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Everything posted by PLANE_BREAK

  1. You should put something about free t-shirts in there.
  2. I'm a big video game player, but I feel like the landscape of video games is pretty lacking. What do you think some of the levels, characters, and achievements an Earwolf game would have in it? I am not sure what kind of massive million dollar deal they would sign to make it exclusive, or if they would cross platform. Let's leave that to the lawyers....
  3. Harder Better Faster Stonger... I guess.

    Episode 5 — Analyze Fish

    I'm not sure I agree with that, but I guess always leave them wanting more!

    Episode 5 — Analyze Fish

    While I think I will enjoy the turn that this series has taken, I feel we have left the last topic a little open-ended. On episode 4, Scott still did not like Phish. Has he mulled it over and end up liking Phish? Did he attend a second Phish concert with Harris? Has Kulap commented publically about his state when he returned to the hotel room in New York? And lastly, what did the 'cunt' text Harris minutes before the end of the concert? So many questions. I am new to Earwolf so if this has been addressed my apologies, but I require a bit of closure before moving on.