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Everything posted by Ofcoursemyhorse

  1. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Radio Flyer (1992)

    This entire movie is fucking nuts. Lorraine Bracco is so wrapped up in herself she doesnt realize that the man she married is both an alcoholic, and beating her youngest child on a frequent basis.
  2. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Good Son (1993)

    Bump this movie is fucking crazy. Although I do get the feeling that this movie would bum June the fuck out.
  3. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Mr. Woodcock

    If this ones already here I apologize, I searched several times with no results. It'd be amazing if they did one of Sean William Scotts (self-admitted) garbage movie like Balls Out or Mr. Woodcock and got Seann as the guest, he 100% does not give a fuck calling out a shitty movie hes starred in. Also im overwhelmingly depressed that Country Mac is dead. He would have been wonderful in Lethal Weapon 7
  4. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)

    How the fuck has this movie not been done? I absolutely love this movie but good god is it fucking nuts.
  5. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Jackal (1997)

    Also please fucking god let them do this movie. Id give anything to hear June's take on Bruce Willis's wig work.
  6. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Jackal (1997)

    If Kevin Smith wanted Cop Out to be funny, maybe he shouldnt have banked on the hilarious New Jersey comedy that Bruce Willis is known for and instead had Sean William Scott be in more than two scenes considering he was the funniest part of that entire fucking movie.
  7. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Striking Distance (1993)

    God this movie tries so hard to be clever with its twists. It really fucking isnt though.
  8. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Striking Distance (1993)

    See why wear a bra and a dress when you can do both with one tactical selection.
  9. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Holy Matrimony

    Speaking of bad parenting by the Hemingways, how about letting both their daughters star in a movie where theyre both raped. Lipstick is also a next level insane movie.
  10. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

    Are you also a mall cop?
  11. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Black Knight

    Also Tom Wilkinson is awesome in this movie, you can clearly see the looks on his face in some scenes where you can tell the inner monologue in his head is asking how he got himself in this situation but he just commits 100%. It almost makes you want to look past the scenes where Martin Lawerence literally just stands there making weird faces while looking directly into camera.
  12. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Holy Matrimony

    I dont know, people still think Seinfelds creepy (he is) for dating Shoshanna. How the fuck did I forget Manhattan? God even seeing photos of Woody holding Mariel Hemingways hands is creepy.
  13. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Black Knight

    If they ever cover a Martin Lawerence garbage movie, I hope they start with this one rather than the obvious Big Mommas House. This movie is fucking terrible.
  14. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

    I feel like if we at all contribute to this movie making one more dollar, we've done the entire human race an incredible disservice.
  15. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Antitrust (2001)

    It reminds me of shitty episodes of the Law and Order when they do their episodes based on something that happened on the news and they go over the top and make the person a fucking lunatic monster rather than closely base it on the actual story.
  16. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Holy Matrimony

    I dont know if woody was ever that on the money in terms of his love interests in his movies. I think if he made a movie where he married a 13 year old girl people would have lost their minds. Also this movie is bullshit. Theres no goddamn teenage boy in the world whose going to mind being around an in her prime patricia arquette
  17. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Holy Matrimony

    Yea this was a weird movie. One that wouldnt have been released if the two lead roles were gender swapped.
  18. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Antitrust (2001)

    So fucking insane, sure Gates has made some iffy business decisions but they didnt involve assassinations like all those movies seemed to suggest.
  19. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Antitrust (2001)

    They even name checked Gates when they first when into the house.
  20. I definitely like the first one better now, but I remember liking secret of the ooze over the first when I was a kid. I just remember the part where Splinter gets kidnapped and Raph is in a coma and everyone fleeing to a shitty house in the countryside being a definitive bummer to me as a kid.
  21. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Antitrust (2001)

    Also thinking about it now this movie is essentially Silicon Valley if instead of being hilarilously incompetent in his efforts to destroy Pied Piper, Gavin Belson just had Richard Hendrix murdered.
  22. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Antitrust (2001)

    How the hell does this not have more replies? Its a movie that basically insinuates that noted philanthropist Bill Gates is more than likely using all that as a cover so he can steal peoples ideas and then have Tyler fucking Labine bash their heads in afterwards. This and Hackers are both screaming to be done with any of the guys from Silicon Valley.
  23. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Jurassic World (2015)

    I also would have liked if Chris Pratts character was the kid Alan Grant terrified with the raptor claw and this was his story full circle.
  24. Ofcoursemyhorse

    Jurassic World (2015)

    It was an enjoyable movie. But it had issues and ones im not entirely sure the sequel can fix unless they dramatically overhaul Chris Pratts character. They just completely wasted his talent as an actor and made him such a fucking bland character that somehow even riding in pack formation with a gang of trained raptors doesnt manage to make him even a iota more exciting. I didnt understand the orb ride, are they just cruising around willy nilly on no tracks with those things? How in earth would that work, wouldnt every teenage dicknose ram into a brontosaurus or something? This movie continues the Jurassic Park 3 logic that raptors were basically one step away from being able to speak english. When the Indominus starts talking to the raptors, I couldnt help but laugh. Even though the scene is played completely seriously. As for the product placement, the only one that still sticks out to me is the scene where Bryce is driving to meet Chris pratt in the jungle and its essentially stock footage from a car commercial, if it wasnt they wasted fucking money cause they easily could have just spliced one in and no one would be able to differentiate it from that.
  25. Ofcoursemyhorse

    The Master of Disguise (2002)

    This thread terrified me, it made me think someone greenlit a sequel or remake with Jamie Kennnedy and my mind almost exploded.