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Posts posted by DanielSwinney

  1. Β 

    I've seen a ton of female comics say people tell them "I don't usually find female comedians, but you were great" so people can still find one or two female comedians funny while still having some sexist attitudes.


    Jen Kirkman's twitter account has really alerted me to how many douchey sexist comedy fans there are.


    To be fair, there's even women who say they don't usually find female comedians funny. But one of the things that seems really weird to me in the whole "women aren't funny" debates, is how comfortable people are throwing out that statement. Like, nobody would say "black people aren't funny" and even if someone thought this, they'd probably at least know that it's something they shouldn't say out loud. For some reason there isn't that same stigma to saying women aren't funny.


    I make it a point to argue with anyone I encounter who pulls out the "women just aren't that funny!" thing, which is a disappointing amount of people, male and female. It doesn't bother me when they name a specific woman though.

  2. I think a better question is, why, when male comics do a voice, do male listeners say "that's hilarious," and when female comics do a voice, they get called whiny and annoying?


    Well, to be fair, Kristen Schaal has something of an unusual voice but I could listen to her for hours. I do think Pamela Murphy is funny but there were a couple of times where the vocal presence of the Nancy character got a bit overbearing to me (even though she was saying funny things). Of course, the aforementioned Little Gary fits this description sometimes and I *love* Tom Lennon.


    Not to say there isn't something societal going against boisterously-voiced women comics/characters. Maria Bamford, who does the best voices in the whole word, had a pretty great observation on one of the Comedians of Comedy things when she said something to the effect of "I'm not sure it's that women aren't funny as much as it's that there are too many accountants with a bad Chris Rock impression and an irrational sense of confidence."

  3. The problem with the term oriental is that it is defining peoples and place by its relationship to the west. Why oriental? Because it's to the east of Europe. By using it you're unconsciously asserting your western world view.


    But then why is the West "the West"? It seems like calling it that is just as much adopting an Eastern world view as calling the East "the East" is adopting a Western world view.

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