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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Episode 200 - Action Jackson: LIVE!

    You're right the top corner is. My bad.
  2. Cam Bert

    Episode 200 - Action Jackson: LIVE!

    It's been awhile but it's time for a brief return of... How Did This Get Named? The main reason for the absence of this corner is because nothing has had a different name. Everything has had the exact same name. Heck, in fact Action Jackson only really has a bit of an unusual subtitle. So why even bring it up? Well because I found a poster from here that has the best tagline and it's in English." "Attacks you!!" Also can't tell if this a good use of empty space or not. However, not as funny but the VHS cover is also slightly interesting. Vanity three times on one cover. They know the true selling point of this movie.
  3. Cam Bert

    Episode 200 - Action Jackson: LIVE!

    Now factor in his $10 a game gambling habit.
  4. Cam Bert

    Episode 200 - Action Jackson: LIVE!

    I didn't know a lot about this movie going into it and I would say I was about halfway through before I realized that it wasn't a comedy. Until then I thought this was like some early Black Dynamite level stuff. Another point to add to your list are just weird extras. There are tons of them. The man in drag with the purse was mentioned but there are tons of them. There is a cop wearing a bright oragne Hawaiian shirt which is just so out of place. I spent a lot of this movie just staring at the background people.
  5. Cam Bert

    Episode 200 - Action Jackson: LIVE!

    I have an observation that may fill in a mentioned plot hole. So when Action Jackson goes looking for Papa Doc he goes into this bar or pool hall type place. We see many customers playing pool and drinking at the bar as well as another bartender on staff. Yet after being sucker bottled and knocked out we see the bartender and his crew awaken Jackson in the bar pool hall now entirely empty. But wait I can hear you now "Cam Bert, we saw Vanity come through a set of doors, clearly this was some sort of backroom." Fair point if not for the fact the entire scene takes places with the stairs they entered and exited from present in the background the entire scene! Now this is where the plot hole gets filled in. Action Jackson is knocked out. Then the bartender goes back into the main room and slowly starts closing up shop telling the customers they have to go for some reason or another. The other staff knows the drill and leaves during this process as well. However just prior to this Vanity free of Action Jackson and still craving heroin meets Billy from Predator in the bar. When she asks him where she can score. He takes her into a back room to conduct a little transaction. Billy mentions that if she needs another fix he's got a place at the hotel where she happens to be staying as well. However before she can complete the deal and shoot up she hears the commotion of everybody leaving and hides in the backroom. Billy knows better than to mess with these testicle fetishists so he leaves and goes back to the hotel. Shortly after the rest of the hot dog time crew shows up and starts in on Action. Vanity can't stand by any more and bursts from the backroom to save Jackson. The rest of the movie plays out as normal. This is why later when Jackson goes to the hairdresser to get some exposition she knows that Billy is also in the hotel and seeks him out to the fix she was denied earlier. Plot hole resolved.
  6. Cam Bert

    Episode 200 - Action Jackson: LIVE!

    Looks like somebody is forgetting about him being an adulterous murder in Devil's Advocate
  7. Cam Bert

