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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I'm very eager to join in but will have to wait until I get home. In an attempt to find new music I've been listening to a lot of stuff on youtube over stuff I already have so not sure what will be the last 10 on iTunes.
  2. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    The bar was set high but Triple Lindy has jumped that curdle and decided to join in! Now we don't have to feel provolone.
  3. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I'm gonna have to stay sharp if we're using multiple puns per post. This Colby harder than we thought.
  4. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Edam you're right! With the number of cheeses and cheese dishes the possibilities are so great I'm not sure what to fondue.
  5. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I'd like to image this was on your mind due to your recent Tremors binge.
  6. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Wait have we moved on from insects to cheese? That makes me feel a little blue.
  7. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Not to come off like a broken record but I love coming here and talking with everybody and reading what everybody has to say. Not to get into it too much but I was a regular back in the day and then had some personal stuff arise which took me away from posting here. I stopped for about a year and it took awhile but it eventually hit me was that leaving was not a good idea. It was something I enjoyed doing and a place I liked to be. I liked trying to write things to make people laugh, I liked going down weird worm holes with everyone, I liked making insane maps and short stories, I liked gif battles, and talking random iTune songs. Even when people disagreed it was always very civil and it was all coming from a place of love of these terrible movies and the comedians that make us laugh talking about them. I was very happy upon my return that I was welcomed back so warmly and got to reconnect with old forum friends and make new forum friends. So I guess if I had to some up my feelings about the forums and the people on them I guess all I have to say is...
  8. Cam Bert

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Welcome to the official "Paul has trouble with my chosen screen name" club. When I first joined I was Cambert and when I was lucky enough to have a C&O read Paul said it like the cheese. That wasn't my intention so I went in and added the space to try and clear it up, and many moons later he still waffles around on it. That feels like a bit of a humble brag and I feel gross about it. Sorry.
  9. Cam Bert


    I think that perfectly sums up Chris. As Chris is the POV character and really the only character that goes through any kind of major change so it is important that we get a firm grasp of who he is and where he's coming from. To get this we will need some sort of exposition, so you either get his writings which may be a bit of "I'm in college and this is deep" or you need expository dialogue and statements about who he is and where he's from, However, as I talked about early that's not really what the characters in this movie are about. It would sound just as out of place in terms of the film to have Chris and other character explain to us who Chris is and what he is thinking. Rather I agree with Cameron in the sense we need to know who Chris is in order to see him change, and what better way than through his "On the Road" inspired musings. I know it was said on the podcast that he wouldn't be writing stuff like that at the time, but I don't know if I'd agree with that. Like Cameron said he has dropped out of college to experience the world. He is from a well to do family, who are all most likely highly educated. So if you consider who is, where he's from, who he's writing to, and the time and they way people thought at the time I totally buy this is what this character would write. If Chris was a gung ho patriotic kid that dropped out of college to help his country than these words would be ill fitting, but that's not who he was.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    In fairness I had a day or so to think of it
  11. Cam Bert


    I think I was 15-ish the first time I saw Platoon and it is one of maybe five movies that as soon as it finished I rewound the tape and watched it again. It wasn't because I was like "War, fuck yeah!" Rather I was trying to understand. I think the one thing this film does brilliantly is that we know so little about these characters but we know enough. Like they said we don't a lot about Barnes. He has these scars, what's his story? How many tours has he done? What was his life before the war? We'd like to know these things but we don't get them, in a sense that makes us like Chris. We're plunked down in the middle of these and left to figure out things for ourselves. These people's actions speak for them and through those we get to know who they are. In a sense you are transient in these people's lives. You're going through this together but when it's down you'll go separate ways and never see or talk again. I think this is also seen a bit in the two factions at the camp. You have Elias's side which they don't really care who you are or where you come from, but you have the Barnes side which has an identity of "this is who we are and where we come from." They're more about the brotherly bond in arms while Elias and them are more about the brotherly bond of just being human. This also helps speak towards the nature of the Vietnam war in general and not just these specific people. They could be anybody, people you knew even. You take something like the Deer Hunter that spends so long with their characters so you get to know them so you feel for them later on. Platoon on the other hand lets the characters serve as more archetypes that you can see into them any variety of people and you care more because you feel more the nature of war.
  12. Cam Bert

    Listener Rankings

    I really debated it. I'll probably echo some of this over in Platoon, but I like Platoon much more but I think culturally the Wizard of Oz just inches it out and puts it a bit higher. It could be convinced to flip them.
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    Compared to murder mantis-slaughter is the lesser of two weevils
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    "Cameron and Cameron: Fighting for the rights of cli-ants."
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    "Cameron and Cameron Attorneys at Law: They mite make you a millionaire!"
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    This also feels like the right time to point out the fact that the temp clearly does not have any kind of insect or prop insect on her spoon when she eats the yogurt.
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    I know people mocked him for using the clamp and tweezers to place the insect into the yogurt but if you think about it the beetle has tiny fragile parts. You're right in him wanting to place a whole intact insect into his yogurt so of course you have to use the tweezers to delicately put it in so all its limbs and antennas are intact and contained within his yogurt. This does not really explain why he immediately shakes up the container after placing it inside. The only logical conclusion is that he wants it to be in an awkward position like it struggled to get out of the yogurt before ultimately drowning. Also, finger prints people! Not only does he have the brute strength to accidentally crush the thing but what if the yogurt people decide to dust it for prints? It worries me that Shad and his lawyer put this much thought into this aspect of the crime but not really the other areas. What it comes down to is this, Cameron and I are opening our own law firm. Cameron and Cameron Attorneys at Law and we specialize in all forms of insect law.
  18. If worse comes to worse I'll just talk about my memories of seeing a production of Twelfth Night once.
  19. Cam Bert

