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Everything posted by choochoo_the_wonder_slut

  1. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 8 — The Survivors

    I've rationalized her disappearance like so: Tasked with building escape rafts while the other three search the sinking vessel, Amon Amarth and Mildred barely notice the scared, diminutive female prisoner in the corner, who is looking out of the huge hole in the side of the ship, rather shocked as the recent events start to sink in. While Mildred briefly leaves to look for more binding material, the following conversation occurs between Amarth and the prisoner: Prisoner: "I can't believe that just happened. What are we going to do!?" Amon Amarth: "Shh pretty lady you go sleep now." (breaks neck and slides corpse into ocean) Then none of these assholes ever think of her again.
  2. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 8 — The Survivors

    To be fair it was Amon Amarth who said he didn't want to go back to those "fish people assholes", and he's kind of a moron who hits things and accidentally murders women, so the rest of the group may decide otherwise.
  3. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 8 — The Survivors

  4. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 7 — Follow the Whispers

    Sark didn't kill him. An "action" is when a player states he's going to try something and then rolls to see if he accomplished whatever it was. Sark gave him two actions. So Gerry could have used his second action to, say, swim for the bronze thing that the chains were coming from, rolled for it and made it inside. As someone else said it sounded like Ell Ryan died mostly of apathy.
  5. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 8 — The Survivors

    Ell Ryan died suddenly while on the set of his show 8 Simple Rules For Mating My Teenage Slaughter Bear. Now that Peter Gabriel has left who's gonna Phil Collins this bitch? Amarth Amon needs to randomly murder someone. And the group makeup is now fighter/fighter/fighter/warlock so no one better get injured? Huzzah!
  6. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 62 — Presidential Marriage Proposal

    If you didn't instantly recognize the robot voice the first time you ever heard it, you've obviously never prank called a Domino's to insult their staff with your computer. http://www2.research...eb/tts/demo.php
  7. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Congo (1995)

    Just watched this on cable, and it is definitely a big, wet, stinky pile of shit. Gorilla costumes + super bad accents + Doctor Who leftover sets + racism + lasers!
  8. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 7 — Follow the Whispers

    Sark sounded pretty surprised when Gerry decided to use Ell Ryan's last action to give in and die, so I don't think it was a foregone conclusion. I haven't been this disappointed by someone else's personal choice since Johnny Depp resuscitated Courtney Love.
  9. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 7 — Follow the Whispers

    15 posts deep and no one has used a "shitty ending" pun?
  10. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Character Drawings

    Nice! I can't draw at all, but if I could I'd make Amon Amarth look more like Eric Wareheim than Brian. For some reason ever since he asked "was that ok?" after killing the girl in ep2 I now picture him like this:
  11. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 1 - Larry David

    Damn Earwolf brings the heat again! You guys are a powerhouse.
  12. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 7 — Follow the Whispers

    Ha! A mime/bard.. that would be hilarious. I'd also settle for a dwarf monk named Junkpuncher who only struck the genitals of his opponents.
  13. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 7 — Follow the Whispers

  14. Quincy quietly questioned his qualifications as the quarterly queefing queen this Kwanza
  15. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    A Brief Overview of the Characters

    Nice job! I wish I could draw, I think a fan art thread would be pretty awesome.
  16. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 6 — Swim Toward The Light

    I can't really see them killing Ell Ryan off so early. I understand Sark stated he'd kill any or all of them at any time, but hey this is broadcast entertainment. Maybe he'll come back as Ell Ryan the White ala Gandolf. Or he'll just wake up somewhere next episode.
  17. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 6 — Swim Toward The Light

    I was wondering the same thing this morning, looks like a level 1 Warlock in 4e has a damage spell and some kind of interrupt thing. This show could use a wiki to reference since both the listeners and the party seems to forget what happened previously pretty often
  18. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 6 — Swim Toward The Light

    Please don't Ned Stark this.
  19. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 5 — Shipwrecked

    Well in this episode Brian mentioned that Episode 1 had just aired, which was just over a month ago, so we know they were still cranking them out then. A TPK this early would suck. This crew needs to live for a long time and continue to make a lot of dick jokes throughout the realm.
  20. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode BO2012.2 — Best of 2012 Pt 2

    The WIlliam Shatner murder/Three Men and A Baby joke by PFT in Time Bobby makes me laugh uncontollably every time I hear it.
  21. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode BO2012.2 — Best of 2012 Pt 2

    God I hope someone scrapes Andy Daly off of the sidewalk and reanimates his hilarious corpse so he and Jason can do some more straight man/weird character stuff on CBB with the Choctaw. And if anyone doesn't like Fourval at #1, I'll stab you.
  22. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 5 — Shipwrecked

    I concur, Pongo. This podcast has hit the sweetspot for me as a nerd whose favorite things are improv comedy, sword and sorcery and other nerds. I hope this sucker goes on forever.
  23. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 60 — Holiday Sex Rules

    That was Huskey. It smells like underballs in here.
  24. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 5 — Shipwrecked

    Relistened to this one this morning and noticed that they all seemed to forget about that hostage they had once they got inside the new pontoon. Guess she went down with the ship.
  25. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 5 — Shipwrecked

    How about "The Wizard Regales With Nerdly Tales" for the story segment? ps - I wonder if Posehn digs Electric Wizard? Heaviest band alive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77uVmkb6oes