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Everything posted by BroccoliRob

  1. This case closed was a great segment, but I think something got missed in all of the craziness. This guy actually thinks the 'gay issue' isn't a big deal anymore? He probably also thinks racism ended in 1870 when blacks were given the right to vote.
  2. A good point. Sociopath is probably a strong word to use, but 'malicious' and 'attention-seeking' fit the bill perfectly. I liked how the fight resolved in the most recent episode. Clearly both Nia and Jordan are awful people, but I was getting annoyed how Nia was portraying Jordan as the aggressor when she obviously was a huge part of it. I liked how Jordan sat down to clear the air with the group, and while he wasn't blameless, it wasn't all his fault. Disappointed to see that the violence they showed in the previous episode's previews was something that's going to show up later. Interested to notice that it was Avery that got clocked in the head though. Looking forward to the craziness.
  3. BroccoliRob

    Episode 24 — For Glinishmore and Bahamut!

    It drives me nuts when these guys find a room full of loot, and they always save it for the next episode. If it was me, the loot would be my first priority. It's my favorite part.
  4. Real World Portland continued in their filth this week. Apparently the only reason Nia wanted to mutilate Jordan's penis was that she wanted to see how big it was. The whole wanting to mutilate it thing was just a trick! When Nia was first introduced, I was convinced she was a sociopath. Then she started acting like a normal person. Then she decided that she wanted to see how big Jordan's dick was and went about achieving that goal by (attempting) to give Jordan oral sex. Now we're back in sociopath territory. I'm super excited for the violence promised by the promos for the upcoming episode.
  5. After Nia said that she wanted to mutilate Jordan's penis, I was expecting there to be some drama involving the fact that Marlon had been hitting on her nonstop since she arrived. This still might happen in next week's episode, but my theory is that Marlon is smart enough to realize "Oh! This is a crazy person! If I stick my penis in her, I might not get it back. Thank you so much Jordan for throwing your penis on that grenade." (In this instance I mean grenade as the explosive device, not an unattractive woman ala Jersey Shore)
  6. BroccoliRob

    Episode 19 — Enter The Water Realm

    Since when is a Paladin not a healer? And true, but you never know with this group.
  7. BroccoliRob

    Episode 19 — Enter The Water Realm

    Yay for Gerry!!! So glad to have him back, and I love his new character! . Is he a paladin? Hope so, cause this group could use a healer.
  8. It's is going to be a great season of the Real World. Some of the best seasons are the ones where almost everyone is unlikable, and it looks like RW Portland won't disappoint! I would have to say that Anastasia is my least liked member for pretty much the same reasons Chanson mentioned. Also, I don't like the perpetuation of the myth that she's super hot when on the close ups you can tell how unhealthily skinny she is. I am really looking forward to the imminent violence that this season promises.
  9. BroccoliRob


    This is what I wish my Snooki and Jwoww recaps would be like.
  10. BroccoliRob

    Episode 21 — Oy Vey

  11. BroccoliRob

    Episode 17 — Hack and Slash

    I love these battle episodes so much! Really hope they take the time to level up afterwards!
  12. BroccoliRob

    Second Opinion: OLD DOGS

    This statement is factually incorrect.
  13. BroccoliRob

    Episode 208 — Zombie Candles

    Steven Yeun was great and worked really well with Doug and Paul. I'm always apprehensive when I see that a first-timer/non-comedian is on the episode, but Steven went along with it like a pro. Really hope he makes another appearance on CBB.
  14. BroccoliRob

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    Finally! The quest for gear has finally been resolved! I was only slightly let down that they need to somehow identify the magical properties of half their items, but hopefully they do that soon. I can't believe that they almost went to that elevator without having split up the loot. That would have been my top priority at that moment. Super excited for the battle next episode!
  15. BroccoliRob

    Episode 20 — Filipino Gollum

    Hey guys, when I put on my shoes this morning, I noticed that they were filled with jelly. Do you think this could be related to the jelly you found on your headphones? Something I noticed when I watched the video on Angelina's KS page: the shots of her on the couch are super low and she's practically looking down at the camera/phone from the couch. She literally couldn't find anyone (for instance: a friend) who could hold the camera at a normal angle and instead she had to prop it up on a coffee table or something. Also, we're all in agreement that Angelina was the one who funded the $4,000 for her KS so it wouldn't fail, right?
  16. BroccoliRob

    Episode 137 — Away Game

    This was a terrific episode. Jesse Thorn is a delight in everything he does.
  17. BroccoliRob

    Episode 19 — Dating Philosophy

    Holy crap that is the saddest Kickstarter I have ever seen. Thank you so much for posting it. It's not even a KS to fund the show itself, but to fund the proposal to the network! It's bumming me out big time that there are four people who would spend $100 on this. But I am cheered up by the fact that the KS ends in two days and she hasn't even funded half of it yet.
  18. BroccoliRob

    Episode 15 — As The Dust Settles

    So close to getting gear! I'm really excited to see what kind of equipment the group will finally be able to get a hold of. Also, Prison = Gerry's new character??
  19. BroccoliRob

    Blackie Greene

    He's not sucking oxygen out of the room, he's filling dead air while someone is flipping through books or character sheets trying to find a random piece of info. What Blackee Green does is a public service.
  20. BroccoliRob

    Episode 19 — Dating Philosophy

    This was a great episode. Wasn't able to catch it live, but it didn't hurt the listening experience. I'm glad you named the mystery guest Bus Stop instead of Bagel because Kumail Nanjiani's cat is named Bagel, and it would have gotten confusing real fast. Everytime you would have addressed him by Bagel I would have thought "Why are they talking to Kumail's cat?" Close call guys. One of my favorite parts of the recent Challenge: Battle of the Seasons was seeing Wes get kicked off super early. He does provide a lot of the show's drama, but I was getting annoyed how he is constantly the leader of the main alliance. It was awesome to see him booted off by Frank's rookie alliance. I would love to see Frank and Wes be on a team and forced to work together next season.
  21. BroccoliRob

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    This was a great episode. The wait for the next episode is killing me!
  22. BroccoliRob

    D&D Personality Test

    True Neutral Elf Sorcerer! : )
  23. BroccoliRob

    Journey through The Challenges past

    I agree, Rivals and Battle of the Seasons were super good. I also recommend checking out Battle of the Exes.
  24. BroccoliRob

    Episode 18 — Fake Girl Voice

    Once again Tomp (or is it Tom? I can never remember) proves that he is the number 1 podcast guest in existence. Brooke is clearly experienced with being racist against Asians. The biggest problem is that whatever stereotype you use, odds are the Asian you are referring to isn't even from that particular Asian country. That's why Brooke did the pro move by saying taekwondo AND karate, stereotyping her fellow chef with two different Asian cultural stereotypes simultaneously. On to Snooki & Jwoww news!!! Snooki and Jionni have a fight that wasn't scripted at all in the slightest! Snooki was upset that Jionni was paying more attention to their newborn baby than her. Then Jwoww and Roger offer to babysit while Snooki and Jionni go out on a dinner date. Finally! Someone stepped up and relieved these poor, over-worked parents so they could have just a single night to themselves. Apparently they forgot that Jionni's parents live literally one floor up.
  25. BroccoliRob

    Episode 114 — Surfing Rainbows

    Just finished listening to this episode and I loved it. I was actually very impressed with Steve-O and loved hearing his stories.