    Bonnie And Clyde

    Something tells me movie Blanche is such a spoil sport she's not drinking any.
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    Exactly! But let's go even further! Let's assume they were planning on suing. As he was never planning on actually consuming the insect, rather his plan was discovery and shock, there are no real damages. When perusing a case in a foreign object in food case there are two main factors to consider, liability and damages. Now as you mentioned the question of whose liability is in doubt. There is a beetle in my yogurt that shouldn't be there but who is at fault. They'd need to pinpoint exactly who is liable for this act. Like you said this is difficult. However the main thing missing in his case is damages. The only "damage" he can claim is emotional distress. "I can never eat yogurt again, I am too traumatized." However, given that yogurt is a food item which can easily be avoided or cut out of a diet there is not real long lasting emotional damages to be had. Yes it was shocking to discover it in your yogurt, but that's that. To actually mount a case he is looking at approximately $1,000 dollars in time with the lawyer, filling fees, and to put the motion forward. However, emotional damages can be a token amount to a large amount. It could be so low he only gets the value of the yogurt back which is very likely. As they legally have no real leg to stand on and emotional damages are a gamble the best Shad could hope for is to bring their case to Yoplait and threaten to go to the media about it. At that point Yoplait would have to do some mental math as to how much this news would effect the brand, how much potential sells would be lost, etc. Realistically this would be a small blip. It might make the national news and the rounds but it would quickly be forgotten as well. In fact if they go straight to the media and potential damage would be said and done before they even file. Thus hurting their case even more. On top of that the FDA does cover for a certain amount of insect parts and materials to be in your food products. In fact, if there is only one yogurt that contains insect parts out of a whole line, that is say less than 0.1% of yogurts produced by General Mills/Yoplait contained insect matter (allbeit a whole insect) that would fall perfectly within the FDA regulations. Again further hurting Shad's case. They're the number one company they would make them a low ball offer or even and apology and free yogurt which is another likely case. If not accepted knowing they have FDA guidelines and no real damages on their side they could have them jump through hopes and paper work so if they ever did actually go to court they'd be getting less money that they put in. So bug in yogurt is a long gamble on the courts finding you deserving of high level of emotional damage but in the end Shad will probably have to put more money in than he'll get out of it.
  21. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    The subject of Ving Rhames and the ridiculous yogurt plan have already been made fun of but there is so many ways that it makes no sense that haven't been touched upon. First, the plan. He was going to claim the fright from finding a beetle in his yogurt made his hair fall out. As discussed bad plan because he's never had hair but what makes it an even worse plan is there have been dozens and dozens of cases of people finding weird objects like fingers, rats, bugs, etc. in their food and not one of them sued because of lose of hair. No, they all sued because there was a foreign object in their food. Why bring the hair into it at all? Second, where was he going to discover this yogurt beetle? If you work for the legal department of America's number one yogurt and you get a case where a man found a beetle in his yogurt your first question is not going to be "how's the hair?" No, rather you'd ask where was this and what was he doing. He was eating it at home, okay then how do we know he didn't put in there himself if nobody else was around. They're not going to instantly cut a check because they get claims like this all the time. So was Ving Rhames planning on eating this in public and creating a scene? Was he planning on wearing a wig and doing this? Third, he opened the yogurt, removed the protective seal and left it unrefrigerated. This is just going to make you sick if you wait too long. Also, he takes it to his lawyers and leaves it in their fridge. Not to mention that he leaves in fridge right next to multiple packages of the same yogurt. Not in a bag or on a different shelf, rather he just puts a sticky note with his name on it. As anybody that works in an office can tell you, that means nothing! Why did he even bring it to the lawyers in the first place? To show him what a good job he did? Was he going to eat it there? That doesn't seem fishy you finding a beetle in your yogurt while at the office of a huckster lawyer. Nope that's on the level. There are so many ways that this would not work and make no sense, and that's not even taking into account is the type of beetle he's putting in the yogurt even native to where ever it is packaged and made.
  22. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    I apologize for being busy last week and not getting really to participate in the discussion. I like Blues Brothers a lot but for me it's always been more of a mood movie than a comedy. Sure there are funny bits that make me laugh like the reveal of the band in the sauna but I for one was never a fan of John Belushi so when he's doing his schtick I'm not interested. To me what I enjoy about the movie is it's overall mode and tone. I have fun when I watch it. It has some great music and the car chases are fun. It is a good thing to have on in the background when working or doing something type movie.
  23. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    TIL: Strip clubs in Florida are sticklers for correct grammar and formatting.
  24. Cam Bert

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    I want to talk about the names of the strippers in the film for a moment. On the podcast they talked about the horrible puny names of Gaza Strip and Urbana Sprawl and what a dumb idea it was to dance under your real name in Erin Grant's case. However, there is one more name that I think needs a little more attention. The one dance that does the baby girl number at the start is named "Monique, Jr." There's not really anything punny about it and when you say it "Monique Junior" there is nothing odd about it, but we see on the sign in front of the Eager Beaver and there is clearly a comma after Monique. Why is that comma there? Is her name suppose to be Monique (pause) Junior? The only time we use commas in names is when listing last names first like Bond, James. Does this imply that her name should be Junior Monique? Is that her real name and she flipped flopped it to get her dancer name? Why is that comma there?
  25. We are having some crazy rainy weather and floods, so I may or may not be around tomorrow for it.