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Everything posted by NicholasSchleder

  1. Fuck. I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without Comedy Bang Bang would have been a better choice
  2. NicholasSchleder

    Episode 2 — Roll For Your Fate

    Very tempted to totally ignore this podcast until it's all finished then pull a podcastathon and listen to them all at once.
  3. I'm upset that I can't think of things of this caliber.
  4. NicholasSchleder

    New Front Page Layout

    Overall I see what they're doing and I like it. I've heard how Jeff wanted to incorperate more than just comedy under the Earwolf Network and the new layout definately shows it. My only gripes is not the layout itself but the color scheme and how it's incorporated. Gold and gray can work- and I can't really describe what turns it off for me but it just does. There's a bunch of people one reddit.com/r/web_design/ who would do a better job than me bringing in-depth criticism to the new front page. Also mees thinks that there's a little tune-up that could be done with the sites CSS but that's just me.
  5. Also acceptable: My power, my pleasure, my pain. My Sharona.
  6. Are we allowed to bump our own catchphrases?
  7. Dear Engineer/Intern who chooses the Comedy Bang Bang catchphrases: Choose this one.
  8. You merely adopted the Bang Bang. I was born in it! - Comedy Bang Bane
  9. my therapist said it'd be a good release to post this
  10. NicholasSchleder

    Guest suggestions

    Armen Weitzman?