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Everything posted by sorrykansas.com

  1. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 46 — Barb Wire

    The fact that several people in the unoccupied zone brought out their luxury sailboats during the final battle stood out to me.
  2. sorrykansas.com

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    What about Halloween 6 with Paul Rudd. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's seen that movie. They try pathetically to shoehorn an entire mythology into the series.
  3. sorrykansas.com

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    Halloween 3 sucks ass, not in a funny way. BFD, it's Halloween without Michael Meyers, that's the funny part. Of course I'm probably just butt-hurt that I started a thread just like this 2 weeks ago when Paul asked...check it out. I'll add my vote for Hellraiser 4 with Adam Scott as the guest. If Adam can't or won't do it, then pick something else.
  4. sorrykansas.com

    October horror themed suggestions

    OH SHIT, VAMPIRE'S KISS! I forgot all about that one. Nic Cage hits a Mariah Carey-esque high-note of insanity in that movie.
  5. sorrykansas.com

    October horror themed suggestions

    Yeah, you're right 8 and 10 would probably be way funnier, but I love 6 so much. By the way, I just watched The Creature and I CAN NOT believe that shit was released in theaters. It has DTV written all over it. I'll admit the only reason I watched the whole thing was because I hoped the redhead would take her shirt off again, but I'm glad I did because this movie had the stupidest ending I've ever seen (or rather forced to imagine).
  6. sorrykansas.com

    October horror themed suggestions

    Also Friday The 13th Part 6: Jason Lives is the best of that series. This is the one where Jason is reanimated by lightning, which of course makes him super strong.
  7. sorrykansas.com

    October horror themed suggestions

    I'll get it started. Rob Zombie's Halloween 2. Here are 2 things about it to entice you. First, Michael Meyers' dead mother appears to him in totally lame poetic imagery throughout. If that weren't stupid enough, the entire first 15-20 minutes of the movie ARE A FUCKING DREAM, What's worse is that the movie they set up in the dream was more interesting than the one we woke up to.
  8. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 175 — Mop Water

    Paul F Tompkins mayhaps be my favorite comedian ever. Maybe it's just me, but for me comedy is really good for getting a laugh started.
  9. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 44 — Jaws 4: The Revenge

    If you missed this part, then listen to the ep again. Jason is hilariously outraged by the shark roaring.
  10. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 174 — Series Regulars

    I must have entered an alternate dimension where awesome things happen. This line up makes me wanna say, "Ooooohhhhhhhh, hello."
  11. We were so worried about Bob we sought out Kevin Fuck for an interview. Check it out here. Please note, this may not be the real Kevin Fuck.
  12. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 172 — This is a Safe Zone

    Logic did dictate that I make one for Todd too.
  13. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 172 — This is a Safe Zone

    Have you tried it yet? He wants to make sure people know about ice cream inside donuts. I think he's a hero.
  14. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 172 — This is a Safe Zone

    I would say I'm bad at photoshop, but I didn't even use photoshop to make this so...I guess I'm bad at photo impressions 6.
  15. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 172 — This is a Safe Zone

    I meant to make these 3 weeks ago when it would have been relevant, but I stubbornly made anyway. Enjoy! PS Please Scott, Todd; notice us.
  16. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 40 — Over Hard

    "So, you got a taste for the cat shit, huh?"
  17. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 40 — Over Hard

    Fucking sweet lineup. I have to finish my podcast first, but then I'm all yours.
  18. sorrykansas.com

    Episode 42.5 — Minisode 42.5

    I hate to admit it, and I can't explain why, but Wild Wild West (trip dub) is probably my favorite bad movie ever. It might be that I started smoking weed that year...who knows.
  19. Come down off of that flagpole, it's not the twenties yet.