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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Taxi Driver

    Who is Dr Pepper?
  2. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    Is it spoilers to ask what those seven are?
  3. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    I think a lot of this comes down to how critical I want to be of the movie. Like sometimes some movies are just so fun that I have a five star experience with it so I'll give it that. Is it a perfect movie? No, but it was for that moment of time. However, I think I'm viewing these movies somewhat more critically than I should be because they are on this list. It's not fair to the movies I know and I feel bad. Sorry All About Eve and Singing in the Rain.
  4. This movie sounds crazy and I'm down for that.
  5. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    Do you think they have the girls come out as Hot Sundae in the middle of the show or is that more of an encore type thing?
  6. How horrible disappointed that town must have been when they saw the end results. I'm good for the 14th
  7. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

  8. A fairytale in New York and no Pogues to be seen. We watched...
  9. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    I would buy that more if they were all different opposed to Cole being the only different one and he also happens to be the only one that doesn't follow the rules that make him seem like a ghost. If the rules are random the are also very conveniently random.
  10. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    I agree with this statement. While I agree this is not a horror film, but one thing in my opinion all good horror films do is establish the rules and makes sure the audience knows the rules and can follow them. You can make up whatever rules you like, but you need to follow those rules.
  11. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    I hate to be this person so early on but I think this one of the most overrated movies of all time. The fact that it is even in the Top 100 of all time I find incredibly baffling. That's not to say that this is a bad movie. It's not. It's an okay movie with two great performances and there is Bruce Willis. I'm sure I'm not alone on this so I don't want to harp on the twist too much, but to me the greatest flaw of this movie for me is how much it centers on that twist. I agree 100% with Amy that there are scenes like the magic trick scene which are just M Night trying to tell us that he's got a secret and begging us to notice or find out. They are like little self indulgent road bumps along the story. There are so many things like the wardrobe that make no sense when you think about it. He's allowed to change or customize his clothing because of what he touched that night? Why? That's note a "rule" of ghosts. It's not even a rule the other ghosts in the film get. It is a rule created to "throw you off the trail" of the twist. In addition you have other ghosts in the film like the cyclist who have clothes that have blood or signs of their injuries on them. So why are Cole's clothes clean? He's in denial so he can't see it? Does that mean the cyclist has just accepted their death? In addition where is the gore? We see other ghosts in the film with their cause of death wounds visible, so does that mean Bruce is walking around with a bullet wound and just unaware of it? Or is it a denial thing yet everything other ghost is in acceptance? So much of what they allow him to do is entirely to serve the purpose of getting you not to expect the twist despite the film stopping in moment to tell you a twist is coming and you won't believe it. I find it slightly insulting. Instead of putting a twist in a leaving clues for people to figure it out, they go out of their way to muddy the waters and it is not to help tell a better story it is for the sole purpose of pointing a finger at the audience and saying "gotcha!"
  12. Cam Bert

    The Sixth Sense

    I was in the middle of writing something but I stopped just so I can say how much I agree with your 4th point. This is not a horror film in my books. Like Paul was talking about dramas having moments of levity, we sort of exist is this world where some people don't like mixing of elements or tones which is silly. You can use whatever tools you want to tell the story the best it can be told. Does Hamlet become horror because there is a ghost? There are witches in Macbeth while we are at it. Clearly that's horror. This is a character drama. Yes there are ghosts in it, yes some of the moment may give you the chills, but at the end of the day this movie was not made to scare you. It may have some moments and elements but it is trying to tell a character based drama.
  13. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 46 Enchanted

    I'm sorry to say but I wasn't really in love with this movie. A lot of that has to do with the "love" story between her and Patrick Dempsey. It is just so forced and and it comes out of nowhere and the whole turn at the end is centered around it and it just doesn't work for me. The idea is there that Giselle is falling for the real world, that she likes it and it is starting to change her. That's great, but then she goes from having zero interest in Patrick Dempsey and him in her to her seeing his chest hair and being in love. It's just so sudden. Then for the rest of the movie, despite immediately reuniting with her prince, she's just so hung up on him but I have no idea why. James Marsden may be a bit dim but that's partly because he's from this fantasy world. He literally does nothing wrong other than not knowing what a date is which a middle ages prince wouldn't either. Maybe because it the fall in love scene comes on heels of her doing a big song about getting Dempsey and Idina Menzel together. Also, if the Queen knew Patrick Dempsey was Giselle's true love and they loved each other, why wouldn't she encourage that as a why of stopping her and the prince marrying? Seems easier than poisoning her and trying to kill her.
  14. Cam Bert

    Singin’ In The Rain

    I think if we are going to have a Gene Kelly vs Fred Astaire debate I'd be on team Astaire. Both men can dance and dance spectacularly but like mentioned they both have different styles. I'm not super versed in dance so I can't tell which one is technically better. To me what it comes down to more is them on screen and their presence and character. It was mentioned on the podcast that Gene Kelly often played more average joe type people and roles while Astaire was often a bit more well to do. I think in a way this a weird reason why I like Astaire more. It is a little harsh to say but in a battle of looks there is no contest that Gene Kelly is more handsome than Fred Astaire. Back in Swing Time it was even mentioned how the studios were unsure about his look. So you have Gene Kelly coming in being your average guy while being above average looking with tremendous swagger. It comes off across to me a bit like a false underdog. It doesn't work as well for me. On the other hand Astaire's average looks I think help him. He is a bit more unassuming and therefore I am a bit more hooked by his charms and abilities. Both are great but if I had to pick, I'd go for Astaire.
  15. Cam Bert

