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Posts posted by Smozi

  1. Hey Matt, I don't think it's bullying to make people defend their statements (and once you read some of that guy's tweets it was pretty clear why you were so angry, and why it was frustrating that he was being all agreeable when challenged on them,) and I don't know what exactly is your vision for I4H, but for what I think of as a comedy podcast there was a long, very unfunny section in this one. I appreciate that you're trying to do something real and that's not just cheap laughs (and a lot of improv that's on I4H comes from serious and non-comedic material) and I definitely respect what you're doing but it can be hard to listen to and not funny (which I guess it isn't always meant to be,) especially if it dominates the episode. Maybe if you put the Case Closed segments in their own episodes so there weren't the same expectations that come with being on I4H they would be easier to take. Just my two cents, looking forward to the next one.

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