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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Well two things really. First, as I talked about before the song is question is cut from the movie in place on an another number. I simply don't get that. Other things in the movie were changed to give Sinatra more to sing and reasons like this, it just seems to random to single out this one song as one to change. In addition I think their interpretation of the whole thing is odd. Granted I don't recall the script 100% but in it her dancers are refereed to as "Miss Adelaide and her chicks" or "chickadees" which sets up the number with the dancers being chickens. This means their dress would be big feathers and that would be typical of nightclub acts of the time. Making them chicks also sets up for Adelaide to be the mother hen, again you can imagine the costume which is befitting of the time, or as the farmer. For some reason in the Lauren Graham production they changed it and made them "farmettes". In the movie they change the song but make them cats, so that's similar and also seems a bit more fitting. At that point I'm left asking myself why change it all? Then Adelaide herself comes out and she is dressed in a really goofy farmer outfit with blacked out teeth. It's just so bizarre. The other dancers are already farmers and sexy looking ones at that and you have the star of the show come out dressed in the comedic version of what they others are dressed at. I know why they did it and I'll get to that in a bit but it reads as a comedy number with the blacked out teeth and the cowbell sound and her making a goofy shrug throughout the first half of the song. It's just so over the top. Then it takes a turn into a weird burlesque or strip type number in which she transformers in the middle of it. Now it becomes a regular nightclub like number like it was suppose to be but you lose that connective tissue to "the farm" between her, the song, and the dancers when she's just dressed in a sexy generic outfit. I just find it to be so odd. To me the whole thing just seems like a director thinking to him or herself "What can I do to put my stamp on this" and seems a bit out of place. It's not bad or wrong it's just a different approach. They changed the script but did they need to? What motivated the change, because it is so minor. Those little things I find interesting to think about. It doesn't work fully for me but again maybe I'm just over thinking it.
  2. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    So.... Cameron Detroit?
  3. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    I agree. I don't think you'll hate the movie by any means. You might see some flaws but that won't change your opinion overall I don't think. Plus a lot of those memories are bound to come flooding back which is always nice.. I also think we can all agree 16 year old CakeBug Detroit would have been a dreamy delight.
  4. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Much like some other here I was first in Guys and Dolls in high school and got a chance to be in it once again in a local theater production outside of high school. So I have that element to it, which taints it a little towards forgiveness. However, I watched this again for this MM and having scene it live more than the few times I saw the movie before acting it in productions of it I have to say... the movie doesn't fully hold up. I think my problem is I have seen this more on stage than the movie and the movie and the stage production are very different things I've come to realize. I think it goes back to how this tread started with the weird casting. Most of the players are from the original Broadway run, but the leads aren't (aside from Adelaide) and I think that hurts it. Sinatra doesn't have the timing or charm that the Nathan character has, and a lot of the jokes play better live than on film when you are left with a laugh break and you're not laughing. There is also the element of a lot of great songs (Bushel and a Peck, I've Never Been in Love Before) just being flat out omitted for more songs for Sinatra which even though written by the original writers aren't as good. Aside from the love songs, the songs are suppose to be funny and light. The problem I have with the "Sue Me" number in the movie is that it fails to really capture that duality. Nathan's part is a genuine love song while Adelaide is a more comedic number. Which the play is suppose to be in a nutshell. The Sky and Sarah story is a love story about people falling for each other when they shouldn't and Nathan's is more akin to a farce with him lying to everyone and trying to run and be everything at once. Even when you look at the love stories that's how it is. Young love full of hope and passion and old love full of bickering with true love at the core. What the movie has though are Guys and Dolls great songs. Even if Brando is not the best, a lot of these songs are fun I think. "Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat" is a jaunty number to end on (even though "Marry the Man Today" would help make the wedding seem less rushed and sudden), and the overlapping "Fugue for Tinhorns" is a fun little number to start off on. "Luck Be A Lady" has that good dance number before the actual song and scene. The movie starts which the slapsticky number and the overture capturing that classic musical feel. I think the music is where the movie really shines. I say if you are lukewarm on the movie try to see it live once because when the actors are a bit better cast with some better timing, there are a lot of good laughs. The Big Jules numberless dice scene is usually a very funny bit along with the whole church scene at the end. Also the missing songs are all good and should be heard.
  5. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Okay, I remember being told this once before so if I get something wrong please correct me. I believe the way it works is the person rolls the dice. Now, the idea is they have to roll that same number again before they "crap" out which is roll a seven. You bet on whether or not the person will succeed or crap out. I think there are other side bets you can make but the main thing is, safe, fail, or success.
  6. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    I kinda like Don Ameche as a choice. I always felt Sinatra was too tough and stiff as Nathan. He needs to be a bit more likable. Him and Adelaid are like that old married couple without being a married couple. I think you need a more charming, less tough guy. Jack Lemmon would also be great I think.
  7. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Can't say I disagree with this.
  8. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    I was trying to find out why "A Bushel and A Peck" was cut and replaced with the cat music number when I came across this: Thoughts on that casting? Better than Sinatra and Brando?
  9. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    Not even Nicely Nicely? Maybe I'm bias because that's a role I've played but he has good points. He's a loyal friend and he does sort of have a redemptive arc. At the end I believe he genuinely wishes to improve his life and that's why he joins the mission.
