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Brad Lindert

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Everything posted by Brad Lindert

  1. There's a reason why this is a podcast and not a waffle house. Complete lack of syrup.
  2. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang, where we've been banging out the comedy since before you were born. You hear that? We've been doing this a pretty long time! So stop trying to change me. I know what I'm doing. I. Know. What. I'm. Doing.
  3. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. But his queen? She's still blind. Still. Blind.
  4. With a song in my heart and one hand in my pocket I welcome you to my own private thunder dome.
  5. If you're looking for me, Scott Aukerman, you would be wrong to look here. Because this is a podcast and I am but a voice. Or if you prefer a butter voice. Smooth milky goodness.
  6. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, you can't uncook a cake. So stop trying. Seriously, Samantha! Putting the cake in a freezer isn't doing what you think it's doing.
  7. Welcome to comedy bang bang, where comedy meets chit chat. First they exchange pleasantries, then they get to know each other and one thing leads to another. Soon comedy and chit chat are making sweet sweet love near a roaring fire place. Nine months later we have an episode of Comedy Bang Bang.
  8. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang where... oh.. ahh.. shit. Dropped the paper, let me see if... no no I can't reach it. Damn. Well, nevermind. Guess there's no catch phrase this week.