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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. I grew up playing Advanced then while in university played 3.5 for awhile. I never really cared for 3.5 that much. My friend that is looking to run a campaign is also an old school guy but he's looking to bring in three players that have never played and due to how much is available online is going with 5e. I was thinking of rolling up a cleric because I think new players want to do more fun things than run around and protect and heal the party, but you're saying that shouldn't be too big of a worry in 5e?
  2. This was a movie I heard a lot about last year and look forward to watching it.
  3. Super nerd time! What edition do you play? I have a friend who is looking to start a 5e campaign but I've haven't played 5e yet.
  4. Cam Bert

    Episode 181 - Freejack: LIVE!

    I'm kinda surprised this one line that stuck out to me hasn't been mentioned yet. So when Emilio meets David Johansen at gets the plot breakdown from him he questions why they don't just take current bodies. Johansen's answer was something to the effect of "Are you kidding me these people have lived half their lives with no ozone layer!" Now let's break that down. The first signs of a hole or depletion of the ozone layer was in the late 70s and this movie takes place in 2009. If you have lived half your life without a complete ozone layer that means the median age of the people would be 60 which is crazy high. Then again maybe at some point after Emilio's death the ozone layer was completely destroyed. Say it happened the later in 1991 after Emilio's death, that means 18 years of no ozone so again to say that the people have lived half their lives with no ozone layer would put the median age at 36 which while closer still high. However this is just silly math poking fun of an hyperbolic statement. No the real damning thing is how could the world still be functioning if the entire ozone layer was destroyed? If you don't know what it does, in simple terms the ozone layer keeps out harmful radiation from the sun. If it were destroyed just going outside you'd be exposed to high levels of UV radiation. Cancer would run rampant. More damning than that is that shortly after its destruction all plant life on earth would die off. No plants means no food for animals, which in turn means eventually no food for us. Also, no trees and plants means no oxygen and no rain and a host of other problems. The world is doomed! This must mean they came up with some alternative to the ozone layer in this Freejack world. This then begs the question why not take the very young to Freejack into. This new ozone layer seems to work fine and they younger they are the longer you get to live..
  5. I'm good whenever! This will actually be the only time I've seen the movie beginning to end. I tried watching it ages ago and just never bothered to finish it.
  6. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    Before I have to turn in for the night I want to point out my favourite thing in the movie. The late great Bob Hoskins plays Bob Geldolf's manager or agent. He only features in a few scenes in the middle but there is one moment when we are seeing the backstage party and Bob Hoskins is just munching away on a halved pineapple like it was an apple.
  7. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    I felt that they thought a lot of their metaphors and such were really deep but were pretty surface and obvious. Like the sex flowers or the school kids going into a meat grinder. I'm just trying to figure out if the butthole face masks all the kids were wearing is suppose to be reflect something beyond them just being all the same and why they went with butthole face parts instead of just a blank featureless face.
  8. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    So he basically goes mad and starts to smash up the place and destroys pretty much everything that isn't nailed down. With cut hand he floats in the pool and thinks back to his wife and him making love. He's then watching TV when the shadow of a woman appears on the wall and turns into a vicious vagina flower and chases him around. He thinks of sex, destruction, and the wall. When we come back to him he's making some nice found art out of the destroyed room. Then he goes to shave.
  9. Cam Bert

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    Just to throw my two cents in. I saw an interview with Robert Patterson once and he said something similar about, how the foundation for the behavior and style of acting was dictated by the style and direction of the first movie and as a result going forward they were sort of bound to the established tone and he was bored to death of it.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    Casting the young Christopher Lee is hard because there are no current 20 something actors I can think of with such gravitas in their voice. However, if I were the producer I might push for Nicholas Hoult. He's fairly tall, so the height and build are pretty good. He's also British. However, I think if you are going to focus on the war aspect, Hoult could start of as fresh faced and youthful and by the end transform into someone who carries the weight of war on them and be convincing throughout.
  11. Are we talking about alone in theater stories? This has only happened to me once when I went to see Final Fantasy Spirits Within and nothing of interest to be said there. However, my friend and I went to see Eight Legged Freaks in theater and there was only one older couple in the theater with us. Half way through they just yelled "quiet!" and the only thing we were doing was laughing at the movie. I wonder what would have happened if there were more people there laughing at a funny movie.
  12. I've never seen the movie but just the phrase "Pink Floyd musical" makes me think of Tommy which makes me think of beans...
  13. Ha! Yes, the orgy scene did make me think of the climax of Society.
  14. I once drank a Coors Light. Possible one of my life's biggest regrets.
  15. Also wolves hunt in packs, so would werewolves. Using all those silver bullets must start to cost a pretty penny. Knives far easier on the budget in the long run.
  16. The main question I still have about the movie is whether or not the punk band are werewolves themselves. We first seem them playing at that punk warehouse show in LA. Now we know some of the people in attendance, like Mariana, are werewolves because they lead those punks away to eat them. This also means not everybody there was a werewolf either. The only thing we know at this point is the fact the band has a song about werewolves which is either very telling or a supreme coincidence. Next we see them playing in the Transylvanian castle for the giant orgy party that Stirba was having. So this band flew out from LA to Transylvania for this gig. Was this because they were werewolves or were the werewolves in attendance at the first show so taken by this song about "howling" and "werewolves" that they turned to each other and said, "Hey, you know what would really tie this giant Howling werewolf orgy party together, this song!" at which point they hired them and flew them out. They seemingly left the orgy party before things really hit the fan so maybe they were unaware. Then we see the band one last time at the end of the movie seemingly back in LA and nothing is clear one way or the other if they are werewolves or in on it all. All we know for a fact is the have one song that really fits in nicely with everything going around them and they are seemingly LA based. Does this also mean the band was on the same flight as dum-dum and the reporter? I can't imagine there are that many flights a day in and out of rural Transylvania, so these LA based people traveling at the same time must have run into each other at some point right?
  17. Clea DuVall and Sarah Sutherland arm in arm is great. This show truly deserves the ensemble cast award. Such a murder's row of great comedic talent. Somebody like Sam Richardson or Kevin Dunn can get one line the entire episode and have it be the funniest part. Shame that with how things ended up with Dan Paul won't be around next season.
  18. If we do read these and the dinosaurs are not feathered, I will be quite upset.
  19. Are we talking Cristie Sims' Taken By The T-Rex or more like Chuck Tingle's My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass?
  20. So during the ceremony Jimmy Smits is wearing a wolf pelt on his head. Also in the werewolf village there are numerous vendors selling wolf pelts. I know that wolves and werewolves are two different things, but isn't that slightly... distasteful or something. I mean if I could turn into a wolf I think being mistaken for a real wolf and murdered for my fur would be a great concern of mine. Not to mention just the closeness and kinship they must feel with wolves.
  21. Cam Bert

    The signs of a bad movie list

    In light of The Howling II:... Your Sister is a Werewolf along with some other bad movies I've watched recently I propose this addition to the list of signs of a bad movie: The movie got the rights to one song and plays it non-stop.
  22. Clearly he didn't play D&D. I wonder if the spikes on the flail mace were silver or titanium.
  23. I really like how the guards for Stirba's castle were theses men wearing full on horned metal helmets. I mean there is nothing in real werewolf mythology or in this movie's made mythology that states "the only way to kill a werewolf is to destroy the brain." Rather everything we see in the movie that kills werewolves makes it seem like the torso would be the best possible target. What makes this even more odd is the one time we see one of these guards being taken out is with a blow to their helmeted head.