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Everything posted by Ofcoursemyhorse

  1. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 134.5 - Minisode 134.5

    I just love that they continued the trend from the Crying Indian ad and cast an Italian actor as a Native American.
  2. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 134.5 - Minisode 134.5

    Just realized the dude with the hawk in this movie is Nathan "Flying Man" Petrelli.
  3. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Zoom (2006)

    HOLY SHIT! I forgot Kate Mara was in this movie playing a knock off version of Sue Storm. A character she also got to play in the equally terrible Fantastic Four movie. Maybe the next time she's offered a role where she has the ability to form telekinetic bubbles she'll turn it down.
  4. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Zoom (2006)

    This one would still be a solid episode for when Captain America comes out, compare and contrast what early reviews are saying is an amazing superhero movie against this turd.
  5. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 134.5 - Minisode 134.5

    We definitely need a "What is happening" catergory. From Jason's mind being blown from Jim Varney's inherent oozing sexuality. To Paul's when June's brain had to reconcile that the tiny dude from Island of Dr. Moreau was a person, or most famously June's staunch defense of monkey rights.
  6. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Wizard (1989)

    Beau Bridges came into my restaurant last night and is a super cool guy.
  7. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Is there a video podcast for the live shows?

    It's a shame Largo has restrictions on filming, because I really did enjoy the Superman 3 live show they were able to post. Also, I fucking love the filmed CBB podcasts they posted on youtube. The ones with Richard Harrow and Cake Boss in particular i've watched at least 3 times now. It'd be awesome if they did a few studio episodes with video. Being able to visually see June melt down when she realized that the dude playing the mini-me from Island of Dr. Moreau was an actual person, would have been pretty darn special.
  8. Don't worry this isn't an earnest recommendation. Although I would love to hear Paul, June's and Jason's thoughts on this movie. This is more a have you seen this amazing movie and if you haven't do yourself a favor. I just watched this the other day and it really stands out as being so far ahead of its time. It's incredibly well cast all around but the actors playing Dawn and Branson do such an great job in this movie in particular.
  9. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995)

    Honestly when I watched the second film in his series and found out the fate of Dawn Weiner I was pretty fucking annoyed actually. His movies are undeniably interesting to watch but there really is just a mean undercurrent to them.
  10. Ofcoursemyhorse

    I Love Trouble (1994)

    Bump this movie was God fucking awful. Terrible plot, and as stated above Roberts and Nolte have like negative chemistry.
  11. Ofcoursemyhorse

    North (1994)

    Had this movie actually ended with the tiny nerd kid trying to have north assassinated I would have loved this movie.
  12. Ofcoursemyhorse

    North (1994)

    This is such a bad movie it's hard to even put into words everything wrong this movie does. From the opening which is weird and jarring, to the racist depictions of various races and nationalities. Not too mention the ending which is such a fuck you to the audience. I think the biggest crime is that such a good cast was put together to be in this horrid thing
  13. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Say It Isn't So (2001)

    My high school english teacher was friends with one of the writers on this movie, who also worked on Black Knight and wrote the script for Drop Dead Fred 2 which Rik Mayall turned down because he felt he was too old for the role.
  14. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    Considering Ben Kingsley was their choice for the Mandarin, I dont know why anyone would be surprised why they'd go with Tilda Swinton. To be fair though, I thought Kingsley was great in Iron Man 3, and i'm sure Tilda Swinton will be an amazing addition to the MCU.
  15. This was actually in theaters. How in the fuck did they manage to get Peter Fonda and Alec Baldwin in this nightmare.
  16. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Anyone who thinks that Cameron Esposito was lodging a sincere attack against the existence of the penis needs therapy. Maybe even Color of Night style group therapy. That being said, this episode is generally why I like the studio episodes over the live ones. Sometimes the guests or even the gang can go a bit overboard playing to the crowd (I'm looking at you Adam Pally in the TMNT2 episode). And its not even a real judgement on them, they're performing to a large audience they have to keep the energy up. I do think a studio episode would have been a bit more critically received from the earlier posters. Again THAT being said, some of my favorite episodes are live ones (The Devil's Advocate, Superman 3, Staying Alive, Rhinestone.) So I hope they keep doing both.
  17. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Out on a Limb (1992)

    Yea Broderick looked like he was 15 in this movie.
  18. Ofcoursemyhorse

    North (1994)

    The quote on top of that poster is so amazing.
  19. Ofcoursemyhorse

    City of Angels (1998)

    The ending of this movie was supposed to be sad, but when Meg Ryan was riding a bicycle with no hands and her eyes closed on like a highway it really made me feel satisfied when the inevitable conclusion happened.
  20. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Solarbabies (1986)

    If you haven't seen this movie yet, prepare to have your mind fucking blown. It's so quintessentially 80's its amazing to behold.
  21. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Solarbabies (1986)

    FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Delirious (1991)

    Watched this last night. Its actually alot more fun than I remember. Dylan Baker, Raymond Burr, and Robert Wagner are all pretty fucking delightful in it as well.
  23. Ofcoursemyhorse

    At First Sight (1999)

    Also i'm happy that Matthew Mcconaughey was able to rebound from god awful rom-com's and into the more interesting roles hes been landing the last few years.
  24. Ofcoursemyhorse

    At First Sight (1999)

    She was on Psyche for the last season.
  25. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Surf Ninjas (1993)

    There was no sufing in Three Ninjas but there were three surfer henchman which was a weird choice. High Noon at Mega Mountain also had some fucking questionable choices in henchmen.