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Posts posted by vgfitzger

  1. Since everyone else here is too scared of Besser's "Agree to Disagree" hammer coming down on them, I'll say what everyone is thinking but not saying for fear of improv retribution. Isn't it ironic that Matt cut together 90 minutes of himself railing against someone's laziness as a way to lazily get out of having to put together a new podcast this week? Jus' saiyan. Aukerman never misses a week.

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  2. When it seemed for a second that David wasn't going to tell the embarassing story that Tig teased I almost wrote a letter to my congressmen. I don't think the world could have handled the case of blue balls that we would have contracted if David didn't come through by giving us the ill full release with that poop story.

  3. I'm Listening to this right now! The forums are no longer hot with discussion! I really have a strong dislike for Totally Laime and i can't figure why. The girls voice is annoying to me but everyone else seems into it so obviously i'm wrong.


    Personally, I am looking forward to September 2012. I really started disliking them when they won the time cruch challenge by splaying defloweration stories like a couple of podcasting whores when the other two teams had legit entertaining offerings. Also, if I hear Elizibeth BRAAAAG about her dead parents one... more... time.

  4. When Proops is going on and on about something I can't help but think that his internal dialogue sounds like, "Just don't stop talking Proops. If no one can get a word in edgewise, then maybe they won't be able to draw attention to the fact that my name sounds like 'Poops'."

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  5. That last scene was so annoying. Catchment is collected rainwater or the collection of rainwater, when Besser said "We're in a catchment," that didn't make any sense, Koechner even said that catchment, "Is not a thing." When ignorance and over confidence collide, it's like listening to nails on a chalkboard. For example, I'm sure Besser would be annoyed if someone improvised a scene based on an unironic assertion that the persecution of atheists is not a thing, since he seems to think that's a thing. They pulled it out in the end though, by constructing a human perpetual pee fountain.
