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Mister Malaka

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Everything posted by Mister Malaka

  1. Allllllllrighty, then! Bruce Allllllllmighty, now!
  2. It's SIR Elton John. You have insulted my honor. I demand satisfaction and I challenge you to a piano duel at dawn.
  3. He's at the 40...the 35...the 30...the 25. That naked crazed fan on the field could. Go. All. The. Way. To. Jail!
  4. I want 1 million dollars in sequential marked bills, a helicopter, and 1 month of free helicopter flying lessons. These are my demands.
  5. The name is James Bond. Jesse James Bond. Uncle Jesse James Bond. Monkey's Uncle Jesse James Bond. Hey hey, we're the Monkey's Uncle Jesse James Bond.
  6. Hear this now, now hear this!
  7. Jonathan Taylor Thomas' tailor, Jonathan, tailored Thomas' pants.
  8. Read My Lips. It's my new favorite book. I've been dying to talk to someone about it.
  9. Hands down the funniest Howl miniseries. Already on my second listen through these. I hope they do more episodes. I'm shocked the forums for this aren't filled with comments.
  10. The Addams family values their copy of Addams Family Values.
  11. If I've told you "If I've told you once, I've told you 1000 times" once then I've told you "I've told you once, I've told you 1000 times" 1000 times.
  12. Did you say you two are thick as thieves or thick ass thieves, because I'm into big burglar babes.
  13. Congrats on becoming the most replied catchphrase in history!
  14. After failing to win a single game as the high school quarterback, 75 Cent decided to move on to rapping.
  15. My name is Catchphrase Scott and I'm here to say, I like to catchphrase in a rapping way.
  16. Why even bother calling me if you're not going to heed my advice? Either find a new doctor or stop your monkey kids from jumping on the bed.
  17. When the judge declared a hung jury, all the men on the jury stood up and high-fived.
  18. Sisqo & Ebert give it two thongs down to the ground. Best movie of the year.
  19. The crazy clown was sent to the ballooney bin.
  20. Can you please hand me that towel? I misunderstood the expression "soup to nuts"
  21. Out, damned Spot! Out! See damned Spot run. Run damned Spot, run!
  22. Jonathan Taylor Thomas' tailor, Jonathan, tailored Thomas' pants.
  23. As a British film buff, my favorite films are Kindergarten Bobby, The Lincoln Barrister, You've Got Post, and Sisterhood Of The Traveling Trousers.
  24. With the amount of online shopping I do, people should start calling me the Amazon Prime Minister.
  25. Vampires in England are always bloody thirsty.