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Everything posted by Ofcoursemyhorse

  1. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158.5 - Minisode 158.5

    Get ready to see Cole from Charmed do some really bizarre shit in this movie.
  2. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Just like I too will eventually break and watch Iron Fist. I'll say this though. When I read up on the origins of the Iron Fist character and how he got his powers, all I could think is that there's no possible way that show can afford the effects to do that any iota of justice. I am curious if they'll ever attempt to film that scene in subsequent seasons.
  3. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    No worries, I didnt mean to make you justify your viewing habits, because lord knows I can't, I watched every season of Under the Dome. I also have the added benefit of getting very little sleep which allows for significant cinematic freedom. I'm just doing my part to brow beat people into watching shows that deserve a wide audience. I fucking loved Hannibal and was always bummed it didnt get the ratings it needed to continue, I would have loved to see Bryan Fullers take on Buffalo Bill. My apologies for going a bit overboard in my support of Legion, just know it comes from wanting to see a great show succeed. I agree about the X-men, I will say that Legion is more like Logan and Deadpool in terms of the studios giving them alot of freedom to do what they want and the results being awesome. And if anything your not enjoying Legion only makes me feel better about thinking Snowpiercer was hot nonsense.
  4. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Well to be fair Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them was seen as being a fairly above average movie at best. I do agree that "good" movies like this or the new Petes Dragon are largely forgettable. I'd argue that your food analogy is off a bit though because your comparing terrible dialogue and bad cinematography to cayenne pepper and lemon zest. Which can't really be peppered liberally throughout most projects and still be successful critically. And while I understand there's only so much time to devote to a new show especially one that your apprehensive to watch, you did just binge watch Iron Fist a largely bland and forgettable entry in Netflix stable of shows. I'm just surprised more people on here aren't a bit more willing to give a show that's so incredibly unique and fun a shot
  5. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    I love watching bad movies and TV shows as much as anyone. But I disagree that more can be gleamed from a shitty movie or show rather than one that was so good it sticks with you weeks on end. For one it seems infinitely harder to quantify what makes something good, not too mention its entirely subjective. Whereas it's pretty easy to spot stilted dialogue, clichéd characters, obvious plot holes etc. in something bad. I think there's plenty to be learned from both. I'd also disagree that watching something good is a passive experience. Reading a recap that breaks down an episode on some level youd never even dreamed of or talking to a friend about something after it airs and finding out about something you missed is just as interesting as any discussion as to why something was shit. To me trying to decipher why Aida does what she does at the end of Ex Machina will always be equally fun as trying to figure out why Jeff Fahey was wearing so many fucking turtlenecks in Body Parts. As for Legion. You said it yourself you gave it a few minutes. Give it a few episodes because it's fucking awesome and thought provoking. The cinematography is also gorgeous. Its made by the guy who came up with the Fargo series, which is also fucking amazing. Any specific details might spoil a fantastic show so i'll avoid those. I'd also say you have to watch it for the fact that there are a lot of great performances, Aubrey Plaza in particular fucking crushes it on this show. I've only seen her on Parks and Recreation and never really thought much about her acting. But she is incredible on this show. All her dialogue was written for a middle aged man and she refused to let them change it. Leading to something really unique and different.
  6. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Anyone looking for a stand-alone Drunken Master spin-off should just watch Drunken Master 2 with Jackie Chan. Fair warning though watching old Jackie Chan movies will make every subsequent movie fight look like garbage. Also how in good decency has this thread turned into a multi page discussion on Netflix's most mediocre Marvel show to date with nary a peep on Legion which is a week away from its season finale and is knocking it out of the fucking park.
  7. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    So someone edited out any mention of Dr. Webb being Charlies mother in the movie on the wiki. Which makes sense because theres zero mention of it during the film. So it seems like they weren't related which makes this movie even fucking crazier.
  8. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Power Rangers (2017)