    Singin’ In The Rain

    Here's what I'll say for Singing in the Rain over Swing Time. I think in general Singing in the Rain has better music over all. Swing Time is more about the dance numbers which is fine, but Singing in the Rain has more iconic songs which tend to stick with you and you find yourself humming or singing in following days. This makes it a bit more memorable and adds to overall enjoyment. Also, while I will not say Singing in Rain has a much better story, the story for me anyway, just flows better. Swing Time had some scenes that just introduce a conflict and resolve just to move on the the next part of the story they want to tell. I also think the jokes work better in Singing in the Rain as well. I can see how a lot of this comes down to personal taste though.
  16. Cam Bert

    Singin’ In The Rain

    I am sadden by all this Donald killing. I'd kill Gene Kelly in a heart beat and then have a real hard time deciding between Debbie and Donald as to which to marry.
  17. Cam Bert

    Singin’ In The Rain

    From her point of view some of the things she does is to help her and Lockwood's career. Yes she seems jealous that he talks to other women, but that is because the studio is selling stories to the tabloids that him and her and an item. If he's out talking to other ladies it looks bad for them both as rumors would then come out in the tabloids that they aren't an item. Who knows how that would have effected their pre-talkies careers? Their partnership would have ended and they might not have had chemistry with their new studio assigned co-star and they wouldn't have needed the talkies to ruin their career.
  18. Cam Bert

    Singin’ In The Rain

    Ha! I was waiting for you to show up because I was curious. What would you say your major complaint is?
  19. Cam Bert

    Singin’ In The Rain

    I have to admit that I was falling pretty much along the lines of thinking with Paul for the most of it. Make Them Laugh is the best number in the movie and Broadway Melody while a great dance number does feel a bit long and self indulgent in this movie. Now like my fellow Cameron pointed out there is nothing wrong with something existing because they could and that doesn't take away from the beauty of the number. However, as a certain point I can't help but start to think "Wow, this is still going on" and awhile later "Wow, this is still going on." I just want to get back to the fun of the characters interacting and as a result the number over stays its welcome a bit.
  20. Cam Bert

    Double Indemnity

    All joking aside, I think you are right that Neff thinks much more highly of his intellectual abilities than he should. In the scene where Keyes comes in to offer the promotion I think we get a very good look at Neff's over confidence in himself and his abilities. Keyes is offering him a job, but it's not just a job it is a job that puts him on a path for the future. He'll work under Keyes, then when Keyes moves on, Neff takes his job, and so on and so forth and he's on the fast track up the ladder. Rather than be a salesman who has no real advancement opportunities but makes more for the time being. Neff thinks himself too good to be "an assistant" at a lower pay level while missing the actual implications of the offer he's being given. You could probably drawn something from this about Neff thinking more of the now than the future which ultimately plays a large part of his downfall as well.
  21. I was and still am very confused about who the woman at the beginning of the movie was. At first I thought she was a member of the Stargrove family because she was wearing Stargrove crest earrings. Then I thought if she was, why would Ragnar need those to let him know Stargrove was involved. Also if she was, why wasn't she in any of the pictures at Stargrove Sr.'s house. Then I thought that she was the "bond girl" to Stargrove Sr.'s bond. He used her to get the RAM-K and probably slept with her. This still doesn't explain where the earrings come from. Unless Stargrove Sr. hands them out to any woman he beds or helps in which guess isn't that a little too tacky? Giving out your family crest to people just seems like a legit douchy move. Also, if that is the "reward" for "helping" him, what if they were to run into another woman also wearing them? Talk about awkward moments. Not to mention the obvious implication that we get from this movie that if they are ever captured they will know that somehow Stargrove is involved.
  22. Cam Bert

    Double Indemnity

    I can't recommend Ed Brubaker's work highly enough. He just wrapped up Kill or Be Killed which was fantastic but if you are a fan of noir and classic Hollywood check out his story The Fade Out which is a murder mystery about a writer during the height of McCarthyism who awakens from a blackout drinking session to discover in his room the dead body of an up and coming starlet in the studio system and him trying to unravel who did and why,
  23. Cam Bert

    Double Indemnity

    Well we are listening to Neff tell the story so you could argue that in his version of events he portrays himself more as the self assured hot shot and he was blindsided by this femme fatale. He could be leaving out details that would make him look bad. That's why I liked Paul and Amy's idea of a movie from Phyllis's point of view and see how much her story differs or changes. Then we get one from a medium who is channeling the spirit of her murdered husband and see his version of events. Then at the end one of the employees from the market where Phyllis and Neff always met comes forward because he witnessed it all and tells his version of events.
  24. The following year he was in this movie Wanted: Dead or Alive with Rutger Hauer in which he plays terrorist Malak Al "Rahim" who is being tracked down by CIA agent Nick "Randall". Both kinda close to Ram-K and Ramsay. I think you may be on to something.