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Posts posted by AstronautDown

  1. This was good but it gets a bit slow at times and the plethora of games (that's right, I said plethora) only make that even more evident. I mean, WYR without competition? Even Saucerman himself acknowledges that's it is unusual... I was wishing open door policy would work its wonder and a surprise guest would interrupt this intimate one-on-one, ala Patton Oswalt. Still pretty good but as someone mentioned earlier, more like a b-b-b-bonus ep.


    P.S. I saw the previous one on YouTube so it wasn't really new when it came out... Withdrawal syndrome is kicking in...

  2. This one will seem odd but I just listened to the 2010 Christmas show. Why would I do that when the Summer is just starting, you ask? In the words of Fourvel when asked how old he was: "yeah...".


    Anyway, to the point, Colin Hanks has a perfect chemistry with Scott and the guests on this one. I would love to see him come back as guest host.


    P.S. I need to hear the rest of Bret Gelman's Human-pig hybrid story.

  3. I was disappointed that there was no open door policy on this one. Might have been IFC's promo department's demand but I would not be surprized if Marón himself asked from Scott to... lock the gates.


    Patton Oswalt has got to be fuming with jealousy that Scott was really able to get into Maron's pain without being interrupted by an abuser of the open door policy.


    Damn, I recently went back and listened to some Patton Oswalt ones and I agree 100%. I think it's time we had that one on one after all...


    Wow. What a terrible episode of Comedy Bang Bang. Absolutely jam-packed with the worst kind of navel-gazing. Scott tried his best to make it interesting but was shot down at every turn by the relentlessly self-obsessed Marc Maron. If that's what the WTF podcast is like, I'm glad I've never listened to it.


    Yeah, that's basically why I stopped listening to WTF.

    • Like 1

  4. We need an episode of "How did this get made" to analyze what the f--- goes on in this one!


    Maybe it's just me but for me, the very first word, "Evita", brought me to tears (btw, maybe it's just me but—for me—is this the first time the particular musical is credited to Lord-Dame ALW?)! It just went snowball from there...

  5. What the f--- just happened you guys? That was f---ing brilliant! Neil Campbell is really the revelation of 2013, I love his quiet comedic style. When Walsh broke out of character for the first time it was so sudden and so perfectly in time, not too soon, not too late.


    But Adomian on this one... My f---ing god, what a force! He comes in and turns the podcast upside down! I loved him on this one, and the bleeper was the most brilliant idea ever. It took me a few bleeps until I though "hey, what the f--- is going on, there are no bleeps usually...". Blown away by his performance!


    Kudos Saucerman and Co. Loved this episode! Instant best of 2013.


    P.S. Had to add this while re-listening. That british accent is f---ing AWESOME!

    • Like 3

  6. I'll be honest with you guys. I didn't know that Huell was a real person (in my defence, I'm not from the US). I came here just to comment on this episode being amazing—only then I realised the subtext of it all... I must admit it really brought tears to my eyes...


    James Adomian nailed it! RIP Huell Howser.


    Definitely the best CBB of the year so far and I can't imagine it not being in the top ten!

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