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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Silver Linings Playbook

    Regardless of whether you like the movie or not, there's really not a whole lot that would qualify it as something that deserves an episode here. If you've been listening to the shows at all, you'd know that the best discussions come from films containing copious amounts of what-the-fuckery, and that's not really present here. The dance subplot is a little odd, but it doesn't come from out of nowhere, and it figures into the story in a way that makes sense. There are plenty of movies that were critical and commercial darlings that I despise, but can still admit that there wasn't anything necessarily wrong with the acting, the writing, or the direction. They just didn't come together into something that I enjoyed, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to push for the HDTGM crew to devote an hour to "The English Patient" or something. That would mean that they'd have to watch "The English Patient".
  2. Working at a movie theater really kicked my bad movie watching into overdrive, as it's a lot easier to want to see something that looks terrible if you don't have to pay for it. Also, as theater managers, we get the luxury of getting to watch them ahead of time and by ourselves, so we're free to dog on them out loud as much as we want. When it comes to awful-looking theatrical releases, it's nice to not have to watch them with an audience that genuinely thinks it's going to be something good that's worth paying for.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I SO remember around this time, because I was working at a theater, and the failure of EVERYTHING got blamed on 9/11 and how "the moviegoing public isn't ready for (fill in the blank)" except for when there was a movie out that they WANTED to see and they were. We didn't even GET "Glitter", not that it would have affected business either way, as that time of the year is typically one of the slowest periods of the year for films, national tragedy or not. A year or two later, there was a movie called "Trapped" that was out that was a total nothing movie with Charlize Theron, Kevin Bacon, and Courtney Love or somebody, and when that didn't make any money (it was never going to), there was some sort of talk about "With all the kidnappings in the news lately, moviegoers are uncomfortable with the subject matter" or some similar bullshit, like it wasn't a plot device, that it was mirroring actual current events. I mean, it's one thing if the timing is bad and something in a movie has an eerie resemblance to what's happening in real life, but when there are just vague, passing similarities and the terrorists are to blame for no one wanting to see your shitty movie, that's just offensive, and no one should ever take the people giving that excuse seriously again.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    It's like they get TOO much credit for originality sometimes, y'know?
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I think they're all basically the same movie. "Hey, we're gonna take a famous singer and cast them as...wait for it...a singer. Only, no one's gonna realize it at first that they're amazing, because she's just a fucking waitress or something. Someone gets sick though or pisses off the club owner and doesn't show, and this performance was the one thing keeping the place from bankruptcy, so what happens? To the surprise of the people in the universe in which this film takes place in, but not to a single person watching this film or anyone that's ever watched ANY film, this mere minimum wage employee steps up and belts out the greatest thing that anyone's ever heard. The next two weeks move along at a breakneck pace as this girl becomes the biggest star in the world, shoots 2 movies, wins a shit ton of awards, develops a drinking and/or drug problem, etc., before realizing that all she wanted was for her parents to forgive her for not going to college...or something. Everything goes back to normal and there are no real repercussions, because only the bad or morally questionable people had bad things happen to them anyway. The end."
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Enough (2002)

    I swear it's around here somewhere, but I don't think I see it either. I mean, I don't think there's anywhere else I would have talked about this film in the last decade...
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Enough (2002)

    There's another thread about this already where we talked about it quite a bit, including how it was funny that everyone at the end was like "You killed your husband in self defense? Works for me..." even though it was clear that it was completely premeditated since the phone was cut, power was cut, rails loosened to come off if anyone should fall on them, weapons stashed in weird places, etc. It may as well have been the house from "Saw 2", but y'know, self defense...
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Silver Linings Playbook

    This actually led to a LOT of complaints at my theater, because people thought there was a sound problem. You see, because they were singing "live", all of the vocal stuff was coming out of the center channel, like you normally have when a character is just walking and talking in a film. It wasn't completely surrounding you, which they do in most big musicals, because they obviously aren't shooting for realism. Meanwhile, NO ONE thought it was weird when the opposite occurred in "Dark Knight Rises" when Bane's voice seemed to be coming from absolutely everywhere, which really bugged the hell out of me. Hey, let's start a proper Les Mis thread already. Silver Linings is no fun to rag on....
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Titanic: The Animated Movie (or The Legend Lives On)

    I heard about this on the "Shitty Movie Night" podcast, where they affectionately nicknamed it "Titanimals". Apparently, the film ends with nearly everyone surviving the disaster, like those thousand or so people didn't die on the Titanic or anything, which the hosts said was only slightly less offensive than claiming that the Holocaust never happened.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    G.I. Joe: Retaliation

    I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly, but it's possible that "Magic Mike" was moved into that slot after the fact. There was a bit of late shuffling around last summer because of big tentpole flicks moving around the schedule. For instance, "Ted" (which came out the same day as "Magic Mike") originally had a July 13th release date, which put it safely in the middle of "GI Joe" and "Dark Knight"'s releases where it wouldn't take any damage, but the bump up to June really let those 2 movies shine, and they totally killed it with most of the next month to themselves outside of the shadow of the Bat.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    G.I. Joe: Retaliation

