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Everything posted by Ofcoursemyhorse

  1. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Rock (1996)

    Okay they have to do this fucking movie. If only to discuss for two hours what this movie would have looked like if Schwarzenegger actually accepted the role of Stanley Goodspeed. Jump to 2:20 for the him talking about The Rock
  2. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)

    Its a mixed bag. It's really not a good movie, the plot is crazy and filled with so many holes it really does feel like 2 or 3 scripts pasted together haphazardly. And the dialogue is filled with very hacky jokes. That being said, there are some fantastic practical special effects and make up work for Jekyll/Hyde that are worth seeing if that aspect of film making interests you. It also serves the distinction of being Sean Connery's last role on film. I'd almost suggest it on that alone, if only to witness the role that made more than likely made him flee from Hollywood.
  3. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Rock (1996)

    This has to be one of those movies they're holding back for someone special because this movie would be such an amazing episode. Between the dialogue, plot, and the myriad of actors choices that Nic Cage is making this movie really is something to behold. This paired with Bad Boys 2 would be a pretty wonderful live show
  4. Ofcoursemyhorse

    So I Married An Axe Murderer (1993)

    I rewatched this yesterday, I still think this is a weird enough movie with enough plot holes to be a a fun episode. But it was a lot better than I remembered. I think my main problem is that I really wasn't a fan of Myers as Charlie. That character really just annoyed me to the point that it more than likely tainted my memory of the movie. Phil Hartman was delightful in his cameo, Anthony La Paglia was great throughout and even Myers as his dad was funny enough to negate his performance as Charlie.
  5. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Dinosaurs still exist, you just have to be golfing to see them.
  6. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I agree with Jason on the movie, its a fucking terrible movie that has alot of fun stuff in it. Pam Grier, the hang gliding, and my favorite part of the movie is the scenes with Bruce Campbell and the plastic surgery dungeon which looked like BioShock replicated either consciously or subconsciously in the first game. Also I've figured out what this movie is. The reason why its so terrible is because it isnt actually a true sequel to Escape From New York. Its a fan-film that noted sailing enthusiast Ron funded with money swindled from families who foolishly (or wisely) hired him to captain their vessels. Ron saw the first movie and felt he could do better and add in some badass missing elements like surfing and hang-gliding that first film failed to capitalize on. He also knew that with their matching eye patches he'd be a perfect fit to take over the role of Snake.
  7. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Airborne (1993)

    Seth Green in a beret with john lennon glasses. How has it taken it this long for this one to be discussed.
  8. Ofcoursemyhorse

    My Boyfriend's Back (1993)

    This and Ed and His Dead Mother make a pretty fun binge watch............
  9. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Surf Ninjas (1993)

    Yaaay this'll will be a fantastic episode!
  10. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Father's Day (1997)

    Watched this the other day, Robins intro scene in the movie profoundly bummed me out. Also the mom in this movie is up there in assholishness level with Chris Pratt in Passengers.
  11. Ofcoursemyhorse

    So I Married An Axe Murderer (1993)

    I'm from the bay area so I've seen this movie more times than I can count just to spot all the areas they filmed in. There's a lot that's great about this movie Anthony La Paglia and Arkins scenes were all hilarious and Charles Grodin's cameo was also a highlight. But I do have to forcefully maintain that Mike Myers doing beat poetry is pretty regretable. But to be fair I don't think there was ever any beat poetry that wouldn't make me cringe though the back of my seat.
  12. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Eragon (2006)

    It is funny looking back though, I always laugh at teens growing up reading stuff like this and Twilight. Then I remember that I read Animorphs when I was a kid and realize I have no right to judge anyone on their book preferences.
  13. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Eragon (2006)

    The Percy Jackson movies come to mind, also that one where Nicolas Cage was playing the wizard from Fantasia.
  14. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992)

    The weakest part of this movie is easily Chevy Chase. I'm blown away that this was released after Nothing But Trouble, it just seems like a much older movie than that.
  15. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Meet Joe Black (1998)

