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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Slow down there. That's just crazy talk!
  2. I'm free and okay with Avatar only because I haven't seen it or the show. But if everybody wants to skip it and move on to Drive Angry, which would pair nicely with Jason X, I'm good with that as well. I'm pretty much good with most anything.
  3. I don't think so. I can totally get that. What's your stance on How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
  4. I can only assume Matthew Broderick is doing the narration because otherwise that means he'd be Santa and I just don't see that. Or maybe he's that kid that likes the Wizard of Oz.
  5. Is it wrong that when I read Neve Campbell's brother my first thought was "Mathew Fox?"
  6. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Fine use chopsticks and while you're at it put some raisins on it!
  7. There is a movie from the 80s that was called Amazon Women on the Moon which tried to be a Kentucky Fried Movie of the 80s. I can't recommend the movie as any sketch movie the quality wildly varies but among the better sketches in the movie is actually a post credits sketch called "Reckless Youth" which is a parody of Sex Madness which was made by the same people behind Reefer Madness.
  8. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Let's talk for a minute about Jason's chosen weapon the machete. Now the machete is a common tool for farmers and a great impromptu weapon. It is designed for swift chopping of thick plants and fruits such as underbrush, sugar cane and coconuts. Now this also makes it an ideal weapons for hacking and slashing up innocent students and soldiers on futuristic spaceships. However, one thing the machete was not designed to do was piercing damage. The tip of a machete is elongated edge a not a point. Unlike a sword which more often than not has a tapered end which makes it suited for thrusting and piercing. However a few times in this more we see him use it as a stabbing weapon which is just impractical. It's like eating pudding with chop sticks, doable but not without great effort. It just requires a bit more strength and for physics to be on your side. Most notably he stabs through the cryogenic booth he was trapped in at the start. The problem is the tube is nearly as big as himself. Physics is not on his side to draw the weapon back far enough to create the required force to stab through multiple layers of solid metal even if the machete was strong enough to make it through them. Then again he can punch through a spaceship so I may have to retract my whole argument.
  9. This is something I've always heard about but never seen. I look forward to the excuse to watch it.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    On a similar note, when the one girl panics and tries to fly away while the fuel line is attached she rams straight into the bottom of Grendel and not a scratch is be had. When Grendel flies through Solaris they lose one pontoon but the ship is sturdy enough to keep going with no real structural damage to the rest of the ship. These catamaran passenger ships must be the sturdiest built space ships out there. However the one thing that can actually puncture the hull? A punch from Jason of course.
  11. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    The ship they are on, Grendel, is described by the professor as a "catamaran type transport vessel" but I ask you this what are they transporting? Are they just transporting people? There are a half dozen or so soldiers, a half dozen or so students, one professor, one engineer and one pilot. Seems small for such a large ship. Also why are the soldiers even there? They didn't go down on the planet with them for protection, so are they just hitching a ride? Is space piracy a thing they need to protect against? Also why does a transport vessel have numerous medical labs and armories?
  12. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    It's been awhile since I watched them all as well, but you're right. From what I recall after being resurrected at the start of VII his body was buried elsewhere and he's making his way back to Camp Crystal Lake which has been renamed and reopened. So at the end when he shows up at camp there are kids there and they are scared but he is clearly going after the camp counselors. Now if I remember correctly everybody thought he drowned but he survived and started living in the woods as a hermit. Then as an adult he witnesses his mother being murdered and then we get the Jason we know. The whole kid at jumping out of the water is revealed in the beginning of Part 2 to be in her head. Basically his MO really is protect the area around the lake from teenagers and to some extent adults. Who can blame him though? I mean he was picked on by them, nearly drowned by them and he didn't know his mom was murdering them so to him they also murdered his mom. Who can blame him for acting out?
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    While your theory is sound the giant blast he takes to the head basically destroys the entire mask which begs the question how did the bugs know he was wearing a mask? There is a little left but if these things can figure out from a tiny scrap that he was wearing some 400 year old form of protection, why didn't they rebuild that instead of uploading him?
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    I have a crazy theory about this movie and I hope you bear with me. This movie is actually not a continuation of the Friday the 13th franchise as we know it, but rather an in universe Friday the 13th movie. In other words the people that live inside the world of Friday the 13th made this movie. Okay, hear me out. As I've previously mentioned one of the more interesting things about the Friday the 13th movies is there is a sense of continuity and actions come around and aren't forgotten. Jason never cared about any particular weapon of his, he didn't care if people were having sex, and yes while he was made into a zombie in Jason Lives Friday the 13th Part VI he was never impervious to bullets with a regeneration factor. Up through to part XVIII Jason Takes Manhattan every movie Jason starts in the same location and state as he was left in the previous movie. Both Jason X and the prior film Jason Goes to Hell disregard this fact in addition to making up lore and abilities for Jason. So if you lived in the Friday the 13th universe you'd be very well aware of who Jason was but as few who encountered him lived information about him would be spotty at best. Elements like his ability to survive injury, his strength, and his weapon of choice would be more wrapped up in legend than in reality. Not only does this explain why in these movies he's so out of character but how much more of a "movie" Jason X is. In all the prior films there were only a few lighter or intentional comical bits but in Jason X its dialogue is straight up comedic and certain scenes are definitely played for laughs. This being a "movie" would also explain the horrible 90s names, Alien and other movie and 20th century references and disregard for any knowledge of future technology. It would explain also why a 25th century space ship would look cheap and bare, like the set of a low budget Canadian movie. So in one hand you have eight films and ten years of maintained detail and story that is consistent and films that produce thrills with very few comedic moments while in the other you have Jason X with its straight out comedic moments, unfamiliar characterization and numerous illogical elements. While it's easy to dismiss Jason X as just a bad movie it's more interesting to think of the meta nature that this is how people in a Friday the 13 universe view the urban legend known as Jason.
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    We she watched it with a cool friend and even though they are broken up they could still be friends.
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Look I thought we all came to the conclusion that we would at least try raisins in our coleslaw. Just a bite. See how it is, and then decide to discard them or not. I'm far from a raisin apologist but we all like grapes right? It's the same thing. Now does it belong in coleslaw? Again are we talking mayo coleslaw or vinegar coleslaw? There are a lot of factors here. All I'm saying is give raisins a chance.
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I've never even heard of Finger Eleven, is worth listening to one song to see how bad it is or is that even too much?
  18. Cam Bert

