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Everything posted by VampiresVampiresVampires

  1. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 41 — Spider-Man 3

    I hope you are not being sarcastic, because I got a charge out of this, too. Everyone else points to this as the downfall of the franchise, but I saw it as a satisfying F U to a bunch of whiny, one-dimensional "friend" characters. This was a breath of fresh air after the forced emotional weight of the beginning of the movie. Bad movie; good scene.
  2. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 167 — New No-Nos

    Did I just witness "Wanderlust" Womping up the jamz? Wow. From one year ago when this podcast was recorded, she seems to have obtained quite a career as a news reporter.
  3. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 103 — Monkey Trumpet

    I didn't even know there was another. Thanks for the heads up. Small part for Janet, but her, "I said NO!" got a chuckle.
  4. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 167 — New No-Nos

    I can't stop watching this. This may be the greatest GIF ever.
  5. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 167 — New No-Nos

  6. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 84 — Podcuddle

    What? I'm not sure you know what "hipster" means. These are very civil, very honest, very human responses. Emotions are not trendy; they are quite real and not to be dismissed.
  7. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 103 — Monkey Trumpet

    Hey! Hands off! Not only is she exceptionally funny and whip-smart, but also quite striking. My comedy crush was fortified with "Burning Love." Like you said, Ms. Varney was absolutely fantastic. I hope she keeps coming back to Earwolf.
  8. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 84 — Podcuddle

    I was going to leave this alone, but I just listened to the end of I4H. I actually have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach from this guy. It's kind of like the gutshot feeling you get after watching, "Boys Don't Cry," or the documentary about the slaughtering of dolphins. I may be overly sensitive, but MAN do I feel dirty. (Which is probably exactly what he wants.) *update Okay, I just watched "Winnebego Man." FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED!
  9. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 84 — Podcuddle

    Well, I tried it. I won't get nasty here, but I will say that this is the first Earwolf podcast I couldn't finish.
  10. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 84 — Podcuddle

    I've listened to every WC? episode numerous times. The comments here make me want to skip this one, though. Does anyone have some positives for this episode?
  11. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 166 — Farts and Procreation 2

    Is it weird that I laughed the most at Scott's ridiculous recap of Jack 'sJunior and Brian Pieces last appearance?
  12. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 166 — Farts and Procreation 2

    The Ketchup and Mustards! Creeeeeeak. Slam. Sit. Hello?
  13. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 83 — Nick Tunes

    See? He's missing the top two and bottom buttons. I think I have a few I can dig up. Just holla. Anything for a bro, bro.
  14. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 83 — Nick Tunes

    I feel bad for Nick. In his pictures, it looks like he can't afford all of the buttons on his shirts (and who could in this economy?).
  15. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Earwolf? I barely know her!

    I can't explain why, but this made me chuckle.
  16. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 165 — Hoo-ah!

    How dare you make me have no opinion on this!?!?! I just registered a few months ago to tell you how neutral I am about everything! Andy can go to purgatory and I hope Loudon DIES, after he lives a long and happy life. GRRRR!
  17. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 82 — Missed Connections

    Dammit! Now I'm stuck in a Sugar Hole... ...wait...
  18. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Weird Vibe

    Thank you so, so much
  19. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Weird Vibe

    I know this is a bit touchy, but has anyone else noticed the strange new negativity in the comments? I first noticed this in the Anniversary show (I think CBB 156). People were randomly attacking Paul F. Tompkins. The last three CBB and Who Charted? episodes have strangely disturbing comments. I am all for people being able to voice an opinion, but these just seem nasty to me. Not at all in the Earwolf spirit.
  20. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 164 — Clifton Was Here

    Well played, sir. But I see your Schwartz and Wittles and raise you a Mantzoukas! (All three are tied in my book for Best Co-Host.)
  21. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 164 — Clifton Was Here

    Oh. It's just another normal episode with Tony Clif............WHAAAAAAAA?!
  22. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 81.5 — 6/22/2012 TWO CHARTED 20

    I am thoroughly jealous. Oregon has access to the best beers in the world. I've actually thought about getting a job there just so I could live at the Rogue brewery. I guess I'll simply have to plan my "Sideways" trip to PacNorWe.