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Everything posted by Ofcoursemyhorse

  1. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Radio Flyer (1992)

    Yea they really need to cover Radio Flyer I watched it again recently and it really is just fucking crazy.
  2. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Delirious (1991)

    I always liked this movie, although I do have nostalgia bias. It really was a weird one though. I would also be down if they did Wagons East or Who's Harry Crumb?
  3. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Covenant (2006)

    I'm torn, although i'm sure this episode will be awesome. I can't help but wish they had The Craft instead. Because that movie really is such a hilariously awful but so goddamn watchable at the same time.
  4. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Ricochet (1991)

    Its a fantastic movie, that being said the scene where Lithgow straps phone books all over his body and takes part in an aryan gladiator battle respectfully disagrees with you on this movies viability for a hdtgm episode.
  5. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Ricochet (1991)

    Bump. If you havent had a chance to see this movie you're seriously depriving yourself of something pretty fucking magical.
  6. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Deadpool (2016)

    They absolutely need to do this movie, from the story of it being made, to how its dramatically going to change the way Fox does their superhero movies going forward. Not too mention its just a great fucking movie. They've already greenlit an X-Force movie along with Deadpool 2. So hopefully we'll see some more R-rated superhero movies being released.
  7. Ofcoursemyhorse

    National Treasure

    This movie is like Legends of the Hidden Temple in terms of it grasp on history.
  8. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Cobbler

    The perfect companion piece to Face/Off. I think this answers Pauls question why Face/Off couldnt just go with magical realism to explain the face trading. Because then we end up with something like this. Am I the only one who knew absolutely nothing about this movies existence?
  9. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Willies (1990)

    Its on youtube in its entirety. Very dated but a fun watch regardless. The one with Donkeylips is easily the best of the bunch. Doug Bensons participation in this movie is only topped by Growing Pains era Kirk Cameron showing up.
  10. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Mazes and Monsters (1982)

    Watched this movie this morning. Fucking crazy.
  11. Ofcoursemyhorse


    Watched this one today, its not the greatest but it was cute. I think my main problem is that I'll never be able to seperate Tina Fey from Liz Lemon. So to see her play someone who is like the exact opposite of Liz just screws with my mind. If they're going to pull The Smurfs episode for that one actress, I really dont think them covering one of Amy Poehlers movie is ever going to be in the stratosphere of happening.
  12. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Teen Witch

    How the fuck has Paul not seen Teen Witch? That being said, im glad that Jason recognized that "Top that" was reason alone to cover the movie.
  13. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Willies (1990)

    Wasnt this like creepshow? I remember the one with donkeylips and it being about insects or something.
  14. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Evolution (2001)

    Duchovny also directed a fairly awful movie called House of D. He was fantastic in his brief cameo in Zoolander though. I love Sean William Scott, he was beyond great in Goon. The fact that he's sandbagged his own career by calling out his own terrible movies in interviews just endears him to me even more. This movie is fucking awful though, the writing, the charisma-less romance Duchovny and Julianne Moore (in what was clearly designed as a stand in role for Scully.) And even when I was kid I remember watching the ending to this movie and thinking "gross"
  15. I dont know who I feel worse for, him or Anthony Head.
  16. Ofcoursemyhorse


    I was fascinated by the decision to have Tina Fey as the more partying type sister.
  17. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Drive Hard (2014)

    I was thinking about Danny Trejo's line about Cusack, he looks more like a guy who would scream in assistants face for not putting the correct amount of Sweet and Low in his coffee. The thought of him physically fighting another human being is just jarring in my mind. Like even if I wanted to picture him as a badass, my brain wont allow it.
  18. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Drive Hard (2014)

    I really cant think of anyone less believeable as an action star than John Cusack.
  19. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Carbon Copy (1981)

    For how terrible this movie is, I do remember Denzel was pretty good in it.
  20. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Darkman (1990)

    I'd almost love to see them go overboard and go full Birdman and have all their transitions happen similarly.
  21. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Meteor Man (1993)

    Honestly this movie is fucking perfect especially with all the superhero movies in full stride right now. But I wonder if Cosby's involvement with this movie will cool the jets on them covering this one though.
  22. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Score (2001)

    I imagine him obsessively watching movies like I am Sam trying to pick up the subtle clues of when a person is simply acting.
  23. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Darkman (1990)

    Whats even better about machine gun leg guy is that he doesnt even use his own gun. Somebody else just grabs it off him while he hops around. The transition they use for Frances Mcdormand after Liam Neeson "dies" is fucking crazy, she's like walking down the street and then just transforms and teleports into his funeral wearing her mourning dress.
  24. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Sidekicks (1992)

    Literally any Chuck Norris movie would be amazing fodder, I maintain they should do this one, if only because so many people seem to have fond memories of it. I'd love to see what people think after a more recent viewing.
  25. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Dead Man on Campus (1998)

    and The Curve was better, but only marginally.