Anonymous

    Ahem, I think you're also forgetting a Mr. Gene Simmons. Or not. OK, I just really fucking loved "Runaway". Actually, Lyle Lovett is also pretty good in what I've seen him in.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    X-Men: First Class

    If any X-Men film deserved an episode, it would be "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", which made way less sense, contradicted so much of what came before it, did irreparable damage to what could have been cool characters, and just did more to hurt the franchise than anything else. I wouldn't necessarily say it was the "Batman and Robin" of the X-Men franchise, but maybe the Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes" of its series in that future filmmakers went "Shit, we don't really want to keep going in that direction or reboot everything again really, so let's just ignore it".
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Spawn (1997)

    I remember the friend being white being a point of controversy, but it's really the least of this film's offenses. For an equal does of terrible co-starring Michael Jai White, I strongly recommend (and by that I mean "don't recommend at all") "Universl Soldier: The Return". I remember at the time being upset that he was the main villain, as I thought it'd be Goldberg, but again, that's the least of this film's atrocities. Speaking of White though, I actually really, really like the guy now. He's really good in a lot of stuff that isn't so good, and he's phenomenal in the excellent "Black Dynamite", which he co-wrote. I wonder if he and Dolph Lundgren (another guy that's awesome in less than awesome things) have ever done a film together? Fortunately for Sheen, "The West Wing" was right around the corner, so he became respectable again.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Spawn (1997)

    At the time, as a comic fan in the 90's, I remember it being one of the most disappointing films I'd seen, but these days, it's just a flaming shit pile. I was never a huge Spawn fan, having read it for the first couple years of its run before realizing I was just picking it up out of habit because Spawn was kewl, but I was pretty psyched for the movie. I mean, after "Batman & Robin" shit the bed earlier in the summer, it HAD to be the comic book superhero movie we wanted, right? After seeing it that first time in theaters, I don't think I saw it in its entirety ever again, though I've seen bits and pieces from time to time when it shows up on FX or Spike TV or something. They were practically giving this thing away with DVD players, as I remember this movie, along with "Blade", "Lost in Space", and a couple of other New Line releases being the movies that you had to SEE on this crazy new medium!
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    InAPPropriate Comedy (2013)

    You really need to stick with the franchise for a little while, because I don't think Bumfights really hit it's stride until Bumfights 8 or so. It's like the "Empire Strikes Back" of Bumfights sequels.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 63 — Fast & Furious 6

    Where does anyone indicate that they're offended at all, or that they're annoyed or doing anything less than enjoying the utter ridiculousness on display? I mean really, that is one LONG runway... If this place was so full of hipster commenters, you'd see a "Before Midnight" thread on here as long as this one.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 68 — Over The Top: LIVE!

    I guess it is pretty difficult to bust out some sweet, sweet tunes when you're battling for our very souls, so I suppose I can forgive him for not having a track on this compilation just this once. Just this once...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 68 — Over The Top: LIVE!

    I see his picture, but I don't see the name Kenny Loggins anywhere on that list. Hmmm.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 68 — Over The Top: LIVE!

    For the full creepy effect though, I think that clip needs to be playing in reverse...