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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Now I just want somebody to put "Bad Guys" from Bugsy Malone over top of the biker rally scene.
  2. I've got the horse right here, and it says that Guys and Dolls is indeed a treat. It's been awhile since I've seen the movie but I know the show has lot of fun numbers, and some catchy mind wormy songs. You'll love it a bushel and a peck. EvR - who did Lauren Graham play? Sister Sarah?
  3. When I was in Guys and Dolls they gave all copies of a Broadway recording to listen to and practice the songs. In that recording Nathan Detroit was Nathan Lane and Benny Southstreet was JK Simmons.
  4. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Speaking of the cops and non-actors, I wonder what percentage of the people in this movie auditioned for it? I mean can we assume Jane probably did as well with any actor who doesn't fight. Did Yashito? I mean he has to do some ninja stuff but his face is covered for it so it could be YK Kim under there for all we know. The bikers were probably real bikers as they didn't have much to do but ride around and party.
  5. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Look I get that Dragon Sound uses taekwondo, and they will supplement that with wooden swords and PVC pipes when needed. I mean their whole image is wrapped up in taekwondo and breaking boards and shows and grabbing noses with toes. Clearly they would never use a gun, but what is Jeff's gang's excuse? I mean I get the first time they fight not using them. They thought they were tough and could take the guys on. Then the second time they try they get thoroughly trashed again. The third time they grab some spiked poles? Did that think that would give them the edge up they'd been lacking in the first two fights? Two members of Dragon Sound took out nearly the whole gang the in second fight and now you've kidnapped one of their members and you think it'll be somehow easier? I think Jeff got what was coming to him for being a bad leader.
  6. Curse you CakeBug!!!! This was on my shortlist of picks for my week! Excellent choice. Should be fun for all. Fun fact, I had my nose broken while starring in a production of Guys and Dolls.
  7. Well, we both have the Canada connection. I've not yet settle on my pick yet but this does seem interesting. The last film of Suzuki Seijun who made Branded to Kill and Tokyo Drifter which are brilliant but very surreal gangster films which I recommend.
  8. Is it wrong that I would watch that?
  9. As much as I like to give him a hard time for his last pick, CakeBug has an incredible knowledge of theater and musicals so I'm sure whatever I wake up to will be a pleasant surprise.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Forgive me if this was mentioned in the episode. I can't tell if I've just been thinking about it or if it was mentioned. Dragon Sound loves their car. I mean who wouldn't. We all know in Orlando in the 80s the height of cool was owning a convertible with leather interior. I mean that's a total chick magnet. What I don't get though is if you own a convertible with leather interior, why you wouldn't be more mindful of the weather? In several scenes throughout the movie the ground is soaked. Clearly it'd been raining yet they always just hop into the car without a car for the soggy interior or damage that would have been done to the leather. Then later in the movie when Only Oats is kidnapped it is clearly raining and the car is abandoned top down in the rain. If you want to maintain your chick magnet car leaving the top down all the time in a particular rainy period in Orlando is just foolish. Also with all their time at the beach the saltwater can't be good for the car or the leather interior either.
  11. Us normal people so often write all our hand written letters double spaced. Learning from those skills we developed in high school about padding out papers. But Robin Williams was so wacky he wrote his letter... single spaced!! Can you believe it?
  12. It's even crazier when you think about it. You have this woman who was so wasted one night she married a random stranger and quickly annulled the marriage. Then years later she's getting ready to go to prison and she gets a lengthy multiple paged single space letter. Warning sign one. She decides to meet with this guy, after all they are his kids. He shows up in brownface level of tanning. Warning sign two. He seems rather desperate during the meal and when he sees the kids he has a panic attack. Even more warning signs, yet she's decides to give this guy a chance? Would the kids have ever met him if she wasn't going to prison?
  13. I just relistened to the episode. I did not notice Rita Wilson's crossed eyes.
  14. But did they ever finish that deck?!?!
  15. That movie was.... something. Thank you all for keeping it fun and entertaining and once again a big thanks to our host for the night tom!
  16. I have lemon tea and some fried chicken flavoured potato chips. I'm all good.
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Pro tip: If you are a drug dealing ninja and you are dealing drugs in a club with a martial arts proficient band that sing about stopping the ninjas, maybe don't employ henchmen with shirts that reads "ninja" with a picture of a ninja on them.
  18. Speaking of other rumors with the stars of this movie, a brief question about Burt Reynolds and his toupee. Now it was widely believe that he'd been wearing a toupee for years, but it was just rumors. Then recently during his bankruptcy hearings it was revealed he was in debt to some very expensive toupee makers which I guess confirms it. So I ask this, tap into your inner Matt Gourley and is Burt Reynolds wearing a toupee in this? Bonus question for us James Bond fans, from which movie do you think Sean Connery was wearing one?
  19. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    Same thing for Dragon Sound too. When Michael Phelps and Mark go to rumble with the gang their outfits are questionable too. They put fingerless gloves on to protect their hands... maybe? They also wear jeans and tuck in their shirts. None of that can be good for fighting.
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    I've seen this movie a half dozen times or so and the thing that always gets me in the closing scene. Dragon Sound seem like a bunch of tight nit close friends, but I ask you where is Only Oats in that final scene at the hospital? Captain Israel is there. Jim's brother father is there and Mark and Michael Phelps are there naturally because they took him there. Only Oats is the only member of the band, depending on Jane's status, to not be there. If one of your best friends and fellow band mate was rushed to the hospital wouldn't you want to be there? Especially if you sing songs about friendship.
  21. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    I think that came later when he got into the drug trade and tried to sell himself as a real ninja. I mean would you trust a ninja with a Floridian accent?
  22. Cam Bert

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    So much to say about this movie. Great episode by the way. Dueling monologues was great. There is a lot to unpack but the first thing I want to say is that the bad guy "Yashito" is not Japanese. Based on the actor's name I believe he's Korean, but it's not even that. It's his name. Yashito isn't a Japanese name. It's close to Yoshida or Yamato but it's not a last name for sure. Now there is some off chance that his parent's were very creative and made a unique name for him, but as far as I know Yashito is not a name at all. Which brings me to my theory. Yashito was orphaned from a young age. He was left as a baby in a basket at some fire station. Jeff and Jane's parent's heard about this and decided to adopt him. They asked of what ethnicity he was. None of the firemen knowing for sure and one just said "Japanese?" and the parent's ran with it. Being not familiar with Japanese names they randomly thought of a named that sounded Japanese and went with, Yashito. He grew up with Jeff and Jane but at a certain point in his life, let's say high school, he got really into his background. Embracing the fact that he is "Japanese" he goes about trying to embrace his heritage by becoming very American stereotypical Japanese. That's why he build a house that seems vaguely Japanese but not at all. That's why he trains to be a ninja, even though they don't really do ninjitsu but got the whole sneaking around part down. That's why he dresses in kimonos causally when not biking. Basically he became insufferable in his faux Japanese-ness and that's what caused a riff between him and Jane.
  23. This is actually not the first time I have heard this. I think I heard it in connection to the long running conspiracy theory about Gail and Oprah. Like you said it could be just thrown out because they are successful people in their industry but I think it's another weird thing the public has with what they see. There is an expectation for people to be married and out and seen together. If they're married and not together, they must be having problems or secretly closeted or something. It could always just be that their partner doesn't like living in the public eye. Either case it shouldn't and doesn't really effect who they are and what they've accomplished.
  24. Isn't he from the south or something like that?