    The African Queen

    Two things. First, I agree with you completely. I've always been of the belief that any work of art should be able to stand on its own. If you need a ton of backstory and explaining to enjoy something, have it makes sense, or just be "good" then what is the point? Especially consider the time in which a lot of these movies were being made when this kind of information was much less talked about or out there. I doubt most people knew of the hardships or the strife that went on. Like you I believe if a movie is truly a great movie it should be all there on the screen. That said you can see scenes shot a certain way and acknowledge to yourself "gee, that must have been hard to do" and that could weigh in slightly when considering the skill it took to make the movie. This also why sometimes I have a hard time with super method acting. All I have to go on is what is on screen. Whatever an actor is doing off screen to get into the right space to play the character is meaningless if the scene doesn't work. Some actors need to experience things and draw on it and others just try to mentally put themselves in that position and mind set. If both are talented you won't be able to tell which one is which most of the time. Knowing information like how hard it was to shoot or the behind the scenes problems and that stuff just makes things more interesting. It could make you appreciate things more or make you look at scenes in new and different ways. Yet when those things start to shape your opinions of things away from your initial reaction than you are no longer judging the movie on its presented merits. Imagine you were a teacher and you got two essays to grade and you gave them both Bs. Later in talking to the students you find out that one wrote it with a high fever in a blackout by candle light using hard to find texts. Does that suddenly bump it up to an A? It just seems a bit odd to me. Not to mention knowing this stuff before seeing something there and letting preconceived ideas or knowledge effect ones thoughts on the film. It's hard because we don't live in a vacuum. Second, there is a slight problem I have with this idea of "this film is on the list because of the old guard" or "these films are on here because they are the ones that the voters grew up on." Like it was mentioned we saw the list change in the ten years between the first and the second. Like they said new voters coming in who aren't familiar or nostalgic for certain films bumped others done and others up. If a third lists comes out and is voted on by a bunch of new voters who are younger and more diverse of course we'll see another shift in the list. Isn't this though just repeating the same process? In thirty or forty years that list will be looked upon as "they only picked that because they grew up in the 80s" or "this was included because they were friends with this 90s filmmaker." I think we should admit and accept that we all personal tastes and beliefs and those will effect which movies we deem worthy. We should try to divorce ourselves of personal opinions of those that worked in front of and behind the camera other things that aren't on screen and judge the movie for its own merits. That's sometimes hard and that's fine as long as you are willing to acknowledge that.
  8. Cam Bert

    The African Queen

    If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure the noises he was making were added in after in post.
  9. Cam Bert

    Celebrate #HDTGM200 !!!

    Sorry got posted twice by accident so enjoy this gif!
  10. Cam Bert

    Celebrate #HDTGM200 !!!

    This has happened to me twice. The odd laugh every now and again sure but twice to the point of having to get off the train at the wrong stop because I look like a madman just cackling away. Once was the infamous Sleepaway Camp episode the second was Todd Glass's trying to identify U2 songs on "Are You Two Talking U2 to Me?"
  11. Cam Bert

    HDTGM Classics Vol 14 Skyline

    I'm good for either!
  12. Cam Bert

    The African Queen

    This was my first time watching the film and I was puzzled and charmed by it equally. It was already pointed out by I found some of the shots just down right baffling. Like the one scene with Rose and her brother and the burnt down African village was shot on rear projection. This would be fine but then they have Allnut enter through the burnt village. Naturally they could have decided to add that scene in later once out of Africa or maybe there was a problem with the film. All I know is little things like that would come up and distract me. Not to mention they let their miniature shots go on just a tad too long. Instead of quick shots of the Queen in the rapids they let the shots run a bit to long to the point were you could notice the faceless figures in the Queen. Then that one shot in which after the rapids it's just sailing smoothly goes on too long too. That in combination with the score I found myself distracted by the technically aspects. All that said I have to admit I did find the performances and the characters rather charming. I enjoyed spending time with the characters more than I thought I did, and while I agree their getting together seems rather quick, I think it makes sense and works for these characters. Allnut is a bit of a loner and clearly has some demons in his past. The alcoholism and running away to Africa from the New York part of Canada show that has these demons. Yet here comes Rose and challenges him. Forces him to stop running and for the first time in a long time his mind is perhaps clear. On the other side of things we have Rose who was always a bit of a follower with her brother. Very reserved doing what she was told was right. Now, so of free of this and with nothing left to lose she is embracing life and what it has to offer. She realizes that she can be herself but still find meaning in the world and life. They met each other at this desperate time when they are growing and changing so it does make sense that they fall for each other. Like Cameron mentioned there is this element of desperate against the odds and a message of faith and doing what is right which charmed me and worked for me. So when all was said and done I was charmed and would revisit the movie again someday.
  13. Cam Bert

    Upcoming Episodes

    If they say the secret word does the duck come down?
  14. I have a soft spot for TLC because my sister and I have never really shared any musical tastes even still to this day. However back in the early mid-90s we both agreed that TLC was good and it was something that could be played without either of us complaining. Didn't stop my parents from complaining though. Also my grandma, queen of the bad Christmas present bless her, thought it would be a great idea to get my sister and I silk pajamas when we 8 and 11 respectively. 8 year old me was none to thrilled to be getting pajamas and being told "but they are silk" still didn't make me want a Super Nintendo any less.
  15. Speaking of jokes that are straight up cartoonish, how have we gotten this far and nobody has brought up the horrible 4th wall breaking ending! That is straight up Looney Tunes all the way with the iris out and person coming out of it. This movie has some corny stuff that's got take the cake though.
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 199.5 - Minisode 199.5

