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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    I'd like to try that. Sweet and spicy is always good. For me the best way to eat pineapple is with pinch of salt and lightly grilled. Grilled pineapple is the best! The actual best way to eat pineapple is on a pizza with pepperoni or better yet chorizo but I know how you all feel about this...
  2. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    I felt that was equally as uncomfortable as the spanking. At least it wasn't a Mickey Rooney situation.
  3. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    This just makes me wonder who did his mother want him to marry? She had never met Maile until the party but is against her because she is of lower socio-economic status, but there is never any other rich or high status people around. I would make sense if there was a girl she wanted him to settle down with, but it was more of just anybody but her for the sake of conflict.
  4. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    See I thought he was singing it just because that's the melody on the music box, so it was a more a general I'm going to sing you the song that is playing but I'm not necessarily singing it about you. That said maybe the seduction is part of his gift?
  5. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    Okay, so Chad was originally from Hot'lanta and moved to Hawaii when he was two. This means both of his parents are from the Georgia area presumably. This brings me to a very small story point that I found fascinating, his mother was a faux-Southern! Now from her accent to her mannerism she is screaming "southern belle" in fact she is so Southern that when searching for a compliment for her son she tells him he looks like Stonewall Jackson. However, she says that her great grandfather was General Polk in the civil war but "it was a shame he fought for the north." Later in the movie her husband reminds her that she is not a Gates she is a Polk, meaning her family is from the North. So is her whole "southern belle" thing an act? Is she worried that people will find her her shameful yankee past so she puts it all on? Or, did her family move down to the south after the civil war and as an act of rebellion against her family heritage she fully embraced her new homeland much like her son is doing now?
  6. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    Apparently this was a frequent thing for Elvis. Again not sure if this is true but it is something I heard, but Elvis use to sleep exclusively with underage groupies. Apparently the story goes is that he was very insecure about his abilities in the bedroom would not live up to the image he presented on stage and film in combination with the ones in women's minds. Thus he sought out inexperienced fans to sleep with because it was less pressure for him to be some kind of sex god.
  7. I was in the video store and I saw the box for this movie. The cover art reminded me of seeing in in my youth at the video store. It was a movie I always saw in the horror section but always passed over for some reason. With that in mind I decided to get it and boy am I glad I waited until I was an adult to do so. This movie is bonkers! A woman(Karen Allen) is buying some computer software as a gift when the salesman shows her how it can scan her address book. Then in a rush to leave she leaves her address book behind. Unfortunate for her working in the backroom is the "address book killer" a serial killer who gets address books and murders everybody in them one by one before finally killing the owner. He recovers her address book but while on the way to murder is in a awful car wreck. They give him an MRI at the same time an electrical storm is going on and some how that puts his soul into the internet where he continues his plan of murdering people and tormenting Karen Allen and son. This movie is pure early 90s nonsense. People not understanding how computers or the internet works. Not even sure how the killers powers work because he is online yet can travel through electrical lines and enter microwaves and plug sockets. Oh, he can also somehow manipulate hoses in the pool.The son is the poster child for "cool early 90s" boy as he tries to seduce the older girl by pulling down his pants, pulling up his boxers, and tucking his shirt into them. The 90s! Not to mention just some of the worst dialogue and a truly awful and uncomfortable scene with the babysitter. Watch the trailer at your own risk because it is about 50% the final 7 minutes of the movie.
  8. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    I was just thinking about this and how in this movie he is very wholesome but he's also suppose to be rebellious but in the most family friendly way. His family is rich and of high status yet he wants to hang out with his low status friends and rejects his family's wealth because he wants to stand on his own. Also given what little I know about Elvis this seems to be also a thing with him because instead of hanging out with lots of celebs and such it seemed he was very good to his old friends and had a large entourage of old childhood friends.
  9. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    I believe he came with Ito and the rest of the dude brahs. Speaking of which, I know they didn't really move the story but I loved the stuff with Chad and his friends. They also had all the best songs in the movie because they were up tempo and fun. Cameron H wasn't kidding about Ito Eats.
  10. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    Was anybody else upset by the way "Chad" picked up the dog? Also, where you upset that that dog never came back?
  11. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    Don't tell my sister that. Probably, it was just the first rom-com of his that popped in my head.
  12. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 37 Blue Hawaii

