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Everything posted by sodapopcat

  1. It was then that Andy the Motion Capture Actor finally accepted his wacky family. One could almost call them his Family Circus...but that wouldn't make sense because his last name was Jackson. Andrew Kitty Pride Jackson. His parents were X-Men fans.
  2. Life has no meaning anymore. When faced with the endless void that is our existence why continue? there is no answer, there never will be. Im in so much pain, every moment is a agony. Would anyone care if i was gone? Ive made my decision. The final decision. Good bye forever............uhhhhhh NOT!!!!! JK!
  3. After years of Andy Circus working exclusively in Newspapers Funny Pages, Andy left go pursue a career in the fledgling art of Mo-Cap. And we all know the rest of the story. Good Night.
  4. If Lime Disease is the opposite of Scurvy, then my recently deceased Aunt is the opposite of the Tuna i made out of my recently deceased Aunts Corpse.
  5. sodapopcat

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    This videos pretty old, cant remember if its been on Improv4humans Whistling Cars annoy Neighborhood
  6. sodapopcat

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    This is how they inspect pipes in Timisoara
  7. sodapopcat

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Camera falls in Pig Pen
  8. sodapopcat

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Kai The Surfer saves the Day- Crazy Interview
  9. sodapopcat

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    http://youtu.be/MnRUtQgPy2c Woman Orgasms to Car Bass
  10. sodapopcat

    Episode 9 — Hollywood Bowl

    i audibly orgasmed when I saw this.
  11. sodapopcat

  12. Nantucket is a place?
  13. Yo, fuck you Jason Mantzoukas. You sleep with my sister ese? You messed with wrong hombre, pendejo! End of side one "a Beginners Guide to Spanish", for side two turn the tape over and press play.
  14. This catchphrase would have more views if there were a reply
  15. I Pounded the Pound of Pound Cake I Pawned at the Pound for a Pound. Then I was Pounded by the Pound Cake. I guess Bobs your Uncle.
  16. Thats It Ringo Star! This time you gone too Ringo Far!
  17. Its pronounced Robot-cop.....Jesus
  18. Katy Perry, Survivor, Garry Busey... Come On!? EYE OF THE TIGER!? it's "eyes" of the tiger! You dont want to be a semi blind tiger!
  19. Cream rises to the top. Subsequently Eric Claptons other bands "Cool Whip" and "Half & Half" never got off the ground.
  20. "Everyday I wake up and remember Fox News is run by sentient foxes. I hate how good my memory is!" - the other Elephant Man, who lived in the parallel world where everyone is a anthropomorphic animal, so he's normal
  21. So when I walked into the theatre I said "Knight and Day? More like me no pay pay!" Ahahahahahahaha (host and guest laugh and high five each other)
  22. Pop my back and yak my sack, it's pop sax song Yakety sax!
  23. David Letterman, you Fired!
  24. sodapopcat

    Episode BO2013.2 — Best of 2013 Pt 2

    I hope we at least get a bbbonusss nod to Philip Traumatic Seymour Disorder and All Farted Out