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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    In Venture Brothers doesn't Colonel Gentleman live in Morocco? That's the only connection I can think of. As far as John Wayne goes I think the idea is that he's the ideal of straight manly man. So he's basically saying "Do you think I do all these gay things because I'm super straight?"
  2. Cam Bert

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    I need to get this minor thing off my chest. The porno theater at the beginning is playing three movies called Das Bootie, My Favourite Rear, and All That Jizz. Now in case you didn't know these are all parodies of movies; Das Boot, My Favourite Year, and All That Jazz respectively. Now in of itself that's fine it's just a joke but if we stop and think about it there are several things wrong with it. First, while the first pornographic parody, Bat Pussy, was released in 1973 the pornographic parody didn't reach wide spread popularity until 90s. So it's not impossible that a theater was showing three of them in 1986 it is just unlikely. Second point, it's 1986. The movies that they are parodying are from the early 80s and late 70s and no longer in the public consciousness. On top of that none of them are great stories to turn into heterosexual pornographic films. Third point, the brief scene we do see inside the theater has a police officer disrobing at a pool while several swimsuit clad women watch. In none of the films whose names are parodied are scenes featuring cops or pools! So while we may get a good laugh out of All That Jizz that means this world has people that go to see a pornographic bio pic of Bob Fosse featuring cops, bimbos and a pool and that's a world I don't want to be a part of.
  3. Cam Bert

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Not sure if this counts as a band per say but I can do a mean Fred Schneider impression so B-52s call me. Other than that the only instrument I can play in the trumpet so I guess Mighty Mighty Bosstones or Real Big Fish.
  4. Your take on the costumes and truly awful hair were missed.
  5. Cam Bert

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Is he in the slideshow? Boosh!
  6. Winter Olympics always make me feel more Canadian because I just want to watch curling and hockey.
  7. Love interests with mustaches seems to a common theme in a lot of our Musical Monday movies.
  8. We were friends before we dated, so that probably helped. Wait a minute...WTF... I just realized the weirdly odd parallel my story has with the movie. I was in Japan but had to go back to Canada to finish my degree, which meant I was going to be away for two or three years. We mailed back and forth but when I would be buried in my studies I couldn't reply all that quickly. We stayed in contact but the mails became less romantic and eventually after a year and a half a mutual friend told me that she had started seeing someone else. Guys, I am Guy!
  9. Exactly. I should have said antagonist rather than villainous role because there is a difference.
  10. No not with her and she's married now so no chance either. I am still friends with her and every time we're together it is always fun and we still have similar interests and likes. If things played out differently I'm sure I'd still happily be with her now. C'est la vie, que sera sera.
  11. If I recall correctly he was passed on. Not sure how long or when but I'm 90% certain at one point Genevieve's mother was referred to as a widow.
  12. I would like to believe she's looking out for her daughter's best interest and only that but it is a bit of what is best for my daughter that will also benefit me. I mean her whole infatuation with Roland is just her wanting money and status. She knows nothing about this man other than he's rich and she's throwing her daughter at him. She talks to him for five minutes and already decided he's great for her, yet she dismisses Guy with never meeting him. While it is fair to argue that she wants her daughter to be secure, it just seems odd that she's so full in on Roland immediately. It's one of those "I was spurned and I don't want you to go through that" yet who's to say that won't happen. Maybe lead with the story about how you were jilted before forcing your daughter into a loveless but secure marriage. Then again in love stories I am kinda a sucker for love winning out, and as a result the mother just kinda falls into the villainous role as she's the one trying to keep them apart.
  13. So this movie was all in French and I had to read the subtitles which were in Japanese so something could simply be lost in translation at some point, but there is one bit that confused me that hopefully somebody can clear up for me. When Genevieve is trying to decide between Roland and Guy the mother relates a story of her experience. It basically was along the lines of she was young and in love with a guy like Guy, but she married Genevieve's father instead and maybe wasn't as happy with him as she would have been with the first guy. Then she wants Genevieve to marry Roland because she doesn't want her to have regrets like she does. Is this accurate to what was said? The gist of it anyway? It seems to me if it is, isn't that a case for her to wait for Guy? The mother wants Genevieve to be happy, says she would have been more happy with her first suitor, and then urges Genevieve not to make the same mistake. That seems to point to "wait for Guy" not "take the safe bet"
  14. I had the same thought! As soon as Genevieve started talking about not getting letters I thought "Wait is the mom keeping them from her?" Also I'm not expert on conscription in war time but they must put them through some sort of basic training right? Maybe he is literally too busy to be writing more than once a month. Then like I said earlier he has a throwaway line about discovering his unsent letters at the hospital. He was trying to write but fate was against him.
  15. First off I liked the movie I didn't love it. Lovely to look at but the story and that left me wanting. A large part of this is to do with the mother. Her motives are clear but even though she claims to do a lot of things out concern and love for her daughter none of it actually is. It is all purely selfishly motivated. Granted I'm not living in France at this time period but one would think that if you had massive debt and couldn't afford it the first thought I wouldn't have is "I have to get my hair done." The mom was all about wanting to climb the social ladder to live beyond her means. So Roland is not a "bad" guy but he sees Genevieve and thinks she's beautiful. Never talked to her, but the mom is okay with this because he's rich. The mom doesn't care if she loves him or what his intentions are she just sees the money. It just became a slog in the middle with everyone of their conversations going, "I miss Guy. I love him." "Date Roland he's rich." "I don't care about him. Not interested." "Date him!" It was just the same conversation over and over and over. The pregnancy was a curve ball but only slightly. Then there is the weird throwaway line that for some reason Guy's letters weren't being delivered which is never really touched upon. The dynamic between the two just brought down the middle of the movie for me.
  16. I'll just get this out of the way since I know we were all thinking it while watching the movie. Warning: Do not click unless you want to ruin your day.
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    Our comic tastes align yet again! Not to derail things too much but for all the comic book readers here, thoughts or feelings on Bendis going over to DC and writing Superman?
  18. Cam Bert