    Madds Mikkelsen had an interview the other day where he described how he walked out of his audition for the Fantastic Four reboot. I feel like Elizabeth Banks should have made a similar decision here.
  9. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Evil Within (2017)

    No youre right it was 100% an unfortunate choice. It's one of the reasons why no matter how dumb they were I always loved the Farrelly Brothers movies.
  10. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Rollerball (2002)

    Am I crazy or doesnt the night vision scenes last for like 20 minutes? For me the only reason id argue against this movie is that I wouldnt wish a viewing of that portion of the movie on anyone.
  11. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Little Monsters (1989)

    All the character designs in this movie remind me of Garbage Pail Kids.
  12. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Evil Within (2017)

    I saw Whats Eating Gilbert Grape when I was like 8 years old, and thought Leonardo Dicaprio was mentally handicapped until I next saw him in Titanic.
  13. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Am I crazy? Tell me you can't imagine Nic Cage in the wig/eye makeup combo that Fahey's gloriously rocking in the bottom pic.
  14. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Great episode, Gilly and Claudia were both delightful. For some weird reason watching this movie reminded me of Dark Man another movie I desperately hope they do at some point. Maybe its the questionable science displayed in both movies. So they mentioned that Jeff Fahey looks like a baby Ray Liotta, I would argue that he's a hybrid of Nicolas Cage and Ray Liotta. Like if both of them ended up on the Island of Dr. Moreau, the resulting creature that would inevitably spring forth from the good doctors experiments would be Jeff Fahey.
  15. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Power Rangers (2017)

    Holy shit, Elizabeth Banks was on Jimmy Fallon last night with a clip to promote the movie. I cant find the Jimmy Fallon clip but its the same one in the interview below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByZVO0miKYU
  16. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    Just want to hijack this thread and say that if any of you haven't seen Legion yet, you're missing out. I really like Agents of Shield, Luke Cage, Daredevil etc. But this show really is in a league of its own. I can see Aubrey Plaza getting a lot of offers after her performance on this show.
  17. Ofcoursemyhorse

    My Boyfriend's Back (1993)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxM9uKudVs8 Wonderful/awful 90's zombie movie that just feels a couple of decades before its time. I feel like if this movie was released now it would have been a bit more well-received. Neverthless its silly but watchable and even boasts an early role from Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
  18. Ofcoursemyhorse

    My Boyfriend's Back (1993)

    It's even on Amazon Prime right now. Even if they never cover this movie I still heartily recommend it for your next movie night.
  19. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Body Parts (1991)

    Jeff Fahey really needs to be represented more on this podcast he's been amazing in some pretty awful movies. This one included. He plays a psychologist who loses his arm, only to get a replacement one from a recently deceased serial killer through an experimental surgery. Except the arm has a mind of its own and begins to turn him evil. Its a wonderful film.
  20. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    That's pretty nice but how about the finale involving him being chained to some altar in a skimpy outfit. In all honesty though Chris Pine will never not look like the dude in a movie who pretends to like a nerd in high school so his real girlfriend can perform some horrible prank.
  21. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Origin Stories Bonus: Dan Gordon

    That's very true, I can only imagine there would be a significant amount of fun to be had telling a bunch of tall tales albeit horrifying ones to a screenwriter.
  22. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the people involved in making this movie were smart enough to have Chris Pine be the damsel in distress throughout the movie and not some horseshit where Wonder Woman gets temporarily weakend and Chris Pine ends up having to save her.
  23. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Origin Stories Bonus: Dan Gordon

    Tune in next week when the producer of Pluto Nash calls in to discuss the true location of Jimmy Hoffa's body.
  24. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Origin Stories Bonus: Dan Gordon

    Very entertaining episode. That being said the thought that the screenwriter from Surf Ninjas has secrets about the Kennedy Assassination is fucking lunacy.
  25. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    I really fucking hope Wonder Woman bucks all the rumors and turns out to be great despite all the odds against it. Whoever did the score for her theme is fantastic.