    Disagree! And the ninja fight/chase scene in the mountains is pure joy!
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Prometheus (2012)

    The fourth one felt like it would have been the first direct-to-video installment. Aside from the 3D, it was completely generic and unimaginative and full of more caricatures and nobodies than ever before. Also, everything would seem to go right back to normal immediately. Boyfriend died horrifically two minutes in the last scene, and everyone's going shopping at the mall in the next. Is it just me, or were the first four pretty much the EXACT same movie? Horrible accident, couple of good deaths, protagonist figures out the design, things kind of slow down and become even more predictable, minor snag, the end. For once, it would have been awesome if the person that figured it all out was the first to go. "Hey guys, I figured out dea...*SPLORCH*". The fifth one doesn't QUITE do that, but it probably had the best story of the sequels and an awesome, awesome twist. I remember thinking while watching it that there sure were a lot of flip phones for 2011... OK, OK, back to topic...
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Prometheus (2012)

    The last one in particular was actually a pretty good movie, and it ended with 3D versions of all the kills from the previous films in the credits.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Prometheus (2012)

    That's sort of what I was saying earlier, how if the stuff introduced in "Prometheus" actually goes somewhere, it could retroactively make this one better in a way, because we can't go back and NOT think of it as an "Alien" film, and those expectations really hurt it out of the gate. If we don't get "Prometheus 2"/"Alien 0.5" (I know, they're tossing it around, but it still has a chance of NOT happening), then THIS film was a giant wasted opportunity. "Prometheus" was a huge risk, and nearly a year after it's release, we still have no idea if it's really going to pay off.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Coneheads (1993)

    Maybe Ernie Hudson would actually make it on the poster this time! What would a "Ghostbusters 3" prove at this point anyway? If it ever got made, it would come out, it would do whatever business it would do, and then what? Congratulations everyone, one less/more thing to complain about!
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Prometheus (2012)

    I mean, I didn't hate the movie or anything, and on repeat viewings, I can appreciate it for being different and not being the "Alien" prequel that it was sold as that I STILL want, but how much I end up liking it in the end will depend heavily on IF there's a sequel and if we see both stories continue, because if this ends up being the end, it was a tremendous wasted opportunity. Even if there is another one, there's a chance that it will go even FURTHER off the rails, but even that would be better than if this were the last "Alien" film. As far as what "Prometheus" accomplished, it's frustrating, because while there's a case to be made about leaving some things open to interpretation and asking the audience to question some things, there's a big difference between that and just NOT answering the fucking questions. This was a combination of both, and had the answers been satisfying, I might be more interested in the questions that are still there.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM All-Stars

    I think there needs to be some sort of membership card for inductees. They get a punch in it for every movie, and after 5 they get a free 6" sub from Quizno's or something. I think Nic Cage would really appreciate a free sandwich.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Prometheus (2012)

    One of the things that REALLY stuck out to me that no one else seems to mention is that it seemed like no one on the ship had met until they were already at the ass-end of space and had been asleep for three years. They were heading off on the most important mission in the history of forever, so you'd think they'd want a pretty tight crew, and they didn't even have some sort of mixer or something before they went into cryo-sleep? Yeah, the best time to find out that the Irish guy doesn't like anyone is when you're already fucking there. This movie was full of so many "because the script says they have to" moments. Oh look, a crazy-looking space snake! I'm going to go against my gut on this one and try to pet it...
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    We got the poster for this one at my theater, and I'm pretty sure it ended up being one of those movies that we completely forgot about that we didn't even realize had been out until we saw it pop up on DVD shelves at Wal Mart. See also "Dr. Doolittle 3".
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Coneheads (1993)

    Anyone remember Aykroyd (and Tom Hanks) rapping on the "Dragnet" soundtrack? It HAPPENED, and it happened out of the boom box on my 9-year-old shoulder in the summer of '87. Why don't I forget this shit?
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Shocker (1989)

    I loved this one as a kid, and the soundtrack was AWESOME. It took a hell of a long time for that Megadeth cover of "No More Mr. Nice Guy" to pop up anywhere else though. Anyway, the first half of the movie is solid, still holds up and has some pretty horrific stuff in it, but once the botched execution and body-jumping stuff starts, it goes off the rails. It's like a totally different movie and somehow goes even more into "Nightmare on Elm Street" rip-off territory than it did when the dream stuff was the only weird thing that was going on. Weird dream powers and precognition versus body hopping and riding the lightning is straight Grade-A bonkersauce.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 58 — In The Name of The King

    I saw the documentary "Heckler" a few years back, which I think is currently streaming on Netflix, and they have a segment on Boll and show his "fights" with the critics.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 58 — In The Name of The King

    Speaking of which, I think I remember seeing something about "Bloodrayne", which was filmed in Eastern Whereverthefuck, where they mentioned that instead of hiring extras to play whores, they just hired whores, because the whores were cheaper. Whores...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 58 — In The Name of The King

    Also, I think it's DR. Uwe Boll. Yeah, he's a doctor like the guy in "Hostel" was a doctor...
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Cool World (1992)

    I know, I know. The titties are for everyone.