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Everything posted by Ofcoursemyhorse

  1. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Love Witch (2016)

    I get that it is its own movie, but the way its filmed and written is clearly attempting to replicate films from the 60's. And its just me personally, but I really cant watch movies from before the 70's.
  2. Ofcoursemyhorse

    What Women Want (2000)

    Steve Carrell's nipples firmly disagree.
  3. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Stolen and Criminal are both fucking amazing for entirely different reasons. Criminal is the better of the two in terms of pure entertainment value. Kevin Costner lumbers around Europe as basically a walking facsimile of how the rest of the world views Americans after Trump was elected. The fact that it contains the stars of two of the highest grossing comic book movies ever made is just icing on the cake. The plot is so insanely goofy, i'd highly recommend watching the Ricky Gervais Show where Karl Pilkington pitches his movie idea with Clive Warren and Rebecca DeMornay as this movie is essentially that pitch come to life. I absolutely love Stolen though, Danny Huston is charming as ever starring as one of the worst detectives ever depicted in cinema. Nic Cage is fairly benign throughout, but the transformation that Josh Lucas goes through in this movie is so worth the price of admission its hard to put into words. https://media.npr.or...c8ac.jpg?s=1400
  4. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Stolen (2012)

    Bump, if you've never seen this movie your doing yourself a major disservice.
  5. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Dr. T & the Women (2000)

    Fear Dot Com is fucking awful but nowhere near deserving enough to be on the same list as Eye of the Beholder.
  6. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Love Witch (2016)

    I get what they were going for, but movies from the time period they're attempting to recreate are unwatchable to me to put it very mildly. I'm sure this movie earned every accolade for faithfully recreating a movie from the era, but I know for me personally, I would fucking hate this movie.
  7. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)

    2 would be more fun, but I feel like that one got worse reviews from the first mainly because of how much of a carbon copy it is from the first movie. To the point that I'm pretty sure they even recycled a couple of locations from the first movie. 3 feels like an entirely different movie, or even like a foreign production company trying to come up with their own version.
  8. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Criminal (2016)

    I really thought that's what the ending was going to be. Although the ending as it already exists is pretty crazy.
  9. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)

    I really think they're almost obligated to do this movie at some point. Its one of those landmarks films in the bad movie genre, it really is a bummer. The writing was incredibly weak and didnt have anywhere near enough Eddie Murphy being Eddie Murphy. Instead it was filled with horrible sight gags to the point that it almost bordered on a spoof movie. When Bronson Pinchot shows up as arms dealer its like the movie switches genres and becomes a Naked Gun.
  10. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Criminal (2016)

    At one point Kevin Costner is lumbering around Europe with some big southern accent and randomly beats up a bunch of construction workers and all I could think is yeah this probably is how the rest of the world views Americans at this point. It is a fun movie though, Stolen is another fucking terrible movie that ends up being great mainly due to some absolutely stunning wardrobe decisions.
  11. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Catching up with Maximiliano as well. My biggest problem with this movie and given how batshit crazy this movie is my criticism seems silly but when the senators were discussing who was going to lead the new time travel division and they describe Mcgill's character as being a Chief of Police or something along those lines. For the entire movie all that was running through my mind is why in gods green earth would they have basically a beat cop be leading the most scientifically advanced police agency in existence? Really its not someone from like D.A.R.P.A or a high ranking military officer. They're like "Yeah were going to put together a police force thats going to based around bleeding edge science and technology and the man heading it will thankfully have extensive experience in inner city crime". Because those are the necessary skills and background your going to need when dealing with criminals who will potentially be altering the fabric of time and space. It makes Bruce McGills confusion as to what the hell JCVD is talking about when he time travels to the alternate timeline all the more plausible. Of course he doesnt understand, his last job was basically screaming at McNulty if i'm to believe anything of The Wire.
  12. Ofcoursemyhorse

    B*A*P*S (1997)

    This is one of those movies that HBO would rerun constantly when I was in my teens. I'm pretty sure i've seen this multiple times, which is just sad.
  13. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Instinct (1999)

    It still boggles my mind that this was supposed to be a cinematic adaptation of Ishmael by Daniel Quinn.
  14. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Spawn (1997)

    Hearing that giant shitty CGI devil creature say the name Wanda repeatedly was pretty wonderful.
  15. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Heart Condition (1990)

    Denzel Washington was in some extremely terrible movies early on into his career, but because he's such an amazingly charismatic actor they're all very fun to watch. This, Ricochet and Carbon Copy would all be solid picks.
  16. Ofcoursemyhorse

    My Father the Hero (1994)

    When i watched this a few months back both my wife and I were blown away with how creepy it is when Gérard sings Thank Heavens for Little Girls. Subtext of the movie aside, that song is extremely questionable in its own right.
  17. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Stay Alive (2006)

    I don't know if you ever saw the movie Reign over me with Don Cheadle and Adam Sandler but it's an excellent example of a director using a video game in a film. Instead of just having Adam Sandler being some depressed dude who plays video games to get away from reality. They specifically chose Shadow of The Colossus because the imagery of the character toppling massive building sized stone creatures as a way to show Sandler not being able to deal with the horrors of seeing his family die when the twins towers fell.
  18. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 164.5 - Minisode 164.5

    I stopped watching after 15 min. There are an endless array of movies that are infinitely more enjoyable that they haven't covered yet. I just don't understand the point of covering a movie like this.
  19. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The 6th Day (2000)

    This one's next to impossible to search for, but this would be a very questionable forum if there wasn't already a thread for this movie.
  20. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Dark Half (1993)

    Pretty wild Stephen King adaptation directed by George Romero. At a time when Timothy Hutton was trying to break free of his typecasting in nice guy roles, and boy did he go for it in this one.
  21. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    So the medical braces all over his outfit got me thinking that they were supposed to indicate all the damage the villains of the movie inflicted on him during the beating that killed him. And after every race he sheds a piece, I think to show that he's getting closer and closer to what eventually happens at the end of the movie with his resurrection. But his whole outfit would have made significantly more sense if they had a scene where he initially lived although in a comatose state and then passed away. That way they could have showed him in all the medical equipment that adorned his Wraith outfit.
  22. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Stay Alive (2006)

    It always cracks me up when movies have a video game as like a major plotpoint and the game always looks terrible. Law and Order Criminal Intent has one of my favorite episodes for how badly they botched both the culture of gaming and the game itself.
  23. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Beauty and the Beast (2014)

    They just put this on Netflix and if you're a fan of Gans previous movie Brotherhood of the Wolf, I recommend checking it out.
  24. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 164 - The Wraith: LIVE!

    This movie is troubling on so many levels. Why did Packard and his gang beat on Keri in the first place? And how fortuitous for him that she just happened to get amnesia. So he's not actually kidnapping Keri. She's just dating him, she's as relaxed with Packard in the beginning of the movie as she is with Jake. I don't know if it was intentional or just her performance. But for all her talk of how dangerous Packard is, she really doesn't seem at all fazed or tense around him. Their whole relationship reminds me of that episode of Law and Order where the woman finds out she married the dude who murdered her previous husband. But even after she figures out that he killed Jamie she seems more annoyed than horrified. This movie wants to be those other teen movies where the girl is dating some Jock who is clearly an asshole until she meets Mr. Right. Except that in this movie the Jock is a murderer who beat her until she had amnesia.
  25. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Sudden Death (1995)

    Some of his later ones werent too bad either. I highly recommend Replicant, it's a goofy but fun movie with Michael Rooker who helps make it better than it has any right to be.