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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Seeing as it seems not everyone got a chance to watch this movie how about a question inspired by this movie. What is your favourite retelling or modernized version of a Shakespeare play?
  2. So that's not the Shakespearean equivalent of "Do you come here often?"
  3. The whole thing just makes me more curious about his character. As I said it seems he's there to get the story going at the start but the rest of his story is then played out only in the newsreels so he just comes in like a hurricane and leaves. Does his character in the actual play provide anything else to the story after the initial letter mix up or does he just continue to serve as comic relief?
  4. Normally I like to do the math but what do you figure the odds are that four men meet four women and then each one of them falls instantly in love with the same member of the opposite sex that has also fallen instantly in love with them and none of their choices overlap? If I was one of these people I would buy a lotto ticket.
  5. This goes to how I felt that everybody was at different levels of energy. I admire him for going so broad and it is suiting for his character to be that broad but he went above and beyond. Maybe if we got to see more of him instead of him being relegated to the newsreels it would have had a better pay off.
  6. I didn't realize it was him narrating them!
  7. You guys have sold me. Smoking here I come!
  8. As a non-smoker, is smoking delicious?
  9. So this is one of the questions I had not reading the play, does the play end with them going off to war or was this just part of setting the movie in 1939 France?
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    Luckily for me there is still somewhat of a healthy video rental market in Japan. iTunes and Amazon can be okay but if I couldn't rent and had to stream it'd be a nightmare. Luckily I still have a VCR too which helps sometimes too. The other weird problem I've encountered is sometimes some movies just don't come here. Both Bratz and Gooby come to mind as movies that to my knowledge and looking just didn't come here. Luckily I was able to get a very helpful and kind person to stream Bratz on rabb.it for me but with time differences I can't always count on that being the case.
  11. Enjoy your gaggle. I see what Branagh's doing and I get where Cameron is coming from but it just didn't work fully for me. There is a certain "let's put on a show" vibe and I get that and I like that. Then there is the musical take on Shakespeare and I think that's an interesting idea. However, just in the execution it was off for me. One of the things that felt off for me was that all the actors had such different energy and approach to it that it made it feel uneven. Some scenes everybody was on the same page and it worked well, and then the next scene would be played in a different way and kinda fall flat. Some played very broad, some seemed to just be playing Shakespeare. The news reels to recap the bits cut out to move the story along, never really worked for me either. I get that they are there to fill in the bits of play cut out, but they seemed to come abruptly often when things seemed to be moving forward. Also they'd often repeat things we already heard or something a character would explain again after it finished. I didn't hate the movie by any means, but I wasn't captured by its charms either. For me the most interesting thing was hearing some of these songs that we have seen in previous Musical Monday's reused and put in this movie.
  12. The opening scene Nic Cage is chasing down Train's lackeys. They tell him where to go and then in the next scene Leather Jacket (R.I.P) was in the dinner at the beginning of the movie where Amber Heard was working. I don't think this clears anything up though.
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    Oh boy, I'm sure as most of you don't follow Canadian news maybe now it is not the best time to go grab a double double and some dutchie timbits
  14. This is one of the movies I saw before it was covered on the show. I remember it was basically Nic Cage making his own version of Ghost Rider.
  15. I grew up loving and watching Red Dwarf so to me he will be always be the Back to Reality tech to me.
  16. I agree, this isn't one of the plays I'm overly familiar with either so maybe the rules match. There is always part in the back of my mind that I'm too harsh on actors sometimes. Like they are trying to make a career and at the start it's just easier to do that one thing you are good at and then hopefully sometime someone will let you stretch your wings and let people take notice. Think about actors like Robin Williams and Jim Carey that showed they could be more than just goofy oddball and can handle drama. Alicia Silverstone did a lot of thriller and crime stuff early on, but once she got into Clueless and that hit that's kinda the path she went down. She could surprise us.
  17. I thought that too. I'm sure when he has time he'll throw in his thoughts. I guess my question is, Matthew Lillard? Really?
  18. Cam Bert

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    I just realized you're dead right. You can see the manhole in the shadow behind Wills feet. Still doesn't explain the double guns, dog, light source or spelling of "biz" and "wiz"
  19. You need to fix the link. I just looked up the cast... some interesting choices there...
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    However there are a few times in the movie that the other characters suggest that he "needs a woman" so it seems to be on their minds. It would have a purely intellectual pursuit for Preston I'm sure. And while I agree that the results could have been disastrous he must have been ready for it because he was very serious and straightforward when he asked her to sleep with him. Maybe the strip club got it all out of him. At least he asked her and gave her the chance to say no unlike every other woman in the movie whom he just grabs or kisses.
  21. Cam Bert

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    Can we talk about how the ending implies that having sex cured Bobby of his multiple weird neuroses? Seemingly throughout the movie Bobby McGee is in a very child like state of being. He does a "peepee" dance when he has to go to the bathroom, he likes to play games and tests, other than his frequent sexual assaults on women he seems generally ignorant of them and still chaste, and and an overall pureness of character when not in an alternate personality. I thought maybe wrongly that when he was struck by lightning that he stopped aging mentally or reverted mentally. However, at the end of the movie when he shows up with his new girlfriend he's wearing tight restrictive clothing which we were told render him unable to function earlier in the film. He also has cut his hair and is calm, focused, and seemingly in general more mature. Even Murray he mentions how Bobby is "shaping up a little different, a little better" in the past while. Preston is also not doting on him all the time, and is letting him be. Bobby still has his powers but is a new seemingly independent person. What is the only thing that has changed since the climax? He had sex. That's it. So he loses his virginity and then all of sudden he's a cool guy now? Gone are the loose clothes and hippie hair? Gone is Preston's constant need to lead him around by the hand and control him and his powers. It seems that if that had taken him to a prostitute or something sooner their business might have been more successful from the start.
  22. Cam Bert

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    Am I also the only one wondering why Second Sight Investigations has a secretary? If we are to believe their answering machine message that starts the movie they know who is calling and what they want and instruct them to hang up. Yet they have a secretary who manages calls, because when Wills comes in he asks if there are any messages. Later we see her through the door on the phone as well. So either you know who is calling and don't need one or you don't and you do? Or is the system Bobby gets a hunch, writes it down, they decide which one to follow through on and then the secretary contacts the people they choose to help?
  23. I should be good to go!