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    It's all that speed walking
  19. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    Did TACO do nothing but cover old musical numbers?
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Here's what I'll say and if you're watching them in order you'll appreciate this. There is real great continuity throughout the series in regards to Jason. Once Jason is introduced in Part II there is a direct through line to his story and elements that are carried over. Little things to like marks made to his mask, injuries he's had, and in the later parts remembering where he died in the previous film and starting him there. This last up until Part VIII which has a horrible ending. Then you get to Jason Goes to Hell which doesn't care about anything and the following ones too stop caring.
  21. Cam Bert

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Do to crazy busy work I had some time to think this over. I easily could pull like 7 groups or musicians in a top 10 no question. Then thinking who might round it out. The one that came to mind that I was surprising okay with which I would have never though would make my top 10 would be Duran Duran. The more I thought about it and looked over it on my iTunes I realized I like them a lot more than I thought I did. As far as unusual goes I would easily hands down put DEVO on my top 5 maybe even 3. Most people just know Whip It but they have a lot of great songs from Gut Feeling, Beautiful World, to Uncontrollable Urge they have some great songs. As far as most hated... Joni Mitchell. This all stems back to my mother being hugely into folk music and having to listen to her a lot as a kid. I came to really really hate Paved Paradise. Not to mention hearing her more often as I should have growing up due to Canadian Content rules. I just came to irrationally hate her have avoided her ever since. I may enjoy her now but I may also just go back to my 8 year old self in the car begging my mom to change stations or songs.
  22. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 23 Top Hat

    In Japan most comedy is performed in duos and have great chemistry. When you hear them talk and interviewed most freely admit to not knowing the others contact information, where they live, or ever seeing them outside of work.