    My mom would always say when the weather starts to change everybody gets sick. I don't know where you are living but the weather is dropping here. I think we are soon to bypass fall and go straight into winter. P.S: Get well soon Paul! P.P.S: Get well soon everybody!
  17. I think if true this does prove the record industry has always been a bunch of money hungry jerks
  18. I still don't fully understand Fat's reasoning behind wanting to make Jayne Mansfield a star. We talked about some of the reasons, but one of the things he says is that he's planning his big comeback and he can't be seen with a nobody on his arm. This is crazy for two reasons. First, if she was just a nobody look at how everybody is looking at her while she is a nobody. She breaks that poor man's glasses because she's so beautiful. If Fats hits the town with her on his arm everybody would be looking at them regardless. They would look at her first and then be like "Say isn't that that washed up gangster?" That would get people knowing who he is again and she can just be a housewife like she wants. Second, if he wants her to be a somebody because her being famous will get him to be famous again, I don't think anybody would care about him. They wouldn't even be looking at him. Nobody is going to say "Gee, I thought he was washed up but if he can get her I guess not." I don't think so.
  19. Cam Bert

    Celebrate #HDTGM200 !!!

    What was your first episode of HDTGM? Since the very beginning. To make a short story longer, I was listening to Comedy Death Radio back in it's early early days, like episode 7 or so. I was always a fan of Paul's from Human Giant and various things he did and I remember him coming on to promote this new show he was doing with his wife and friend Jason. I love movies and Paul so of course I was going to tune it. I was instantly sold and in love and have never looked back. Favorite catchphrase? Not sure if it is a catch phrase per say but whenever I hear Jason or Paul in a real serious tone say "June, what did you think this was about?" or any similar phrase that starts with "June..." I start laughing before she can even respond in pure anticipation. Not strictly catchphrases but any Paul's Blockbuster or sad childhood stories and Jason's "Ladies, I'm single" moments always get me good too. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) Deep dives on JVCD's buns, June thirsting for Ernest, Sleepaway Camp confusion, Blowing out the candles, What is it's mission, spaghetti robots, what is a street fighter, and many many more. Honestly, I don't know the timestamps for them all are but if we could just get a compilation of Paul's Blockbuster stories I would be happy. On a personal note, I'll never forget when my Sharknado 3 comment was read and all the really nice things Paul had to say about it. The episode you revisit the most Sleepaway Camp, After Earth, Congo, lots of the ones with Jessica St. Claire The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved: RAD, The Wraith, Airborne and others in combination with movies I already loved like The Last Dragon or Miami Connection Hated: Seriously, fuck The Lake House. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine It's my Friday going home from work routine. For me the episode is released almost exactly when I finish work on Friday so I get to listen to it while I take my near hour long commute home. It's like starting my weekend off with a bang and ending my week with a laugh. Thursday is longest work day of the week and is also the night I watch a good 80% of the movies for the show. It's my punishment/reward for a long day's work. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I'll start off with the fluff first because that's easier than talking about feelings. I live in Japan so my options for streaming a lot of these things are limited. This means I often have to research the movie and go out and find a physical copy. This has led me to finding some other great bad movies but has also made me laugh a lot at the sometimes weirdly translated titles and promotional materials. Often trying to find a reason or why to the change is fun and interesting to me. On a deeper and more emotional level it is honestly all the incredible people I've met her on the forums for this show. It's starting to sound a bit like old hat at this point but it's so very true. I was listening to the show from the start but never thought about participating. I was having fun just listening. Then I noticed something in the first Sharknado movie, and I came to ask a question which was ignored. In fairness to the people at the time asking about a convenience store that is shown for less than a second in a very dry manner, not the best way to start. Then I started reading the mini-episode threads in which everybody was just talking. Some of it was about the movie and some of it was just talking about music, their lives, etc. I replied to one, and somebody responded back. So I wrote more and more people responded and I responded in kind. Just like that without any questioning or judging I was accepted by all the wonderful people here. It became a joy to check in every day and just see what people were up to or what they were listening to and things like that. I did my best to try and entertain people with silly stories or weird deep dives of small details that got to me. This year in September marks the 11th anniversary of my father's passing. Being away from home and not just away but far away made it very hard. I was very depressed for awhile naturally, but I thought I had got over it and got the best of it. I thought I had a handle on it because years had gone by and I was feeling better. Then about two years ago I had a string of very unfortunate things happen and I slowly became very depressed again. It was at this point I realized it wasn't a temporary thing because of my father's passing but it was something that had always been there that I had learned ways of hiding, ignoring and pushing it away. It took awhile but I started talking to professionals and soon things got better again. It was at this point I realized that I should focus on things that make me happy and brought me joy and one of those things was being here and interacting with everyone. When I came back I was warmly greeted and it was like I had never left and I realized how much coming here truly meant to me. Not only that but how much all of you guys meant to me. Though I have not physically met any of you, I have talked to a lot of you for a long time and do consider you friends. So much so I will refer to things you have said as "my friend said this" in daily conversations. It means a lot to me that random people that I have never met are willing to share so much of their lives and their personal problems, fears, desires, etc. with me. I feel some of the friendships that I have made here are stronger than some of the ones I've made in real life. I don't take it that lightly either. I am very humbled anytime anybody cares to hear what I have to say about something or even simply wants to know what's going on with me and my life. I feel like I can't scrape together enough words or the right words to say how I feel about the friends I've made and the people I've met here. Now with the ever growing MM threads and the rabb.it viewings and Unspooled I feel like I'm just getting to spend more and more time with people I like, getting to know more about them and even meeting new ones along the way. So simply thank you all for being there and thank you all for being so awesome. P.S: Though Ted Neeley handsomeness reports have stopped temporarily and the fact you all poo-pooed her raisin coleslaw my mother still checks in with me about you guys by asking me "what are your movies friends up to?"
  20. I don't know if this is the first time I've heard Julie London's Cry Me a River or not but I kept thinking it was Superstar by the Carpenters. I'm no musical genius, but do these songs sound similar to anybody else?
  21. Never heard of this movie so I look forward to it!
  22. Cam Bert