    There are a few things that deeply confuse me after thinking about this movie for a while. First is the fact that Marcia Gay Harden and Claire Forlani were playing sisters, unless i'm mistaken Marcia is a decent bit older than Forlani. Or the fact that Forlani had negative chemistry with the dude playing her Fiancee in the movie. He really did just seem openly hostile to both her and Anthony Hopkins at various points throughout the movie, which always confused the shit out of me, considering he was supposed to be a corporate spy. And on that note did he really think his engagement to Forlani was going to continue after he forced Hopkins out of his own business? Also in a 3 hour movie how the fuck do they not show the guy who was trying to buy out Hopkins, he's mentioned all throughout the movie but not once does that dude show up.
  16. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Meet Joe Black (1998)

    Theres alot thats fun about this movie. Brad Pitts death scene in the beginning, him trying peanut butter for the first time etc. Even the hospital scene although jarring is still hilarious. The filming location for the mansion is also absolutely amazing. Its the length that kills it for me though. Theres just too much movie for how simplistic the plot is.
  17. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Meet Joe Black (1998)

    I really am curious as to what people consider to be the more terrible movie. Because Gigli was garbage but at least it wasn't three hours. Meet Joe Black just fucking plods along ando stretches every scene on way too long. There's also that scene with Brad Pitt talking to a black woman in the hospital which is crazy to a degree that's difficult to fully articulate into words. I don't know what accent or nation he's trying to portray, but he did not fucking nail it. Jeffrey Tambor also has the distinction of essentially playing a Golden Retriever in human form in this movie. This movie does make me feel really bad for Claire Forlani though. im sure to her this role on paper seemed like the kind of thing that would launch her into a bunch of bigger movies. But unfortunately the last thing I saw her in was In The Name of the King.
  18. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Chase (1994)

    This is a good choice. It's a fucking terrible movie that's still incredibly entertaining.
  19. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Dick (1999)

    I recently watched this a couple months ago. It's a little dated and there are some odd parts where 30-40 year old dudes were openly hitting on kirsten dunst's character despite the fact that she was supposed to be in high school I think. But all in all its a fun movie.
  20. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    I know off hand it happens in War of the Roses as well.
  21. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)

    Larsen Crepsley 100% sounds like a PFT character name.
  22. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5

    I reaaaally think Cirque du freaks would have been a far more solid choice. Seeing John C Reilly in that God awful costume is worth the price of admission alone.
  23. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Also the day that movies start getting cast 100% ethnically correct is the day that my man Cliff Curtis finds himself with a dramatically smaller pool of roles to choose from.
  24. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    His post makes this tangential defense of him a bit more painful, but honestly blaming Hollywood's casting problem on him and other directors is a bit unfair. The fact that he couldnt get the insane budget he did for this movie without having huge name white actors like Geoffrey Rush, Gerard Butler and Jaime Lannister is indicative of a much larger problem. Hollywood is still very actively interested in marketing movies to racists. Like when they fucking told Jet Li he wasnt going to be kissing Aliyah at the end of Romeo Must Die, because "audiences werent ready to see an Asian romantic lead". Or Shaq had to give that dumb hug to Annabeth Gish at the end of Steel. They might has well have just told the both of them that racist assholes who make up a large percentage of their viewing audience arent ready for it. Until movie studios start taking the stance of "fuck these people and their money" and stop taking bigoted perspectives into their account when they make their casting decisions, its hard to solely blame a director for his casting decisions especially when it directly affects not only his budget but his ability to even get a project greenlit. In terms of this movie in particular, I'll link to Amy Nicholson's review of this movie in which she describes her opinion of the racial controversy around this movie, which mainly mirrors my own. If Gerard Butler was attempting an egyptian accent or something along those lines rather than just blatantly speaking in a scottish accent this movie would be a 1000% more offensive. This movie isnt set in historical ancient egypt in takes place in a batshit amalgamation of Hollywood and Ancient Egypt. http://www.mtv.com/n...?xrs=_s.tw_news People should also take into account that for him it must be an even crazier debate as this is what he looks like, and remember that he was born in Egypt.