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    Not so much in music, I don't think there is any current band or singer that is still releasing things that I would get without question. Comics I feel is a bit of a cheat. There are certain creators like Fraction, Vaughn, Spencer, etc. that I will always read the first issue of their latest series. It is very easy to pick up a first issue and give it a try, but sticking with it is a whole other story. That said if I heard that Brubaker and Phillips did a series together that is an automatic full series buy. Movies and actors there are too many. If I like them I will support them and it takes a fair bit for me to quit them.
  19. Cam Bert

    Episode 181 - Freejack: LIVE!

    I'm still confused as to why Boone's Grandmother is getting hope by seeing Emilio. I mean if it because she is among the poor and somehow sees Emilio as sticking it to the rich or taking down the rich, this is clearly a failure on the part of Boone. He has a good job and clearly lives among the rich so if he loves his grandmother so much why isn't he supporting her more? Have her move in with him. Buy her some nicer things. That'll give her some hope as well and doesn't require a runaway Freejack to help you out.
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 181 - Freejack: LIVE!

    Well, wouldn't this just lead to a time travel paradox because he wouldn't have been there to freejack a second later which means none of that would have happened which means they wouldn't need to try it again which means...
  21. If I do you can find me at the Empire State building.
  22. Cam Bert

    Episode 181 - Freejack: LIVE!

    Wow, you're right. I mean if you were to die of natural causes, choking, shot, etc. any variety of death that does not completely destroy the body there is just going to be a lot of question about where did the body go. You think you'd hear more stories of people saying things like "Oddest thing happened to me the other day. I was driving down the road, speeding, and all of a sudden this guy darts out in front of me. I could have sworn I hit this guy yet when I stopped there was no dent or anything. Like the guy just disappeared. On top of that, I got one of those speed camera photos sent to me from the intersection where I thought I hit the guy."