    As I was watching the movie it hit me. This is just that era's rom-com but instead of a pre-Mcconaissance Matthew Mcconaughey it was Elvis. I'm sure 50 years from now people will look at Failure to Launch and think similar thoughts.
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    More honey?
  14. I was going to ask the Tarantino question of Beatles vs Elvis but thought I would save it for the actually movie thread. I already knew what your answer would be though. I think the story of Elvis is greater than his music. Like you said I'm kinda a greatest hits guy too with maybe the odd deep cut, but I find stories about him and his life to be endlessly fascinating.
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 186.5 - Minisode 186.5

    Good memory! Yes Camargasaurus Bert got read but I think I was still a relatively new contributor in Paul's mind and the joke was missed.
  16. Edit: Just saw your letterboxd review. I get it now..
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 186 - Geostorm: LIVE!

    This just raised another question for me, and that is why did they even have a rocket launcher? Their plan was to have the president babble on at the convention while they sneak out in time for Florida to be destroyed right? When were they planning on using a rocket launcher? Where did that fit in the plan? It's a highly specialized weapon for special circumstances and not something they'd just keep in the back off their car for shits and giggles. Were they going to blow something up with it and then try to blame it on the geostrom? If so what? They flew in, so that means Ed Harris had to request for it be brought along, and now I really want to know what they had planned to use it for!
  18. There are two types of people in the world, those that see David Tomlnson and think "Oh, the dad from Mary Poppins!" and those that think "Oh, the professor from Bedknobs and Broomsticks!" I am in the later. Well then there is those weirdos that will say "The bad guy from The Love Bug." Boy, Disney really kept him busy.
  19. Awesome pick, I look forward to watching it seeing as I didn't know Cabot Cove was in Hawaii.
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 186 - Geostorm: LIVE!

    Of the many, many things this movie did not understand one of the ones that bothered me most was it's complete ignorance of time zones. At one point in the movie you have a hail storm going on in Tokyo while an arctic front is freezing Rio De Janeiro. Fun fact if you were to drill a hole straight through the Earth from Japan, guess where it would end up? That's right Brazil! They are literally on opposite sides of the Earth so if it is day time in Brazil it would be night in Japan. Yet the two events are happening during both of their days but are suppose to be happening at the same time. Once the storm starts in Brazil we are given a count down clock that states an hour and a half until the geostorm. When the geostorm starts where do we see it hit? Moscow, Dubai, and Mumbai. What do all those places have in common? They are all in Asia which again is on the opposite side of the Earth as Brazil which means all these geostorms would be happening in the dead of night or wee hours of the morning yet they are happening in the middle of their days too!! I mean I get it. Nobody wants to see a dust storm or tidal wave at night. It's just boring and dark, plus their wouldn't have been as many innocent people milling about to murder. But couldn't they have pick different cities though?
  21. Just noticing the father's horrible posture. That's probably what happens when you are made up of a bunch of liquid filled sacks.
  22. I'll just leave this here http://www.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/youkyou/4/4.html
  23. Cam Bert

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    I'm trying to think back to the movie and when Om introduces Dolly he says she's a childhood friend which would put them both at roughly the same age. Also wasn't Dolly in on the plan? Why not then include her mother unless she's suppose to be a blabbermouth and they couldn't trust her which then again raises the question to why was she even there in the first place.
  24. Cam Bert

    Musical Monday Week 36 Om Shanti Om

    I am my mother's son so I must ask, SRK, beard or no beard? or