    I think you hit upon the fundamental question that arrives from ranking movies by anyone and that is enjoyment over art. If some is great art but not universally enjoyable, does that prevent it from being great? If some is universally enjoyable but poorly made, does that prevent it from being great? Does it have to do both to qualify? That's why there are so many criteria in the AFI list and the important one I think people forget is the cultural impact. That's the reason I think Psycho deserves a high place on the list. Even if we isolate it to the shower scene that is something that everybody knows. People who have never seen the movie know this scene. It is part of the cultural. On top of that it a movie made with excellent craft in every possible field. While personally I wouldn't say Psycho is my favourite Hitchcock movie there is denying the craft that went into this film and is probably his best made movie after Vertigo.
  23. Cam Bert


    I'll give it relisten but at the end when discussing its place on the list Amy basically says she's not sure because of the second half not being memorable. That could be an argument more so for its place on the list I suppose opposed to the actual film itself. Like you said it could be in film geek's memories but not the public's but most of the public doesn't know anything about Citizen Kane and that doesn't stop it from being one. Edit: Just relistened to the end again and Amy calls the Sam and Lila moments puttering about and just packing peanuts. Then later says that half the movie could not exist and it would be fine. I was getting mixed up with Paul's comments on Platoon a little. Still I think calling half this movie filler and not needed is highly dismissive of a lot of great stuff.
  24. Cam Bert


    Fun weird connection people often overlook. Marion Crane is played by Janet Leigh who became a horror icon because of this movie. Her daughter as mentioned was Jamie Lee Curtis who became a horror iconic thanks to her role in Halloween. However everybody knows that. The connection is actually much deeper. In addition to Halloween redefining the slasher genre which Psycho basically started people often overlook or forget that the psychiatrist in the movie Halloween movies played by Donald Pleasence is Dr. Sam Loomis who is named after the character in Psycho.