  10. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    I'll echo a little of what Cameron already said on Letterboxd, why let Marlon Brando sing "Lucky Be A Lady?" Now, this is not a faithful adaptation of the Broadway show. Songs were added to give Sinatra more to sing while other songs (personally one of my favourites "I've Never Been in Love Before") were just omitted completely. So if you were changing your movie to better suit the actors why give Brando, talented actor and amateur singer, one of the most iconic songs? Look at Grease. When the movie came out poor Kenickie doesn't get to sing about his car anymore, instead his friend jumps in and does it. Why couldn't Nathan Detroit while passing the dice to Sky to roll sing this song about how much he wants his friend to do well?
  11. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    I see that now but in the comics and show Neptuneman's secret identity is that of Kenkaman(fight man) who is British for some reason. Here is is as Kenkaman and it is undeniably Hogan Ramenman is probably the most popular character to come out of Kinnikuman, even more popular that the title character. He got his own spin off manga and anime as well as having depth and an arc to him. We first meet him early on in the superhuman olympics. He's in B block with a bunch of "brutal" superhumans. In his first match he fights Brockenman and using his signature move, the camel clutch, he snaps him in half. After which he keeps folding him up until he's dough, turns him into ramen noodles and eats him. He goes on to lose to Kinnikuman and then he is disqualified in the semi-finals for fighting dirty. At which point he repents and tries to become good. After that point he became a close ally to Kinnikuman and fought for and with him on numerous occasions after. He has the kanji 中 on his head for China much like Terryman has 米 for America.
  12. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    The original comic ran until the mid 80s and then in the mid to late 90s it came back in the form of a story about his son and the children of the other original characters. Being the anime boom of the late 90s/early 2000s there was a slight push to market that in America unfortunately the anime was being made while the comic was relatively new so they caught up with the comics and then went off the air even though the comic continued on much longer. I believe that was called Ultimate Muscle overseas. I have no idea if the original Kinnikuman has ever been translated or dubbed but I found some clips on youtube so you can see what it's like. Jump to 1:50 to see Zebra in action.
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    But is he tough enough to take on the champ? This mini thread is all different kinds of nerdy.
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    Basically they're the same character. This actually ties into the two that you posted. Sunshine is all the same because he's made of sand and brick and can reshape his body. The Kinnikuman ones are mostly him however there are a few non-Kinnikuman Kinnikuman looking characters. Basically Kinnikuman in the heir to the throne of his planet and he was set to Earth to kinda shape up. Many adventures happened and in the last story line of the original series the gods of his home planet still deemed him unworthy and found hosts to challenge him to succession of the throne. These were Kinnikuman Solider, Big Body, Mariposa, Super Phoenix and Zebra. Why zebra? Well he was a poor farmer who helped others and toiled away to save up to buy a zebra looking animal to help him farm. The god the possessed him imbued him with the strength and speed of said zebra and the look as well. The first one you are kinda right about. One of the early story lines was after winring the first super human wrestling Olympics, he went to the US were he went undercover to take down a corrupt wrestling league there. However as the champion he would be known so he went "undercover" as an undiscovered American wrestler. What's more American than cowboy hats and blue jeans. After the first fight he was found out and abandoned that disguise. As far as CUTIES go, I believe that's all Mattel's doing. There are a handful of female characters in Kinnikuman but they would have included in the MUSCLE line.
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    Oh it's one of the longest running comics out here. There are still new ones coming out now. When I first came to Japan within a week of being here they started showing it in reruns in the morning. I watched every episode and read every comic and am a huge fan. If there are any you particularly remember I'll be glad the give you the weird backstory behind them. Before you ask about the giant hand, it's actually suppose to be a T-Rex's foot. There was a bad guy named Sunigeetaa who was a cross between an alligator and a sneaker. He would come undone and "shed" his skin and went from alligator to turtle to chameleon and finally his true form a T-Rex foot.
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    Just to add on to this. Numerous major pro-wrestler have wrestled in Japan at some point. Either while they were big or before they were big. Pro wrestling is still big in Japan where a lot of it is still very kayfabe, while at the same time having a few promotions dedicated to more comedic wrestling. However wrestling is not as big as it use to be and it's accessibility is not once it use to be either. As a result a lot of the fans are older and fans don't know that much about WWE or their current roster. A lot of the older wrestlers particularly from the 80s are still remembered fondly. Some other wrestlers that are well know are Dusty Rhodes, Vader, Stan Hansen, Abdullah the Butcher, Bruiser Brody, Andre the Giant, and Terry Funk. Fun fact: If you grew up in the 80s you might remember M.U.S.C.L.E figures. They were tiny little rubber figures that were strange and suppose to be part of an intergalactic wrestling league. Those figures were based off the popular Japanese comic series and anime Kinnikuman which was about super human wrestlers. One of the main characters in that was Terryman, who was a blonde haired blue eyed cowboy who was best friends with the main character and named and modeled after Terry Funk.
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    I half wonder if Paul talking about robots started thinking of robot pandas and then jumped to the panda car
  18. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

  19. Cam Bert

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    Don't know what you're deciding but Siouxie and the Banshees
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Maybe YK Kim was trying to go all Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg on us and this fight scene was suppose to foreshadow all the moves he was going to use on Yashito in the climatic fight. Another reason they are going slow and soft is maybe they have a gig that night and they need Jack on those drums.
  21. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Dragon Sound aren't common people though...
  22. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    If it were more easily available we might be able to talk about it in two weeks
  23. I need a symmetrical face again and it's the only thing I could think of. I want to say so much but will save it until next week.